January 17, 2010 archive

History: The Failure of the Great Globalist Vision

There is no future in globalization. At least not the kind of globalization that we’ve seen emerge for the last 50 years.

One component of the great globalist vision was that the world would shrink with the advent of modern transportation technology – we could move our products from Baltimore to Beijing and back almost as easily, and often cheaper, then moving them from Baltimore to Cleveland. As we now know however, this vision is in direct opposition to the realities of climate change and a diminishing oil supply.

Another component of the great globalist vision was that the titans of banking and industry would have a global marketplace, unimpeded by the barriers of sovereignty, within which to operate freely. Global markets and all the world’s resources would be at their fingertips and the entire wealth of the world would be consolidated into an integrated global network.

As we can now see clearly, however, the centralization of this global network is its greatest threat. And while it has the power to bring down the economies of the world, there is no global authority to arrest that collapse.  

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Haiti tensions mount amid scramble for last survivors

by Deborah Pasmantier, AFP

42 mins ago

PORT-AU-PRINCE (AFP) – Rescuers pulled three survivors from the rubble Sunday five days after the Haiti earthquake, but tensions were growing among a desperate population as police opened fire on looters, killing one man.

After hours of painstaking digging through the ruins, a team from Florida unearthed a seven-year-old girl, a man aged 34 and a 50-year-old woman in the ruins of a store as dawn broke in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Later hundreds of rioters ransacked Hyppolite market in the heart of the devastated city as survivors besieged hospitals and make-shift field clinics, some carrying the injured on their backs or on carts.

Haiti: A Well-Regulated Relief Effort Being Necessary for Everyone’s Security

Earlier today, I was returning from meeting by bus.  After having boarded and taken my seat, I settled in for what I anticipated would be a relatively short ten minute ride.  Instead, the traffic on Massachusetts Avenue over by Embassy Row snarled to a complete halt.  The weather today in Washington, DC, had been dreary …

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Accommodationists to Mass Murder?

So, if you haven’t seen this, it appears that David Bahati, the main sponsor of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill, believes he is invited and will be attending the Family’s National Prayer Breakfast in February.

If you’ve been living in a cave for the last six months, Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill includes the death penalty for homosexuals.

In addition, the bill provides for sentences for non-homosexuals knowing homosexuals and not reporting them to authorities, and extradition from other countries (presumably including OURS) Ugandan nationals or others who committed the “offense” of homosexuality on Ugandan soil, and long prison sentences for homosexual “tendencies”.  If this bill were passed in Uganda the way it is, you could literally be imprisoned for looking at a person of the same sex the wrong way, and I quote:

4, Attempt to commit homosexuality.

(1) A person who attempts to commit the offence of homosexuality commits a felony and is liable on conviction to imprisonment seven years.

(2) A person who attempts to commit the offence of aggravated homosexuality commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for life.

So, apparently, certain questions have been raised about this visit

Did the sponsors of the National Prayer Breakfast actually extend the invitation for David Bahati to visit?

If so, what will be the position of the Obama Administration on this?  Will he be permitted to come?

Bloggers Behaving Badly: Jason Rosenbaum pulls a Hillary Clinton.

FireDogLake’s resident Obamabot-with-power, Jason Rosenbaum, reacted to a user diary the author of which stated that she will no longer vote for Democrats unless they earn her vote by posting a dishonest, condescending, bullying entry in which he exhorted disaffected progressives not to “be Naderites.”  Surprisingly, the diatribe earned well over 750 comments, most of which come from people smart enough to know what they were reading and who are having none of it.

This further illustrates what I wrote about in my previous entry exposing the utter hypocrisy of self-appointed, phony progressive “leaders” in the blogosphere.  It is important for us on the left to identify our enemies, not only on the right, but on what passes for the left as well.  Bloggers like Rosenbaum are a large part of the reason progressive voters either stay home or vote third party.  They are overgrown children who treat adults like children, engage in extremely hostile behavior toward those whose support they claim is so vital, then turn around and whine, just as Hillary Clinton did in 2008, about how we’re too “stupid” to realize how much we need them.

Progressives really deserve better leaders in the blogosphere.  The question is, who’s going to step up to the plate?

Open Poll


O’Reilly-izing the Face of Haiti: Racism & Photographs from the Disaster


Frederic Podoux/Getty Images

We are on the brink…so we are told and so we will see as the photographs roll in from Haiti, images of death, destruction, survival, conflict, and despair.  

We are ready, as they will paint a whole people as thugs and thieves and we will consume these images with a shake of the head. These descriptions will come from all sources, whether believed to be “left” or “right,” “objective” or Fox.

But we remember Katrina. We remember the power of the photograph and the greater power of seeing behind the image. Experiencing the visual content in light of the context.


Raytheon, a huge defense contractor right here in Massachusetts is hiring to beat the band.  There are even postings for a retiree rehire specialist.

Gee, I thought he won a “peace” prize.  When that happened I was elated. No, rapturous heavenly joy washed over me in the assured joy this would finally wake people up.  But no.  This time the prize is not destroying health care via a Scott Brown win.  I even saw a real billboard on mainstream TV even.  Obama as the Joker character being used against Obamacare.  What else is up for the new year?

Haiti: “UN confronts ‘worst ever disaster'”

Latest video news about Haiti from English Al-Jazeera

(3 very short videos posted at YouTube today January 17, 2010)

The United Nations says Haiti’s earthquake is the worst disaster it has ever had to deal with.

Aid is now pouring in, with a steady flow of relief getting through the nation’s only airport.

The World Food Programme says it expects to feed a million people. But survivors say help is not happening fast enough as dead bodies lie scattered on the capital’s streets.

Tarek Bazley reports.

Iraq War Inqury Resumed: War Charges!!

And more continuing reporting on the British Iraq War Inquiry in the lead up to Tony Blairs testimony, as well as many others.

Blair ‘should face war charges’

16 Jan 2010 Almost a quarter of voters (23%) believe Tony Blair deliberately misled MPs over the Iraq war and should face war crimes charges, an opinion poll has found.


The YouGov survey for the Sunday Times found less than a third (32%) accepted that Mr Blair “genuinely believed in the threat” which he used to publicly justify sending UK troops, while 52% thought he had “deliberately misled” the country.

And by a similar margin (49% to 31%), they also said they believed his former communications director Alastair Campbell was not truthful when he gave evidence to Sir John Chilcot’s inquiry this week….>>>>>

Docudharma Times Sunday January 17

Sunday’s Headlines:

From Haiti’s ruins, a chance to rebuild a nation

Flight 1549: A toast to the kindness of strangers

In Massachusetts, voters’ discontent threatens Democrats

US waves white flag in disastrous ‘war on drugs’

Why is China so terrified of dissent?

Sri Lankan election: the warrior with the president in his sites

Iranian dissident Masoud Ali Mohammadi ‘killed by Arab hitman’

Bloody letter shows Van Gogh’s turmoil

Lazy, arrogant cowards: how English saw French in 12th century

Thousands face agony or death after Zulu king’s circumcision decree

Songs of praise: How Rwanda got its groove back

Chile race reflects Latin America’s growing preference for free-market centrists

Soldier in Afghanistan Arrested for Child Porn

Specialist Billy Miller was arrested for possessing child pornography while deployed to Afhanistan, is in the brig, and awaits his trial, which could lead to him spending up to 10 years in prison.

At this point, many that are reading this are probably already ready to string him up.

But, wait.  This story has a twist…

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