I was going to write something tonight on economic policy, and how a logical, moderate approach to the issue would put you to the left of today’s Democratic Party, but then I read Buhdy’s front page essay.
So instead, I’ll riff on some thoughts on what I see good about this blog. Folks sometimes focus on what they think they’re doing wrong, and ignore the things they actually are doing right.
So without further ado, some thoughts on why I feel good about this place:
– Your mission statement is excellent. Better than any I’ve seen on any other Liberal Blog.
– Your initial group of front page folks are fabulous.
– There is much less nitpicking over the small shit here than I’ve seen in many other places.
– Cosmic Debris posts here.
– You are making a good faith effort at being open and honest on, well, everything.
– It is fun to post here.
– You are loyal to your friends.
– Fuck George Bush.
How the hell did that last one get in here?
If you are able to build on the good things above, I honestly see no reason why this can’t become one of the preeminent liberal blogs on all the intertubes.
None whatsoever.
I invite anyone else to post their reasons why they like this place so far, just below.
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…why do you like it here?
This site is so much more than a political site, it is a philosophical journey. Here we are people, not simply screen names. Here we are valued. We are more than a number-counter.
The difference between this site and others? Well, I feel, in my gut, that this is a community, and I am welcome here. Warts and all.
after all that orange it’s good to let the eyes rest.
and i see jeffinalabama, and i like that he’s here
i like it because it’s about the things that are important to people…
and i like it because… just because
some problems, and also because I’ve been banned from every other blog on the Internets.
But the pastry sucks
aye! and wenches aplenty! Arrrr!
-Cap’n Davy Sharkbait
for the freedom I feel here to express my thoughts about politics; a freedom that I no longer feel elsewhere.
I like that the emphasis here is on ideas and exploration, rather than the mechanics and personalities of partisan politics. That facet of politics is not my particular interest or strength.
I like that creativity, the arts and humor are highly valued.
I like that it is small and cozy feeling in size.
I like that it is very much fun and that Stranger likes it that I’m here!
… because it can’t always be about politics.
I truly love Daily Kos. I think it’s a great blog. And I accept its mission statement.
But I am not and never will be a political wonk. I don’t think all problems can be solved by electing Democrats and calling my Congressman or Senator.
I like it that I can post a song about New Orleans on the front page, or a diary about diversity really blasting the “whitosphere” at Yearly Kos, or promote an immigration diary by one of the best bloggers on the subject there is, or read a diary about poetry on the front page. I find that exhilarating.
I also like the challenges of trying to break through the established kind of rhetoric we see on the liberal blogs.
Ultimately I like the challenge to my own view, to expand it, to share it and have others share their views with me.
And that’s just for starters! AAAAaaaaarrrr
* I’m curious
while most of us found our way here through association with political blogging, the topical boundaries here are far less constrained. i like the broader view being core to the purpose.
lots of music-heads here; some very, very funny people as well; there’s a lot of energy, and compassion.
it’s already a pretty interesting space, and i’m hopeful that it will mature into something of special, singular form.
But I will also take free beer. Nothing against BO/DK, but there are fewer limits to what are considered acceptable diary topics. Plus, I like the idea of being a part of something new and watching it blossom.
you know, the bold hints in the front page essays, and the absconding to the front page with my silly meta essays.
i especially love the recruiting process….very ‘skull and bones’….my nose is still chafed from the hood…
for those suffering with the Delhi Belly above.
Take 3 heaped tablespoons of Bisto Gravy Browning in 1 teaspoon of water. It “Browns, Seasons and Thickens.”
I like it here because it’s like coming home to a warm house on a cold and rainy winter’s night and flopping in me old armchair then realising that the house is full of friends. That’s an odd thing to say about something that is but a week old, but I mean it sincerely and bless Budhy et al.
I stayed because of the calm.
Yeah, I’m aware of the kerfuffle or two. But, I can scope them out, quietly decide where I stand and move on. I know what to disregard now. And there is so much more to disregard there than here. The signal to noise ratio has less amplitude and (especially) less repetition.
There is something a bit more intimate about this place, more comfortable and definitely less daunting. I know I have divulged more about myself here than I would think of at dkos.
Just off the top of my head.
ever since Armando left.
seriously, the lineup… buhdy essentially made a new blog out of my dKos hotlist.
and, I can swear freely.
but stay for the prostitutes.
Can’t you make a turd fly out of this tiger’s ass?
That’d be cool and would definitely keep me coming back!
Well? Well, I like it here. I love politics, but I’m a little over loaded on the horse race aspect. I’m a big idea/picture person…and right now, this site is just the right size to have nice discussions.
Nice list we started here.
I’m glad I’m not the only one…
before buhdy opened the doors.
That’s why my UID # is so low.
I registered before most people even knew this place existed, while they were still working on it, and then tried to climb in through a side window before the roll out.
The next thing I knew I was lying in the rain in some ally on Daily Kos with a huge headache.
I still don’t know exactly what happened!
In any case, when I learned that buhdy was starting a blog I immediately felt he had a niche.
More fun, footloose, and fancy free than dKos, but without the extreme pricklyness of other left blogs.
Very nice.
So far, I have not been disappointed.
fashionably late of course! I don’t even know where to begin. Today had to have been one of my favorite blogging days-EVER! And all it was, was talking like a pirate, but my kids got involved, I dressed the poor dog up in a pirate hat and posted it! It was the theme for my entire day. I loved the Fuck You essay Moody loner did, because I have no “Fuck You” outlet. Which, BTW, Moody Loner, you’re not so alone anymore. You might have to change your User ID!
I love that I have friends here, no matter how juvenile I get sometimes, you dotes still rec. me!!!! That’s awesome! Even better, you respond. Did you get that?
Thank you, to every one, I am so happy to have a home here.
I need some small for a while. But I have a feeling it’ll get bigger real soon.
do not trump Progressive policies.
why? Thoughtful posts, er posters. For some reason Budhy has attracted quite a few people who can write and have something to say.
This place feels a little like European Tribune, which has a lot of interesting, smart posters veering off onto all kinds of tangents. But for some reason the format here feels much more usable to me. It was great to see Jerome a paris post here a while back. And it would be cool if more non-US people came by. We could have some fun working with different languages. And getting some of that cross-boundary conversation going. Lot’s of room for misunderstanding and conflict, though.
for the ponies! Gimme gimme my pony!
Oh, and I can safely put on my tinfoil hat about CTs (I am terrified of electronic voting with no paper trail) without getting kicked under the bridge!
And the wonderful essays that don’t go away in a minute…I hope that doesn’t change
Y’all say
like it’s a good thing.
But here I can be more pissed off at Democrats too. Not that anyone’s ever said anything to me about my attitude at Big Orange. Then again, all the good policy wonk positions are filled there, and less people don’t read my stuff here.
Yeah, think about it.
…and I’m impressed so far. Most of the people I respect from DKos and elsewhere seem to be here. Hope I’m not gatecrashing.
I like the feel of the place and the mood, and I think there was definitely a need for somewhere people could relax a little.
Apologies in advance if I hang back on the edge of the crowd – I’m not really one of nature’s joiners (and I’m 8 hours ahead of some of you). But I hope I can make a positive contribution, in line with the positive atmosphere.
God bless Docudharma and all who sail in her! Me hearties.
buhdy does not make me mow his lawn.
I just have to do his laundry.
first the writing. when I read the line up it was all the writers I used to look for at dkos. Then there is freedom in the idea that I don’t have to try and figure out how my politics are going to enhance the Democratic party instead of visa versa. Creatively this is the best! New voices that are amazing and community that I can for now see the edges of. And lastly I don’t have to dodge the vigilantes. Oh yeah, their doesn’t seem to be a lot of pretense in the reality thing.
The women are strong.
The men are good-looking.
And all the bloggers are above average.
I always enjoyed him at Dk… his ability to dispell negativity with humor is a rare quality and one I admire.
I stayed because some of the coolest people I know are here as well… and I feel comfortable, I like the vibe and the humor… humor heals and we all need healing right now… our country is falling apart, our rights are disappearing, our economy is tanking, people are dying and we all do what we can about that, but we need a place to come and laugh again.
I also stay because I am inspired, by the poetry, the art and the ethos of this community. You are all beautiful and special people. I hope those who come just to critcize will lose interest and move on and we can keep this community the magical place it is.
…and it’s the first time I’ve been present at the “birth” of a blog. It will be interesting to see this “baby” grow.
So far, it’s been mostly good.
excellent information and
all kids of fabulous commentary.
It feels comfortable here where
people accept you for who you are.
I really enjoy the different view points,
the humor, the laughter and the easy way
in which people interact.
Everything always works out in the end…
besides life is too short to worry
about the little things when there
are so many big things to loose sleep
which leads into why I like it here: It’s smaller and slower than big Orange. Diaries stay around a while. We can discuss things more leisurely.