Category: Politics

When is a withdrawal not a withdrawal?

When the Democratic Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, declares:

A Responsible, Phased Withdrawal

Barack Obama believes we must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in. Immediately upon taking office, Obama will give his Secretary of Defense and military commanders a new mission in Iraq: ending the war. The removal of our troops will be responsible and phased, directed by military commanders on the ground and done in consultation with the Iraqi government. Military experts believe we can safely redeploy combat brigades from Iraq at a pace of 1 to 2 brigades a month that would remove them in 16 months. That would be the summer of 2010, more than 7 years after the war began.

Oh, you don’t see a problem here?  

Well… onward, through the fog…

You deserve to know!

Before entering the ballot box, you deserve to know. You have the right to know. Actually, you have the responsibility to know candidates’ positions on the critical issues before us and before the US. And, a new tool has emerged for doing so on critical energy and environmental issues.

Candid Answers provides a path for voters (for citizens) to query quickly candidates on five critical issues: Global Warming; Renewable Energy; Nuclear Power; Public Transportation; and Automobile Fuel Efficiency.  And, these queries, if they are made, will lead to a public record for candidates across the nation.

Complexity and Incompetence

One of the biggest impacts of the attacks on 9/11 was their incontrovertible demonstration to those living in the past that Island America is no more. Those living in the past were mostly Conservatives of course, since that is where they prefer to hang out rather than living in the world as it is. The world as it is, as anyone actually willing to face reality knows, a huge and complex place.  And it gets even more complex if you are trying to rule the world, as the Neo-cons were trying to do.

The Neo-cons and Conservatives didn’t look at the post-Soviet world and see new opportunities for peace and prosperity, they looked around this big old planet and rubbed their greedy little mitts in glee at the thought of America unopposed in their dream of world domination…and the profits they could reap from that. It never occurred to them how difficult it actually would be to rule a whole planet, or even just to impose their designs upon it.  It never occurred to them of course, that they were too stupid and incompetent to actually make it work. They thought they were now above all laws, including apparently the law of unintended consequences….not to mention Murphy’s law. Turns out that Ruling The World is….. Hard Work. Work that they were neither smart enough (if anyone one is!) or competent enough for.  To shape the planet and its seven billion people into your vision of what it should be is impossible. To try to do it by JUST brute force is the type of ridiculous delusion that and denial of reality that Conservatives are so good at, in fact self-delusion is one of the very few things they are good at.

Until the rubber actually hits the road and all of their plans blow up in their face.

Permanent Republican majority.

A nation ruled by fundamentalist Christian morality and law.

Greeted as liberators as we impose ourselves and values on the people of the world.

World energy hegemony achieved by force allowing the ‘American Lifestyle’ to continue in the face of peak oil and global warming.

A Christian Crusade to wipe out or at least dominate 1.6 billion Muslims.

Etc. etc. etc.


There was only one hitch in their plans….they were too stupid to pull it off when the had everything they needed to do it, including a ‘new Pearl Harbor.’

Stupidification and Unity

The problem with lefties/dems is not that they don’t believe in anything , as the repubs like to say, the problem is we believe in too many things. As a very blanket statement, we believe in everything that we think will make the world a more just, egalitarian and peaceful place. Ok, pretty unified so far. We believe that government and citizens should work together to make the world a better place. Still with me? We believe that…..ok, I have run out of things we all believe.

It is when we get past the first layer of agreement that the problems start to manifest. It is when we start to try to decide precisely how to make the world better that things start to break down. It is when we go to set priorities that we get in trouble. It is when we have to address exactly what to do, when we have to find and agree on specific ways and means of coming together,  that we fall apart.

One possible explanation is that we are just too smart, unlike the R’s, who Krugman maintains have become the party of stupidity.

What I mean, instead, is that know-nothingism – the insistence that there are simple, brute-force, instant-gratification answers to every problem, and that there’s something effeminate and weak about anyone who suggests otherwise – has become the core of Republican policy and political strategy. The party’s de facto slogan has become: “Real men don’t think things through.”


Sheehan Dharmathon! Run Cindy, Run!

Purity Trolls Unite! Send Money to Cindy! Send a message to Nancy! Resist! Rah Cindy! Rah democracy! Boo Pelosi and her boy George!


“All yours George, I won’t stop ya!”

However, in the interest of personal and blogging responsibility I am compelled to say….as a pretty much lifelong resident of the SF Bay Area, I can tell you that between habitual voters, “moderate liberals,” and a decades old powerful political machine backing the perfidious Pelosi…..Cindy has about as much chance of beating Pelosi as a puppy has of not being eaten if it strays to close to the ungodly maw of Dick “Cthulu” Cheney. So if you think you are sending money to elect Cindy Sheehan to Congress, I must reluctantly tell you to save your hard earned money. IF, however, you want to send money to Cindy to put pressure on Pelosi, fight for justice and the Rule of Law and against the cowardly and complicit Powers That Be and make your voice heard….then go forth and give what you can!

As any one familiar with the local politics will tell you, supporting Sheehan against Pelosi is in no way a Nader situation, no Republicans will be assisted, nor Democrats hurt by, Sheehans run. Anyone who calls this purity trolling has their head firmly up their ass. This is pure democracy and pure protest, only good can come of it. The only thing threatened is the reality bubble of the DC power structure, and that IS what we are fighting, right?

Back in the day I actually voted for Pelosi. (Ducks rotten tomatoes.)  Before she became our alleged Speaker of the House (Steny apparently is the real power, and Nancy more of a toady/figurehead…. or …has just COMPLETELY abandoned nearly everything she used to stand for) Pelosi was a decent enough Progressive. Since then she has become so enmeshed in the Great Power Game of DC that she has forgotten what she USED to fight for, she has obviously has put politics above principle, and lost all sight of what a representative of The People is hired to do. She made a choice to put politics above absolutely everything….EVERYTHING. To her and he cohorts the end is all that is important, and that end is, behind all of the posturing, personal power for her and her minions. Which brings us to the essential question that all the powermongers in our political system seem to have forgotten….what good is political power if you don’t use it to do what is RIGHT?  Shame Nancy, shame on you.

Evidence, real, solid evidence, of Bushcos crime can only be discovered, developed, and pressed though one means, the investigation that goes with impeachment. Enforcement of Congress’s power to check the executive branch  has only one process when the executive openly defies Congress’s authority as they are currently effortlessly doing, to the great and grand amusement of Republicans everywhere, There is only one remedy for a rogue presidential  administration. The very remedy that Pelosi far exceeded her Constitutional authority when she preemptively  took it off the table.  

It’s Time

If there’s one thing that should have been learned by the Democratic Party over the last thirty or so years, it’s that running against the base is a recipe for failure in elections.  This lesson, however, has been repeatedly ignored by most of the party’s politicians.  When one goes over the electoral cycles since 1980, it’s clear that the DLC’s “run-to-the-right” ploy has never actually won an election.

“But,” you tell me, “Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996.”  This ignores the fact that independent candidate H. Ross Perot pulled enough votes away from the Republican nominees those years to swing the elections in the Democrat’s favor.

After Democrats lost control of Congress in 1994, the party was unable to win it back until public disgust with the GOP had grown to such proportions that their defeat in 2006 was inevitable.  Since winning back the Legislature, however, Democrats have for the most part continued to piss away any chance they might have had for shoring up their victory and securing a lasting majority.  They’ve kept funding the illegal occupation of Iraq, have continued to rubber stamp the shrub’s dismantling of the Constitution–even going so far as to protect him from impeachment for high crimes including treason, and basically let down the public on every issue of importance.

Barack Obama isn’t even trying to win vital states such as Ohio; in the heart of the state’s Democratic stronghold, the campaign hasn’t even bothered to set up telephones for phone-banking–volunteers have to use their own devices to call voters.  Furthermore, instead of going after frequently voting Democrats, Obama has his people reaching out to Republicans, most of whom have stated flat out that they have no intention of voting for him.  I know this through several Democratic volunteers who’ve put their efforts into Obama’s campaign.  They are the eyewitnesses on the ground.

There’s a reason Ohio’s GOP voters did not deign to put J. Kenneth Blackwell in the governor’s mansion: he’s technically black.  It didn’t matter to them that he supported every bug-eyed insane policy and social position they did; his skin color was darker than theirs, so he could not be allowed to become governor.  That Obama insists on trying to reach the still-strong bigot bloc, forsaking his own party’s base in the process, is absolute stupidity.  He’s going to blow it for us again, just as John Kerry and Al Gore did before him.  McCain will cheat his way to the dictatorship created by the shrub and his gargoyle, all because Obama wants to “play it safe” by running to appease the very wealthy.

How long shall Progressives continue to hold on to the fantasy that we can somehow reform the party from within?  Yesterday I happened upon a diary at you-know-where that states flat out what I’m sure a majority of Americans are thinking: that it is foolishness to continue remaining a registered Democrat as long as the party’s conservative wing controls it.  And make no mistake, Obama is very much part of that conservative wing despite whatever denials his followers choose to engage in.

Sooner or later the Progressive base of the Democratic Party has got to wake up and realize that it is pointless to remain with people who always denounce, marginalize, and campaign against its interests.  One might say that now is not the time to dump the Democratic Party, that there is too much at stake.  To that I say that it’s never going to be the “right time,” because there’s always going to be “too much at stake.”  Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said:

The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. The millions who are in want will not stand by silently forever while the things to satisfy their needs are within easy reach. We need enthusiasm, imagination and the ability to face facts, even unpleasant ones, bravely. We need to correct, by drastic means if necessary, the faults in our economic system from which we now suffer.


This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory.

I agree with the Kos diarist: it’s time for the Progressive base of the Democratic Party to face the unpleasant truth that we cannot and should not continue to waste our energies trying to reform from within a political party that long ago decided it wants to be something that runs contrary to everything we stand for.  The stakes are indeed high, but we have to ask ourselves if it’s worth another four to eight years of frustration as we watch our beloved country and our world fall further in the hellish pits of fascism and ruin.  If Democrats as a whole will not represent Progressives, then we need to break away and form our own party so that our movement has genuine representation.  If nothing else, it will send Democrats a wakeup call: they cannot continue to dismiss and ignore their party’s base with impunity.

Guerrilla Gardening

There was once an alarmist diary at dKos about the coming hard times, and how people in the country can grow their own food, but city-dwellers and those people who will be rendered homeless by the mortgage implosion during the Great Depression Redux will have no such recourse.

And it made me remember a few things.…

That link goes to a pic of one of the most famous headlines in 20th Century U.S. journalism:


and it ushered in what we were subsequently to understand was the GOP’s compassionate conservatism toward all beings, human and otherwise.

Do The People Want Their Government Back?

I have said it many times, there is only one force that can truly change America…for the better. (Bushco has poreved how easy it is to change it for the worse.)

The People.

Despite the “coup” in 2000, despite the latest empowerment of the aristocracy and ruling class, or as Bush calls them, “his base,” despite decades of voter suppression in its most insidious form, convincing The People that they ARE powerless, despite rigged gerrymandering that makes incumbents nearly impossible to unseat, and most of all despite the politics of fear that now holds America in its seemingly insurmountable thrall…..this IS still a representative democracy. It HAS been proven that citizen activism works, and all the structures for a peaceful yet powerful Citizens Revolution are still in place.

Our government is just sitting there, waiting for us to take it back. The potential and promise of a real America and all it was supposed to stand for is still extant under the layers and layers of bullshit that have been heaped atop it. The heart of freedom still beats….barely. But it won’t be resuscitated by some singular savior, and the savior du jour has been sure to point that out over and over again. Only The People can save it. The question is not whether they can, the question is whether they want to, the question is whether they can be convinced that they can. The question is….do The People still believe in America enough to do the hard work required and show the patience and perseverance required to take it back.

Or has “it” worked? Are The People now too indoctrinated, tired, busy, self-absorbed and just plain beaten down to even try?


Obama blinked.

According to Yahoo News, Barack Obama backed away from an earlier challenge from McCain to debate.

WASHINGTON – Democratic candidate Barack Obama on Saturday backed away from rival John McCain’s challenge for a series of joint appearances, agreeing only to the standard three debates in the fall.

In May, when a McCain adviser proposed a series of pre-convention appearances at town hall meetings, Obama said, “I think that’s a great idea.” In summer stumping on the campaign trail, McCain has often noted that Obama had not followed through and joined him in any events.

Obama’s reversal on town hall debates is part of a play-it-safe strategy he’s adopted since claiming the nomination and grabbing a lead in national polls. Advisers to the Illinois senator, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss strategy, say Obama is reluctant to take chances or give McCain a high-profile stage now that Obama’s the front-runner.

This is just plain unacceptable.  Obama’s crafty enough to know that whether you’re playing chess or political games, sometimes you have to risk losing in order to win.  Other times you simply need to make a move.  It’s another lost opportunity, for it represented a chance for a gifted orator to show up an opponent who can’t even display publicly an understanding of his own policy proposals.

No wonder the Democrat can’t close the gap.  This was the latest round in a political game of chicken, and Obama swerved when he should have remained steady.  If he’s going to remain this timid, the media is going to help McCain walk all over him by November.

There’s got to be something we can do about this.

Supporting occupation – Gordon Brown in Israel

Whoever scheduled Gordon Brown’s recent visit to Israel is surely out of a job. Brown’s dreary, etiolated performance – appropriate for a political corpse – was rendered even flatter by its proximity to Barack Obama’s headline-hogging whirlwind tour of Europe and the Middle East. Despite the differences in style, however, both politicians took to the podium in Israel with a similar message: one of support for the latter’s rejectionist expansionism.

Senator “Tubes” Isn’t Going Down Without a Fight

Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) pleaded not guilty at his arraignment on Thursday to 7 counts of lying on Senate disclosure forms, beginning the process of clearing his good name.  Stevens maintains that he didn’t knowingly file any false forms.  He did not, however, offer any defense for being an idiot (see “series of tubes”), nor for being a corrupt asshole.

But Stevens’ attorney, Brendan Sullivan, made it clear at the arraignment that their legal team was ready to fight the charges:

Stevens’ legal team asked the judge to move the trial to Alaska, where the senator has been a political patron since before statehood. Attorney Sullivan also asked that the trial date be speeded up to give Stevens his day in court before the Nov. 4 election.

“He’d like to clear his name before the election,” Sullivan told the judge. He added: “This is not a complex case. It should be one that moves quickly.”

Since Stevens is a Republican, his strategy most likely will also include proving that he is not gay, although Sullivan didn’t address that specifically at the hearing.  

Holy Shit!….ooops I mean, BREAKING! US judge: White House aides can be subpoenaed

US judge: White House aides can be subpoenaed

26 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) – A federal judge has sided with Congress in its fight with the Bush administration over whether top White House aides can be subpoenaed by Congress.

The House Judiciary Committee wants to question the president’s chief of staff, Josh Bolten, and former legal counsel Harriet Miers, about the firing of nine U.S. attorneys.

But President Bush says they are immune from such subpoenas. They say Congress can’t force them to testify.

U.S. District Judge John Bates said there’s no legal support for that stance. He refused to throw out the case and said the aides can be subpoenaed.

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