That is a line I constantly have to squelch. Most recently it threatens to erupt in a diary I may or may not finish about a little beef I have with the US Fish & Wildlife Service as exemplified in a recent report of theirs.
But it happens all the time. Pretty much nonstop. Think Andy Rooney on 60 minutes. Some things just incredibly irritating, and some I really don’t understand at all.
Maybe a regular feature? I feel this way at least once a week about something or other. Surely others do as well.
And here’s another thing: maybe a “new resources column” about the new or newly discovered. Like, the new green youtube-type clearinghouse.
Maybe best left to be irregular columns. I kind of like the idea of a branded feature that has no schedule.
Do you get it?
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I think “Here’s what I don’t get” is an excellent idea for a regular feature!
so too the idea of a resource round up or profile, wherein you introduce some new resource and …
“I kind of like the idea of a branded feature that has no schedule.”
cause i got questions galore…
and i would do it regularly scheduled because all you need is one good crazy thing that doesn’t make sense and people will take it from there…
like our upside down reverse twist to a C&J
what i dont get would require much, much more bandwidth!!!
i think both ideas are great…excellent as both sources of information and encouraging discussion.
I am planning (sorta) a series of one liners for the FP. Called ….Why things are like they are!
Yin and yang baby!