Blog Roll Call

Please give your suggestions for additions to the Blog Roll. 

Does anyone have any objections to the sites I have already listed?  (I have to include all the places buhdy cross-posts… not sure what they all are, but MLW is one of them)

Should we create more subsections, e.g. Politics, News, Take Action, Congress, Humor, etc.  (or put some of these in their own blox)?

Also, if you are a contributing editor here and I haven’t listed your alternate blog(s), I apologize. Please let me know the name and URL and I will add it.


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  1. there’s mine – I’ll be moving sometime in the next few months, but for now:



    • melvin on September 5, 2007 at 21:46

    Unsure of eligibility requirements, and I think people pay less attention the longer it gets.

    Aside fron contributors’ all are political so far. To some extent the same old round robin.

    If I could add only one, it would be EarthPortal:

    The Earth Portal is a comprehensive resource for timely, objective, science-based information about the environment. It is a means for the global scientific community to come together to produce the first free, expert-driven, massively scaleable information resource on the environment, and to engage civil society in a public dialogue on the role of environmental issues in human affairs. It contains no commercial advertising and reaches a large global audience.

    The Earth Portal has three components:

      1. The Encyclopedia of Earth, with over 2,000 articles, is produced and reviewed by 700 scholars from 46 countries.
      2. The EarthForum provides commentary from scholars and discussions with the general public.
      3. The EarthNews offers news stories on environmental issues drawn from many sources.


    All text is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.

    • melvin on September 5, 2007 at 21:54

    on the days I read nothing else:

    • pico on September 5, 2007 at 22:01

    but if I’d add anything to The Usual Suspects, they’d be Orcinus (Dave Neiwert) and Informed Comment (Juan Cole), which I read regularly. 

  2. The Oil Drum? (http://www.theoildru…)

  3. … the unapologetic mexican …


    wrote about it on my “Friday at 8” essay on 8/31.

  4. Will get back to these later tonight.

    I’m supposed to be working.  😉

  5. My changes to the style sheet are not taking.

    It’s ok if that power and ability has been taken away.

    I don’t.  need.  superpowers.

    The Batman

  6. Glenn Greenwald’s blog on Salon.  (Yes, if you don’t subscribe you have to sit through an ad.)

    I’m always finding out that I’m amazingly ignorant of who isn’t getting along with whom in the grand dinner party seating arrangement of blogrolls, so I apologize if I’m saying anything that people find offensive, but the ones I sometimes (or more) read that aren’t on the list include:

    Desert Beacon
    Jesus’ General
    Next Hurrah
    Political Wire
    Swing State
    and (guilty sometimes pleasure) Swampland

    Internecine battles being what they are, I’m not going to lobby for any of them to be included, but simply note here what I’ve found to be usually worth my time.

    • Turkana on September 7, 2007 at 07:55

    hysterical raisins- nonnie’s site.

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