Let ME just say one thing- to our visitors and lurkers

Just a quick note to those of you who have begun signing up. Feel free to write essays or to comment. The meta you see is intentionally being done in the open, and we welcome opinions. Some of this will be a work in progress. Those who are lurking, please go ahead and sign in.

As Buhdy says: be excellent to each other; and as I say: including to those with whom you have had previous disagreements (or just ignore them). We welcome you and look forward to hearing from you.


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    • melvin on September 7, 2007 at 03:49

    Wanna take it outside bub?

  1. so there! 😀

    • melvin on September 7, 2007 at 03:56

    there will be this flood of malcontents from the orange, and nobody else ;^(

    • Armando on September 7, 2007 at 05:09

    Dear lurkers and others:

    This diary is unrepresentative of the cruelty, arguments, insults and nastiness you should expect at this blog.

    Fuck you and get out.

  2. There IS no crying in Calvinball!

    Unless of course there is!

    This will, btw, ALWAYS be a work in progrees! We ideally wish to find the comfort spot between stabiltiy and permanent evolution. Always changing….but just stable enough to not feel chaotic or insubstantial.

    Those not busy being born are busy dying.

  3. I’ll just sit here on the Group B bench until I get my bearings.

    • mattes on September 8, 2007 at 20:54

    defaming all Israel critics. Is that a way to start fresh?

  4. and salutations, too.

    Just FYI, the crowd-ometer is about to trip the light one hundreds.

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