Thank Goodness For Republicans (Sort Of)

It’s no secret I think that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is the worst “trade” deal ever representing a complete corporate take over of the United States government and the end of democracy as we know it (oh, it’s also bad economically and excuses actual factual 18th and 19th Century style slavery).

All 4 Presidential Campaigns (Green, Libertarian, Republican, and Democratic) have rejected it (Deez Nuts is silent on the issue). Of the two major parties, one candidate has been completely opposed from the start (though given that it’s Trump he’s probably lying) and one (after a too close for comfort Primary) has changed her mind and currently says “I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election and I’ll oppose it as president.” Clinton is reluctant to directly call on Obama to withdraw the pact or to lobby Congressional Democrats against it because it would be “disrespectful” to the President (let me show you some disrespect- Barack Obama is a murderer and a War Criminal).

Fortunately the decision has been taken out of their hands by none other than Human/Turtle Hybrid Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader.

McConnell: Senate won’t take up TPP this year
By Jordain Carney, The Hill
August 25, 2016, 02:36 pm

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) appeared to close the door Thursday on the Senate taking up the Obama administration’s signature Asia-Pacific trade deal during what’s left of the president’s term.

“The current agreement, the Trans-Pacific [Partnership], which has some serious flaws, will not be acted upon this year,” McConnell said at the Kentucky State Farm Bureau (Big Tobacco) breakfast Thursday.

Is he doing it for all the wrong reasons? Of course. This deal is not obsequious and deferential enough to the whims and desires of Mega-Corporations, particularly Big Tobacco, Big Media, and Big Pharma, not all of whom are even U.S. based (they don’t want to pay taxes, they just want us to be their Thugs).

Also too, legacy for Barack Obama? Hahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhah!

And it’s not unmitigated good news-

McConnell said that while the trade agreement won’t get approved in its current form, it could pass next year with some changes.

“It will still be around. It can be massaged, changed, worked on during the next administration,” he said.

But this flat rejection is likely to be quite effective. With certain restrictions the Majority Leader has absolute control of which matters are considered by the Senate. Yes there are loopholes, but none that can be implemented procedurally in the limited amount of time between November 9th and January 3rd (and if you think they’re going to work through Thanksgiving or Christmas, think again).

Is this odd? Well, a little.

McConnell helped spearhead the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) through the Senate last year. The law allows any future trade deal to be fast-tracked through Congress without changes. The Kentucky Republican joked Thursday that passing the TPA was a “rather unusual experience.”

“I was aligned with Barack Obama against [Sen.] Harry Reid [D-Nev.] and [House Minority Leader] Nancy Pelosi [D-Calif.],” he said. “Almost an out-of-body experience, now that I think about it.”

House Speaker Paul Ryan (who’s procedural control is even tighter) says that the votes for passage are not there, but it’s unlikely to come to that now.

The danger ahead is that insubstantial cosmetic changes will be made and the pact resubmitted in the next Congress.

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to turn out on November 8th and vote for candidates opposed to this treasonous fiasco root and branch.


    • BobbyK on August 26, 2016 at 16:30

    Deez Nuts is in the pocket of big pistachio.

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