Lord Have Mercy, Feel My Temperature Rising …

Ok, so the top recommended diary at Daily Kos is the hard hitting speech by John Edwards immediately following Mister Bush’s address to the nation (which I did not watch — will never watch that man if I can help it).

So now I know that America has officially gone nuts.  The video of Edwards looks as though he is President, he’s sitting in a nice chair, an American flag behind him.  Except … except … HE IS NOT EVEN A SENATOR!  He is not in any position to make any decision in Congress right now!  Aaarrrrggggh!

All right, all right, I’ll calm down.  It’s just that this reminds me of the really creepy phenomenon of so many folks watching “West Wing” after Mister Bush was selected — this kind of fantasy-land where you could at least watch on the teevee what a President was supposed to act like, look like, talk like.  Not having a teevee (I stopped watching after 9/11), I was never gripped by this fantasy.

Look, it’s fine and dandy that Edwards gave a speech right after Mister Bush’s speech — maybe some folks out in teevee land will wake up and realize Mister Bush is a nutjob idiot fool after hearing Edwards.  I’m not against the notion of debunking the speech after it’s given.

But … but … but … isn’t that supposed to be the job of the PRESS?  I mean, how have we become reduced to this — a Presidential candidate for 2008 giving a speech right after the Leader and Decider of the Free World, a Presidential candidate airing a campaign ad?  An ad?  Showing this speech by Mister Bush to be vewwy vewwy wrong?  It is to laugh.

I am competely uninterested in the 2008 Presidential election at this time.  There’s a little thing called the Iraq War that I feel is a wee bit more important to deal with, not to mention a lunatic misAdministration that will continue to perform crimes against America and the world unless they are stopped.

And who will stop them?  Well, I would imagine it would be someone who is ALREADY IN CONGRESS!  AS OF NOW!  Which would kind of leave Edwards out of that equation.

Why wasn’t there an ad by Harry Reid?  By Nancy Pelosi?  Hell, by the entire Democratic caucus?  Now that would have been interesting, wouldn’t it?

Welcome to America, the land of the looney.


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  1. Or I’ll shoot the kitty.

  2. Can someone demote this to the recent essays list?  Didn’t mean to FP it.  I wish the default was the other way around.


  3. I did watch the speech and aftermath for a bit on MSNBC. IF, and that’s a big frickin’ if, the Dems can put up to major Senator Reed’s rebuttal, fine. Right now I’m in a mood for the Dems to put up or shut up. Sorry if that phrase offends any one…

    No the damn press, despite Tweety blathering tonight are not going to call BS on the Preznit! Nice rant btw

  4. after the Edwards ad was shown as to why Edwards did it, too.  They weren’t harsh about it, but I was left with the impression that if he wanted to come on their show, he would have been welcomed.  They did have Biden and Huckabee on, and I heard that Obama, Edwards and McCain (separately) were on Larry King following Bush’s speech.  Don’t know if any other candidates were on King’s show.

    I thought that Jack Reed did a fine job in giving the Democratic response.  He said something similar to “an endless and unlimited presence in Iraq is not an option”.  I loved hearing that, but it leaves me with the question – “well, what exactly are you going to do about it to guarantee that it doesn’t happen?”.  I’ll start feeling a lot better about it when I start seeing positive results through congressional action. 

    All bark and no bite isn’t cutting it for me.  I’m anxious to see what happens in the Senate next week.

  5. …I think the reason why Edwards does that sort of stuff now is because he’s full of it.  I don’t think he’d be doing any more than anyone else if he was in the Senate now.  Because the most important thing for Senators is protecting the power of the Senate.  Which he showed that he understood plenty well when he was there.

  6. Edwards couldn’t top that if he did a figure skating adaptation of the Nutcracker draped in a Mongolian flag.

    Yeah, OK, so the flag behind him was annoying because it was so transparently calculated to look presidential it insulted our intelligence. 

    But I still think it was a clever and gutsy move to use the Idiot King’s appearance as a spring board for a campaign ad.

  7. Congress is not interested in stopping the occupation. They’re interested in re-election and I’ve become convinced they like the stalemate they’ve drawn.

    Sure the majority of Americans want us out of Iraq, but really Iraq isn’t on their radar yet. The fact that House Minority Leader John Boehner can casually say –

    …long term, the investment that we’re making today will be a small price if we’re able to stop al Qaeda here, if we’re able to stabilize the Middle East, it’s not only going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the future for our kids and their kids.

    – and not be skewered shows to me that Americans really aren’t that bothered by Iraq. I think most Americans agree with Boehner. People nod in agreement every time they fill their gas tanks, buys some plastic crap made in China, or escapes into any number of fantasy worlds – television, games, gambling, sports, etc. For far too many, Iraq is just a minor annoyance – something to skip over when surfing channels.

    I think people who are actually concerned about Iraq (on the right or left side of the political spectrum) are in the distinct minority of Americans – too many are apathetic. There is no pain, Iraq is sanitized for our protection. There is barely a grumble of disapproval… easy enough for Congress to ignore. Both sides of the aisle like the way the line is drawn now – perfect for each side for the 2008 general election.

  8. Tonight, Burger King addressed the nation in a televised response to Ronald McDonald’s speech on hamburgers. In his commercial, which aired on MSNBC after Ronald McDonald’s remarks about happy meals, The King reminded the American people that line cooks can – and must – force an immediate withdrawal of special sauce from hamburgers. The King’s comments marked the first time any fast food restaurant has used a national televised address to speak to the American people about Ronald McDonald’s refusal to change course on Happy Meals.

    Watch it here, he used the same guys who made Mike Gravels video:

    In the address The King said that the only way to force the line cooks of McDonald’s to take responsibility and negotiate a solution is to begin withdrawing the special sauce – immediately.  The King criticized McDonald’s for refusing to change “the only strategy the clown has ever had – more time, more sauce and more flavor.”

    The King concluded his remarks by reminding the American people that the Whopper is the answer for them. “Tell McDonald’s you know the truth – they have the power to end the slathering of special sauce and you expect them to do it,” said The King. “When McDonald’s asks for more money and more time, the American public needs to tell him he only gets one choice: a firm timeline for withdrawal of the special sauce.  No timeline, no money. No excuses.”

    Full transcript:

    I am man, hear me roar
    In numbers too big to ignore
    And I’m way too hungry to settle for chick food

    ‘Cause my stomach’s startin’ to growl
    And I’m goin’ on the prowl
    For a Texas double-whooper, man that’s good

    Oh, yes, I’m a guy, I’ll admit I’ve been fed cheese
    Wave tofu bye bye, now it’s the whooper beef I reach(?)
    I will eat this meat until my innie turns into an out
    I am starved, I am incorrigible
    And I need to scoff a big burger beef bacon jalopeno good thing down

    I am hungry
    I am incorrigible
    I am mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    Full disclosure:  I work every day to make Burger King the next best Hamburger of the United States!

  9. And the Democrats intend to do nothing. Of course, what the should do is much closer to what Edwards asked for.

    • Turkana on September 14, 2007 at 07:13

    I am competely uninterested in the 2008 Presidential election at this time.

    unless gore gets in, i may remain that way until we have a nominee.

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