Tag: kindness

Safari in Ohio

The Ohio Sheriff’s Department had the chance to go big game hunting without even having to buy airline tickets to Africa:

Ohio farm owner killed himself after letting animals loose, police say

Police say the owner of a wild animal preserve set wolves, bears, and lions free before dying from a self-inflicted wound.

This story is in The Guardian.

In all, so far, the authorities have killed :

  18 Bengal Tigers, 17 Lions, 8 Bears, 1 Wolf.

There’s more:

Providing a Way to Encourage the Best in Other People

So much of my life I spend cynically griping about the bad side of human nature.  The work I do every day frequently centers around a ceaseless source of constant frustration.  Seeking strategies to reform destructive behaviors is the basic skill set of many professions and basic activism.  Influencing people so that they might understand the correct means of conducting their lives is a substantial challenge and a constant energy drain.  I’m sure many of you understand this quandary all too well.  While it is true that we all possess a dark side, some more than others, recent events in my life have provided a unexpected but welcome sense of clarity and perspective. I note with joy over the past three days that I have, much to my great surprise, seen the very best in people.  Once again I am humbled to have been proven incorrect in my assumptions about others.