Austerity for Whom????

(10PM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

I was talking to a Venezuelan citizen yesterday on Twitter. My regular mailing from the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the U.S.had a link to Hugo Chavez new Twitter account. Apparently, he actually answers a lot of people, and all tweets are by him personally. I perused it, and it was in Spanish, so I made a request for an English version.

Negrita Bella and I discussed what needs to happen here from her point of view, for us to have any success in the People’s Movement. We agreed (and I have LONG OPINED) that it has to start one way: Unionizing the Workers.

Then I was perusing the Right wing’s sites for their reaction to the recent EU bailout, and got an eyeful.


You see, they think its the People who DESERVE austerity for daring to ask for humane and equitable conditions from the Elites above.


 You see, the Right thinks its the fault of those damned socialist workers who expeced too much, not the Elites that were gambling with their futures in OUR very manipulated casino. How do these people see it like the only system that is workable is exploitation capitalism? Why do they assume that workers who expect some kind of parity DESERVE a comeuppance, yet the Uber-rich class deserve continuing unrestricted profits? However did they get so brainwashed against themselves?

High Taxes, leveraged to the hilt social programs and a pampered, retire early, safty net writ large nanny state……falling under its own weight.  Talk about Moral Hazard.  Oh but the government cooked the books and played fast and loose with Credit Default Swaps etc. Yep but that’s not the genesis of the problem.

Like Communism, this kind of society is doomed to you’re seeing.  

Why were they rioting?  Government had to cut their benefits and pay.  The 1/3 of Greeks who work for some part of local or national government.  Massive strikes, riots.

Bush’s TARP sent money to the top (who never missed a 5 course, white gloved meal served on their yacht) at the expense of the people at the bottom, who were losing their homes and are still moving into homeless camps, and they called it “a good plan.” Now, any bailout for those “socialist countries” who do evils like have Free Health care, and they demonize it because some of it may trickle down to the actual PEOPLE!

Maybe, the average neo-con is just brainwashed to be self-loathing enough, or deluded enough to think they are one break away from joining that upper echelon, but the ideas they are fed? PURE EVIL.

It accepts the supposition that the wealthy are entitled by some inherent superiority to keep all the excesses they have accrued, no matter how they accrued them, at the many’s expense.

It accepts the supposition that the masses are to be denied the things the wealthy take for granted, because of some inherent inferiority and that only they must make sacrifices so the wealthy-oriented system will still function with them as the cash crop.

That is what we are, you know. A cash crop.

The riots are coming here. It is inevitable. Hungry, homeless people with nothing left to lose, get enraged in the face of billion-dollar a year bonuses for those who created the hell in which the masses live. They revolt.

I offer NO APOLOGY whatsoever for my stance:

A system based on feudalism, elites and wage-slaves as its basis is EVIL. It is caste system. It is slavery. It is economic apartheid.

I am pragmatic. I am a realist. There is no way on hell that a 3rd party could convince enough people under the current conditions to make an iota of a difference in ANY general election. Not with the Owned Media in place.

The government, and its mouthpiece media is OWNED by the Corporate Elites. It is fascism; fascism protected by the best surveillance, disinformation campaign and cruelest technology available in history. Who needs to light fires and burn a Sherman’s march to the sea, ruining valuable property when a good plague or neutron bomb will do? Surely THAT will keep the sheep in their pens, should it come to it. (& who knows, this last swine flu scare may have just been to create a flase sense of security for when they loose the real plague; and ensure only the government-loyal will take the shot)

They have a whole contingent of brainwashed brownshirts to help them keep us (and the ignorant brownshorts themselves) down and in our place.

Elections are no longer the answer. The ONLY answer I can see is widespread strikes – we have to realize we are their very CURRENCY; nay we have to remind THEM we are their very currency!

That is only a beginning. It will only give us concessions.

What really needs to happen, is to wake the people to their power, and take it the FUCK back.

Those damned socialist only failed because we lured them into our capitalist trap and set it on them. Now our Elites see it as a way to destroy their Socialism and profit from a series of Shock Doctrine jams to their system. “Privatize, let us do it for you, Trust us…”

What we need to do is look to our South, and to create coalitions with those who refuse to join the ranks of the Capitalist Pigs bent on greed and destruction.

It is time for a Worker’s Party – a Union of all Workers.

That will only happen when the Austerity begins here…. for the Elites will never suffer themselves any Austerity whatsoever.

Not until we pry it from their cold dead hands.

Viva la resistance!



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    • Diane G on May 11, 2010 at 15:45

    sucks. Having time to write? Priceless.

    Gotta take the kidlet for his last (I hope) series of x-rays at 11:30.

    I am starting to think I am sick because its been raining incessantly, and there is black mold forming in my rafters. I have a bucket in the kitchen under the skylight, and Jake’s ceiling has a huge dark spot forming. It feels like allergies, all burny to my eyes and stingy in my sinuses.

    But you know, I could live large if I was just a better person, like the Elites who know Capitalism is good for us, if only I was a loyal little drone. I may have had a raise in the past 15 years, or kept my outsourced corporate job, or put more in 401ks. RIGHT????

    How is that idea not EVIL, when in the last 15 years, the disparity between their income and ours has increased 300 fold?

    MIL is still hanging on, barely.

    And we are going to have to use her credit card to bury her & take on a new debt we cannot pay…..

  1. a dead cat bounce before speculators resumed shorting the fuck out of it, figuring they could drive it a down even further with more bailouts to come.  It’s pure hostage-taking terrorism, and the political class is fine with that.

  2. did you know that Obama Administration’s deficit commission is meeting behind closed doors possibly with Pete Peterson Foundation to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

    Austerity means sticking to poor and working class.  

  3. but who is benefiting from it.  As we know, it has been the top income housholds and financial oligarchy who have benefited from this deficit.  

    Remember when Dick Cheney said ‘deficits don’t matter’ well he knew that the deficits were helping his friends.  Funny how the deficit is only an issue when Dems are in power.  But Dems are too stupid or weak to realize that deficits must change to benefit those who need help the most.  But no, they shake and shiver when repuglicans say ‘tax and spend’.  Clinton shaked and shivered and balanced the budget. And do you know what happened – we ended up in a mild recession and huge amount of leverage in private sector.

    Did you know every attempt in U.S. history to balance the budget preceded a recession/depression?  Did you know that deficits are the norm not the exception?  Did you know that government sector deficits = non-government sector savings?

    This doesn’t mean that government spend willy nilly – this means that spending should serve a public purpose and preserve a productive economy & workforce.


    These fucks are coming and it would be in our best interest to start striking and making a serious shit storm as soon as possible. Pete Peterson can go fuck himself…

    • Diane G on May 12, 2010 at 02:43

    for commenting; I don’t mean to be rude, but my husband’s Mom just passed away, so I will be unable to respond to comments for a while….

    Peace & love.


  5. Thank you!

    Condolences, dear one, to you and your husband and family!

  6. is a very good place to start.  The idea’s been knocking around for quite some time, a bit over a century actually.  It’s just that the objective conditions for forming such an entity are only now finally coming into place.  At the same time it is more necessary than ever before for working people to organize globally.  It’s the only possible countervailing force to globally organized and politically and economically operational capital.  Workers of the World, Unite used to be a radical slogan.  Now it is necessity, common sense.  If we don’t workers everywhere are totally screwed.  We’ll all fall in somewhere between the Greeks and the immigrants in Arizona, sharing one of their fates or something in the continuum between them.

  7. the strategy and tactics you propose have a rich but widely forgotten (suppressed) tradition, feared and hated by capitalist and statist socialist parties alike.  Here’s a section or three by Rudolf Rocker, one of the great theorists of Anarcho-Syndicalism, see if these thoughts aren’t in harmony with yours:

    But the point of attack in the political struggle lies, not in the legislative bodies, but in the people. Political rights do not originate in parliaments; they are, rather, forced on parliaments from without. And even their enactment into law has for a long time been no guarantee of their security. Just as the employers always try to nullify every concession they had made to labour as soon as opportunity offered, as soon as any signs of weakness were observable in the workers’ organisations, so governments also are always inclined to restrict or to abrogate completely rights and freedoms that have been achieved if they imagine that the people will put up no resistance. Even in these countries where such things as freedom of the press, right of assembly, right of combination and the like have long existed, governments are constantly trying to restrict these rights or to reinterpret them by juridical hair-splitting. Political rights do not exist because they have been legally set down on a piece of paper, but only when they have become the ingrown habit of a people

    But the Anarcho-Syndicalists would be the every last to mistake the importance of these rights to the workers. If they, nevertheless, reject any participation in the work of bourgeois parliaments, it is not because they have no sympathy with political struggles in general, but because they are firmly convinced that parliamentary activity is for the workers the very weakest and the most hopeless form of the political struggle.

    Above all it is necessary to cure the labour movement of its inner ossification and rid it of the empty sloganeering of the political parties, so that it may forge ahead intellectually and develop within itself the creative conditions which must precede the realisation of Socialism. The practical attainability of this goal must become for the workers an inner certainty and must ripen into an ethical necessity. The great final goal of Socialism must emerge from all the practical daily struggles, and must give them a social character. In the pettiest struggle, born of the needs of the moment, there must be mirrored the great goal of social liberation, and each such struggle must help to smooth the way and strengthen the spirit which transforms the inner longing of its bearers into will and deed.

  8. 141 or more

    deep underground military bases

    Technology 100 years in advance of what we know of

    Multi-thousand year earth change cycles ancient civilizations knew about

    The electronic media’s sheeple passification program

    This fall or winter’s return of the bio-plagues

    Just another one to check on.

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