Hillary to Sunday talk hosts …gotcha!

Some in the media are criticizing Hillary’s performance as displayed on the Sunday talk shows this past weekend. The primary criticism that I have heard is that she appeared on all five but made no news. In my mind, and I am sure in Hillary and her campaign’s, that makes for a successful day.

Another criticism voiced by Chris Matthews and his panel is that she never answered a question. Perplexed, What is the lead? they exclaimed. The lead is that Hillary knows how to play hardball. She took on all the talking heads of the Sunday programs and she beat the crap out of them. In doing so, all in one day, she has inoculated herself from going on again until after the primary season. All said, a very good day for Hillary.

The Clinton campaign has learned one thing very well, that is, how to manipulate the media. Most people who have been placed in the position of being a guest on such a show, been an interviewee for a probing reporter’s questions, or subjected to a hearing process where elaboration in answering questions is allowed have availed themselves of one or the other executive television workshops. Such coaching and counseling sessions work the principal through the gamut of questions posed and the appropriate way to answer the question while at the same time getting your message across. I thought Ms Clinton especially good in her responses to Chris Wallace on Fox. Her laughter at his attempts at entrapment demonstrated her contempt for his methods and effectively mooned the Right-biased persuasion of Fox’s management.

While I am not a Hillary devotee, I was very impressed with her Sunday performances. Hopefully, the other candidates will get the message, take the training and chop to pieces the lazy, self-centered, self-important, and self-proclaimed Washington News stars. There will be no star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame if their respective performances continue as shown on Sunday past.


  1. Great critique 

    • TexDem on September 25, 2007 at 19:38

    but she does get a big thumbs up from me. And although I did not see the Faux appearance, I have seen the replays of it and I must agree that her laughter was very contemptuous and on mark.

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