Tag: screwed

Dr. Dean on KO: End-of-life is going back in, GOP screwing themselves, with polling data

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Dr. Dean on Keith Olbermann video at bottom of diary

   The GOP is hoping that all the old people in America will freak out over whatever they can say to scare Grampa, but it isn’t working on anybody else.

It’s easier to scare older people than it is younger ones.

    What is interesting here, other than the majority support after all the GOP scare tactics and the media hysteria, is that even though people like what they have, they understand that what they have is quickly vanishing, 14,000 people a day, and that what they have now will cost more each coming year if the GOP and the status quo has their way.


   And though it may work on the wingnuts and the low information McCain voters, it simply isn’t working on anyone else.

   Well, when I look at some polls based on age, something really glaring comes out.

Has anybody in our idiot media noticed that there are ZERO young or minority Americans at these astroturf heavy town halls? (not counting children dragged along by their wingnut parents)

    This seems to be the response the GOP wishes to receive from our nation’s elderly.

    The good thing is, it isn’t working to move the entire 60-65+ demographic towards the GOP. Rather, it is turning off anyone who isn’t a rabid wingnut to begin with.


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