So Buhdy says go for it. “You can literally write anything you want, in any form you want, at any length you want, in the recent essay list.” Okay I will.
I hear…
What happened to this country?
You, you stupid shit. You voted for dubya, you drank the koolaide, you waved the flag, you placed the magnet, you thought that’s all you had to do. They wouldn’t lie to you now would they? They’re family, just like the guy at the car dealership and the jewelry store; “We’re just like family!”
Moron America. How come our kids are on drugs? How come our kids are idiots who don’t know where ‘merica is on a map? How come, how come, how come?
You, you putz, you were asleep at the wheel; you fell for it. You believed the hype; you can’t change anything; your vote is meaningless. Fool.
Go and be clueless, wonder why you have less disposable income, wonder why you can’t afford healthcare, wonder why, wonder, wonder.
Are you ready? Really, really ready? It’ll take hard work, but it can be done it you pay attention. You can have affordable healthcare, you can have more left at the end of the month, you can, you really, really can. Just wake the fuck up, stop believing that Fox news, walmart and the republicans have your best interests at heart. Open your eyes, use your mind for more then an escape. Pay attention damnit, it’s your responsibility.
When I see ‘rant’, I want something juicy, meaty, all over the page. I want to see your anger popping out of your parentheses and your rage dripping from semicolons.
Bring it!
We all agree with you. Maybe you should take a trip to redstate or Little Green Footballs and post it there. Then come back and tell us all about it. That sounds like fun.