Bin Laden Really Does Suck

No, this isn’t a right-wing diary.

Does anyone remember what Bin Laden’s original demand was? We don’t negotiate with terrorists, we just give them what they want.

So now we see him railing against cartoons again, and he is implying that many will pay for these cartoons.

Cartoons? I’m an Irish American, and that has ensured that I have heard every Irish joke going. I have not blown up so much as a mail box over any of them. I’m pretty sure I laughed at most of them, or maybe poked someone in the eye, at worst.

The problems he creates with these kind of threats or worse, is that it becomes maddening for reasonable, rational people to hear. It’s red meat for the war pigs, and you can feel the ground tilt as the unthinking, fearful masses start leaning to the right again.

I used to like the sound of a fiddle, but now that so many are being played like one, I am getting really sick of that sound.

The cost of a fucking audio tape. That’s asymmetrical.

If you listen close enough, you can actually hear Bin Laden laughing right now.


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  1. It’s red meat for the war pigs, and you can feel the ground tilt as the unthinking, fearful masses start leaning to the right again.

    Who is actually slopping those pigs?

  2. The best thing you can do is leave Bin Laden alone.

    Everything he has said about America has Come True in flying colors.

    Al Queda does not exist except in the minds of Americans who believe what they are being told.

    He probably had nothing to do with 911.

    1 Million Iraqi’s dead and your going to argue with Bin Laden?

  3. Bin Laden is at least STILL a valued CIA asset.  Even if that no longer holds any weight he is related to Bush’s bestest oil trading partners in Saudi Arabia.

    The one to watch is Joe Lieberman, a newly anointed Sith Lord of the evil global empire.

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