Tag: Healthcare reform. 2010

Vote Neo-Con NOW! A Trifecta of Rantage

Crossposted from the Irreverent Ranting Halls of The Wild Wild Left

Wow. Some days I have nothing. Today I have at least two, maybe three things I want to write about. I will try & spin them into this one. If that doesn’t work, you will never read these lines. Heh. I’ll have to edit them out.

First let me lead in with something excellent. I WORSHIP this man. I even can forgive him for doing those Aruba commercials, he is so good. Besides Aruba is dreamy. His analysis of the two party system is PRICELESS.

That brings me to RANT ONE:

All the pretty little pundits are calling odds on the 2010 midterms. Will we {gasp) keep the majority of seats, or will we (moan, gnash of teeth) lose seats broadly like we did in 1994?

I say: FUCK IT! Lets all vote for the craziest wing-nut motherfuckers out there, every goddamned rapture sucking corporate vampire there is. Let them impeach Obama and crown Palin Queen.

Lets knock the legs out from under David for once and for all and see how Goliath does unfettered. Lets see how they like their Giant Champion when he stomps through town smashing their 401k’s and how much “individual responsibility” they take when he eliminates Social Security and Medicare. Lets see how the Cheney’s of the Country like it when their daughters like Mary have their children stripped from their “lesbianic” homes and go to jail for child endangerment, and their other daughters are forced to bear rapists’ seeds.

Let them inherit the economy, the wars, the fucktitude. Lets just stock up on potable water and canned goods and ammo and let them burn it down. All hail martial law and door to door searches!

Every taboo is meant to be broken, so think of it as dirty pleasure:


I’m just warming up. On to the Health Care Question.