Category: Politics

Sewing Loyalty Oaths To Your Cold Dead Hands

Ever once in a while I imagine a scenario in which I go into work and we’re suddenly forced into mandatory prayer meetings or bible readings before convening our leadership group meetings. We already have Jesus on the wall in the office and a few biblical sayings meant to provide inspiration. At which point I will have to ask myself how badly I want to pay the mortgage. My colleagues in the office know that I have nothing against Jesus, and in fact when things are going badly at work I will ask them if they are still in good with that Jesus guy because I am not overly picky about who helps out. They don’t really object to loaning him out. And I don’t really care if he helps me out, just the patients and their families.

Turns out that in that radical state of California, the place those on the right love to demonize and make threats about, I imagine radical rightists telling their children, “behave or you will be sent to California”, does not have the mellow soft institutions we were all led to believe.

Recently, a professor was fired for refusing to sign a loyalty oath. The entire article can be read here.

Wendy Gonaver was hired to teach says she was not told about the loyalty oath at the hiring and discovered it during orientation. She was told she had to sign it.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”

God Switches His Party Affiliation from Republican to Democrat

For many years God was a registered independent.  He mainly spoke to the government through Reverend Billy Graham, who has met with and advised every president from Harry Truman through George W. Bush.  Graham has seldom been publicly political, and according to Wikipedia:

Politically, Graham has been a registered member of the Democratic Party and leaned Republican during the presidency of his friend Richard Nixon.  He has not completely allied himself with the religious right, saying that Jesus did not have a political party.  He does not openly endorse political candidates, but he has given his support to some over the years.

He refused to join Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority in 1979, saying: “I’m for morality, but morality goes beyond sex to human freedom and social justice. We as clergy know so very little to speak with authority on the Panama Canal or superiority of armaments. Evangelists cannot be closely identified with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people, right and left.”

Pelosi’s Statement on McClellan, So…um….now what?

H/t to Kagro X

“I almost wonder how anybody associated with this war, unless they were of completely different philosophy, would not come to the conclusion that this war is a grotesque mistake, that it was misrepresented from the start, not prepared for correctly,” said Pelosi.

“This war is a big lie. It was a lie to begin with..and it continues to be a some point, maybe the lies just got to be too heavy for him to carry,” she said of the former White House spokesman.

Emphasis mine

So gosh Nancy, the war is a lie…..Is lying us into a war that has killed a million people or so a….ya know….CRIME?

One that it is your duty to investigate and prosecute…like Kucinich’s HRes 333 says we should?

One that YOU have the sole power to…and responsibility to ….prosecute through impeachment?

WTF are you waiting for?

writing in the raw: love’s labours won

i really didn’t have time to write much. but i didn’t want anybody else to take this evening either. it is the last writing in the raw i’ll do from the states for a while, so even with a sparse essay, i think i’ll keep it for myself.

actually, it’s after 10pm as i start writing this. so it will be brief.

i’m packed. ready to go. exhausted. i’ll definitely blog from the airport tomorrow. i usually pay to get into the business lounge… for $45, you get fruit, cheese, coffee/tea, cookies, alcohol, tv, internet and a little desk from which you blog, and a comfy, quiet place to zone out for a few hours. premium wine/alcohol will cost you… hey Mu, might be one of the tips for your travel space.

okay. so that’s it.

well, and i’ll explain the title. just a bit.

getting on that plane tomorrow is amazing. there have been difficult times and yet, somehow, ej and i managed to hold onto to each other. over the phone. one-line e-mails. packages filled with small fetish items. a sense of humor. and well, we just get along. whenever i’m with him, by heart rate slows (unless you know…), i become very at ease. i smile a lot. i’m actually funny when i’m relaxed and not thinking about George Bush et al.

i sleep really well when i sleep with him. and when we get up, he has this funny little fresh face, squinty eyes and he’s smiling. maybe he looks a little like a baby bird or something. but it touches my heart. and it inspires me to get up and make coffee and cook breakfast.

we hold hands. we like the way each other smells. we think it’s funny when strangers fall down or break something in a store (but we don’t really want anybody to be really hurt). we love to go to museums. or find secret gardens. we like to wander in cities and towns. oh. and we both love madly medieval cathedrals and churches.

he likes to cook. i like to eat. he likes to complain. i like to sit, cross-legged, and listen and laugh at him and how he, in a very animated fashion, counts off each absurdity with his fingers.

i tell him everything has a shelf life. if we’re lucky, we’ll just die together, around 99 years old, in a plane crash or car accident. because i always see us together, old and beautiful. and i just know i’ll love him even more then… the two of us always walking, looking at the world together, my hand in the pocket of his old jacket.

this is one of those moments. when love wins.

McClellan, Writing and Truth

Is this a Judas move? So asks Bill O’Reilly:

Milder reactions have emanated from the White House, ranging from being “puzzled”, intimating that McClellan didn’t write this book because it “doesn’t sound like him, it sounds like a left-wing blogger”, that this is an “out of body experience”, that McClellan was “disgruntled”, that “something dramatically has changed”, that the editor “tweaked some things in the past few months” and “wrote a lot of it”…

…and on, and on, and on.

But the process of writing is sitting in front of a blank screen, staring into one’s soul.

Support Wexler on Impeachment

Congressman Wexler has a new post at Daily Kos on the implications of McClellans book on the push for justice and impeaching the WH War Criminals and participants in the Plame Treason.

Last night, significant news broke that directly impacts our push for Impeachment Hearings and a possible Inherent Contempt charge for Bush Administration officials such as Karl Rove:

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has revealed in his upcoming book that:

• Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and Vice President Cheney lied about their role in revealing the identity of Valerie Plame Wilson – actions easily amounting to obstruction of Justice.

McClellan also admitted that:

• There was a coordinated effort within the Bush Administration to use propaganda to pump up the case for the Iraq war and hide the projected costs of the war from the public.

Scott McClellan must be called to testify under oath before the House Judiciary Committee to tell Congress and the American people everything he knows about this massive effort by the White House to deceive this nation into war.

Head on over and give him some love.

morning-in-america: meet shit storm

Just had to react to this.

Another book. Another inside look at the Bush administration. Another portrait of the organized crime ring running the White House and the country. This time the story, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception, appears to have been written by former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan.

I use the word appears in attributing authorship to McClellan because, in fact, McClellan may have been hijacked. By aliens. The left. Or, even worse, the fucking facts may have contaminated his version of the truth.

From George W. Bush via current White House Press Secretary Dana Perino…

“He [Bush] is puzzled, and he doesn’t recognize this as the Scott McClellan that he hired and confided in and worked with for so many years.”  

UPDATED: Just when you thought that perhaps Bush really was telling the truth…..

YEAH, I know!  Fooled you, huh?  NOT!  Bush telling the truth is akin to Sky = ruby red, Water = dry, Republicans = compassionate conservatives, etc.

In ANOTHER telling tale of BushCo malfeasance, former White House spokesman Scott McClellan writes in his soon to be released book that Bush and his advisers used pure propaganda on the run up to the war with Iraq and that they spent the first week of the Hurricane Katrina tragedy in complete denial.

From CNN:

The spokesman who defended President Bush’s policies through Hurricane Katrina and the early years of the Iraq war is now blasting his former employers, saying the Bush administration became mired in propaganda and political spin and at times played loose with the truth.

AT TIMES played loose with the truth, Scottie? That may be the understatement of our new century!  

In excerpts from a 341-page book to be released Monday, Scott McClellan writes on Iraq that Bush “and his advisers confused the propaganda campaign with the high level of candor and honesty so fundamentally needed to build and then sustain public support during a time of war.”

“[I]n this regard, he was terribly ill-served by his top advisers, especially those involved directly in national security,” McClellan wrote.

McClellan also sharply criticizes the administration on its handling of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.

“One of the worst disasters in our nation’s history became one of the biggest disasters in Bush’s presidency,” he wrote. “Katrina and the botched federal response to it would largely come to define Bush’s second term.”

Using Obama

War and Famine and suffering stalk the planet. Climate disaster looms. What brought us to this sorry turn? A mode of thinking about our own survival, how to utilize the resources of the planet, and how to treat our fellow humans. A mode of thinking that due to extraordinary circumstances has been given free reign for the last eight years to “prove itself.” And prove itself it has…it has proven itself to be an utter, across the board, complete and abject failure, by any metric you wish to measure it by save one. The rich have gotten obscenely richer and more powerful. The greed of their corporate entities has been fed…which only increases their appetite.

Republicanism has failed.

Even the Republicans are at least (partially) admitting it

Conservatism, in a world that is so rapidly shifting and changing and increasingly revealing it’s mind bending complexity and inter-connectedness, has proven to be not just a bankrupt and ineffectual philosophy, but one that is actively damaging to the planet and her people.

The only solution to the huge array of challenges we face is, to reduce it to the simplest component, to embrace change. As a species, we MUST change, not just our actions, but our entire way of thinking. And we must do it as quickly as possible, using every avenue that presents itself as the possibility of greatest change. In the critical world of politics, that avenue is the prospect of the presidency of Barack Obama.


Coup THIS!


Don’t think I haven’t seen what has been going on around here in my absence!

What is more….don’t think I care!

For there is one thing that all of you plotters and conspirators have forgotten, in your mad rush for glory, in your heady quest for power!

You cannot steal what is freely given


And thus do I defeat the coup!!!!!  

“The Fall of Conservatism”

George Packer has an interesting analysis of the implosion of the GOP in this week’s New Yorker, which finally landed in my mailbox yesterday.  It’s rather long but well worth reading in full.  He begins in 1966, when Patrick Buchanan went to work for Nixon, and follows the rise of conservatism from that point to the present.  Some of this should sound very familiar, even to those of us who weren’t old enough to follow politics back then:

In order to seize the Presidency in 1968, Nixon had to live down his history of nasty politicking, and he ran that year as a uniter. But his Administration adopted an undercover strategy for building a Republican majority, working to create the impression that there were two Americas: the quiet, ordinary, patriotic, religious, law-abiding Many, and the noisy, élitist, amoral, disorderly, condescending Few.…

writing in the raw: in three parts

part I

i’m moving to The Netherlands on May 30 and won’t be around as much… due to a six hour time difference and settling into my new life.

next Thursday will likely be my last writing in the raw for a while. however, I intend to keep posting the Friday Pony Parties at 6ish… well, i will resume posting the ponies. i’ve been a bit distracted and out of any reasonable routine these last weeks.

so. nine months or thereabouts. absorbed in, with, about Docudharma. i have to tell you, i was shocked when buhdy asked me to join Docudharma as a contributing editor. i’m still not sure what prompted the invitation… but it has been the very best place for me over these many months. and it feels like i’ve known so many of you for years now… i love how the energy of friendship has surpassed time and space and 3d to find its way to me.

it has been thrilling to be immersed in your talents, encouraged by your brave hearts, sheltered by your kindness, and kept alive laughing by some of the wittiest, funniest people i’ve had the pleasure to know and love. And I am mostly kept sane absorbing the simple and honorable commitment of so many to do right by this living planet of ours.

i just thought you guys should know. how important you are. to me.

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