(9 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
The self-propelling logic of war, a “news analysis” courtesy of the New York Times:
Syria … could pose a thorny dilemma for the administration…. Having intervened in Libya to prevent a wholesale slaughter in Benghazi, some analysts asked, how could the administration not do the same in Syria?
Elsewhere in the NYT, Greg Mankiw demands “austerity now.”
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Libya And Bahrain: A Tale Of American Hypocrisy
All of US history in the middle east leads us to the conclusion that the only “grand conspiracy” is the one that tries to put forth the idea that the US Government has “noble” intentions in the area.
They do not.
Bahrain is a perfect example. Whose rulers ruthlessly suppress any dissent while Gates cover his eyes while he comes and goes and the US supports the dictatorship there wholeheartedly because Bahrain is home to the US Fifth Fleet?
And it would be virtually effortless. All that needs to be done is for the US ships in the harbor to turn their guns and point them at Bahrains royal palace.
The US either cannot or will not protect Bahrain’s citizens from a murderous US backed dictatorship, but many believe that what the US cannot or more likely will not do in Bahrain while already there, the US somehow can or will do in Libya.
Time will tell us what the Libyan situation really is. I fear, or rather I expect, that it will turn out about as good for Libyans as the Iraq “liberation” turned out for Iraqis.
unable to identify reality? This is a conflagration that breaks down the noosphere even further as the werewolf finds himself in the Garden of Hell. After all, the reader of the novel is its author.
Check out this 12 Imam stuff. It’s the Islamic version of Nostradamus, “our” Christian Biblical Armageddon End Times stuff.