Games People Play



My charming dutch shepherd, Arno, has the soul of a clown. He likes to play games. He jumps up on us to greet him even though we tell him no. He did great in obedience class, but I think he needs another visit.

His favorite game seems to involve annoying our older border collie. He likes to run around in figure eight formation trying to get her to chase him, she becomes irritated and bites him in the ass when he gets close enough. This game goes on until he gets tired.

The game looks awful familiar because it is one our Dems are playing with us right now. They want our attention because we are the electorate after all but when we tell them what we want they run around us in circles. They want us to want then without giving us what we want. Sort of like that bad boy man who can send you to heaven but won’t commit.

How can we send them to obedience school, I don’t expect them to learn every trick, everything but it is getting tiresome trying to bite them in the ass and they don’t seem to be weary of running in circles. If we punish them by withdrawing support we know what we end up with and so do they. Meanwhile, the American people are being encouraged by these antics to remain cynical, remain uninvolved, and remain skeptical of the possibilities for real change. They are in a cocoon, in houses they can barely afford, trying to figure out if the only retirement plan they have left is death.

Quit running in circles ladies and gentlemen, learn to recognize your opportunities, they don’t come around knocking very often.


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  1. I don’t know what we do.

  2. I want to scratch your dog’s tummy and kick some Congresscritter’s asses.

    I have thought about defunding them; defunding the party organizations. I have thought of digging up who funds them, the military corporations, to see who is corrupting them, and screaming that info out loud.

    I actually think what we have to do is realize that the current crop is hopeless. We need to clear away the clouds that deluded us to think there would be accountability and honest governance from our side. Then we need to go on a major mission to reform elections; demand paper ballots and public financing. We need to demand an end to the corporate corruption and sleazy lobbyists. We have to go back to square one and that will take organization, patience and time. We also concurrently need to demand the return of a free press. Without fair uncorrupted elections and without a free press, we pretty much will continually be dizzy from all the circle eighters.

    As for the short term? Keep yelling and stop funding and vote wisely, I guess.

    • pfiore8 on September 11, 2007 at 07:10

    no more demands

    it’s over … everybody needs to learn when to walk away from a destructive relationship and start over

    all i know is this: if everybody who said a third party candidate couldn’t win voted for a guy like Kucinich, he’d win… and that third party argument would be smashed to smithereens…

    sometimes you just have to make your own opportunties instead of believing you can’t… we keep waiting for somebody else… yet we’re the only ones in the room… there IS nobody else

    are we brave enough to make a dead run for that cold dark blue water and simply jump in?

    even the those wildebeest (sp) take the plunge because at some point, crocs or no crocs, they just gotta get to the other side

    ps… you have a dutch shephard… i have a dutch keeshond AND a dutchMAN… love the dutch…

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