Blackwater: Throwing Out the Mercs

Appearing at The Jaundiced Eye, the Independent Bloggers’ Alliance, and My Left Wing.

Aerial View of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

The Iraqi government wants Blackwater out of Iraq, following an incident that has left at least 8 Iraqi civilians dead.

“We have revoked Blackwater’s license to operate in Iraq. As of now they are not allowed to operate anywhere in the Republic of Iraq,” Interior Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen. Abdul Kareem Khalaf said Monday. “The investigation is ongoing, and all those responsible for Sunday’s killing will be referred to Iraqi justice.”

But the Iraqi government will face an uphill battle. Blackwater, like other private military contractors, is functioning virtually outside the law.

The question of whether they could face prosecution is legally murky. Unlike soldiers, the contrators are not bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Under a special provision secured by American-occupying forces, they are exempt from prosecution by Iraqis for crimes committed there.

Blackwater will most assuredly fight their de-licensing and they will have the full backing of the Bush Administration, because these extra-legal corporate warriors are integral to the “war on terra.” I fully expect the Iraqi government to cave to US pressure.

Tens of thousands of foreign private security contractors work in Iraq some with automatic weapons, body armor, helicopters and bulletproof vehicles to provide protection for Westerners and dignitaries in Iraq as the country has plummeted toward anarchy and civil war.

. . .

Many of the contractors have been accused of indiscriminately firing at American and Iraqi troops, and of shooting to death an unknown number of Iraqi citizens who got too close to their heavily armed convoys, but none has faced charges or prosecution.



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    • ANKOSS on September 17, 2007 at 19:00

    Mercenaries fight for money. They use political connections to win contracts. Prior to BushCo, large-scale use of mercenaries was unheard of in American military history. Blackwater has been a scandal from day one of its sordid existence. Using hired killers is a very bad way for the US to conduct its wars.

  1. Blackwater should be first on the list of cuts.

    • Diane G on September 17, 2007 at 21:57

    and it makes me puke that these guys get more a month than our soldiers do a year.  No wonder we can’t afford armor that works, huh?

    They answer to no one, these mercenary fucks.

    And the rich get richer.

  2. Why do we as taxpayers pay for this shit? Why are all these Billions of dollars in this horror show budget approved by the way by the Democratic Congress, going to this Mercenary Army. Good for the Iraqis for trying to throw them out! All of this money we pay and our children will pay and our grand children will pay goes to Haliburton! We are literally paying for our own rope, not to mention the worlds rope! This needs to stop, and stop right now, for shame that the Iraqis themselves have to bring this up, what a joke! Where’s reality? While we sit and debate the nuances of framing our feeble objections people die and are subjected to torture and mayhem by a fuckin’ corporation that no one wlll take on! Shit gimme a break Armando, they are all Betrayus, every stinking pol that advocates pumping money into this big, big lie. To not call them out is nothing but appeasement! Doesn’t work never has. I say at this point framing is surreal and truth will out.

  3. Just a technical note — Off the top of my head, I believe mercenaries are defined under international law as persons not owing allegiance to any party to the conflict.

    So, Blackwater employees who are U.S. citizens are not technically mercenaries.  South African or Chilean employees would be.

    Not that this makes the situation any less deplorable…

  4. I’m sure everything rotten goes back to him.

    So I was wondering, who protects them? I understand that there’s some sort of Provisional thing, that Bremer was involved in, but that’s old news now. If the US agreed to the Iraqis’ demand, would Blackwater go peacefully? Or would there be a fight between US forces and Blackwater’s?

    Of course that won’t happen since the Blackwater dude is a crazy right-winger, therefore on Cheney’s side, therefore safe.

  5. mistakenly ASSume that this means the mercs will, ahem, leave?
    Or how does that work, the “young” democracy of the republic of Iraq needs more of a “training” period?

    Col. Theodore S. Westhusing, a man of honor.

    1. We are alive we speak, we are more then our taxes, we have the right (so far) to stand up and confront this shit! My post was not addressed to taxes but to the power people have. We are the ones who control the top. We are, believe it or die. We the people, make or break the power that is, or hopes to be. Reject this reality. If we all said this was nuts, as it is, the reality will change.

  6. Oliver’s Army
    Don’t start me talking
    I could talk all night
    My mind goes sleepwalking
    While I’m putting the world to right

    Called careers information
    Have you got yourself an occupation?

    Oliver’s army is here to stay
    Oliver’s army are on their way
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    But here today

    There was a checkpoint Charlie
    He didn’t crack a smile
    But it’s no laughing party
    When you’ve been on the murder mile

    Only takes one itchy trigger
    One more widow, one less white nigger


    Hong Kong is up for grabs
    London is full of Arabs
    We could be in Palestine
    Overrun by a Chinese line
    With the boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne

    But there’s no danger
    It’s a professional career
    Though it could be arranged
    With just a word in Mr. Churchill’s ear

    If you’re out of luck or out of work
    We could send you to Johannesburg

    • pfiore8 on September 18, 2007 at 02:32

    to be let loose here next?

    and why aren’t the candidates and dems screaming about this?

  7. is pretty wide-ranging.

    • fatdave on September 18, 2007 at 06:11

    would stop describing them as “contractors” Mercenaries are to be despised. They are curs.

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