Pony Party : Dog Walking Edition

Now that the weather is more tolerable, Arno and I have gone back to our walking routine. At one point during August, even early in the morning, it was so humid you could have cut a piece of the air out and made a sand which. If Arno doesn’t get his walk he becomes pesky, even when he gets his walk he is a high energy clown. Once we get back from holidays in October he is also going back to obedience class.

Walking the pooch and taking pictures at the same time isn’t easy. My Nikon D40 is light and easy to handle and while I hope to get a higher end Nikon one day, it does nicely for a hobby picture seeker like myself. Nothing spectacular just a taste of one of our typical walks. We usually go three miles.

Things are quiet even at nine thirty in the morning.


I covet this large pond a few houses away from us.


This little cutie usually comes right out on to the road when we pass by. He seemed very subdued today, guess dogs have biorhythms, to.


Pretty common sight. The rule in a rural area is that if you pass somebody on the road walking, biking, riding any kind of vehicle, you must wave. It doesn’t matter if you know them or not.


This is my favorite horse. He is not bothered or perturbed by Arno, and will touch noses with him.


I tell myself that he knows me because he always comes over to say hello.


I am amazed the landscape around here does not resemble a crispy  piece of toast considering the near drought conditions we have had for two or three summers.




Arno after the mission was completed…


Thanks for looking and please share pictures of your stomping grounds and puppies.

Undercovercalico in the house,
Hey, I’m hungry can you fry me a mouse?

Please remember not to rec Pony Party, hang out, chat, and then go explore the diary list.


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    • robodd on September 22, 2007 at 18:17

    General Strike.


    P.S. is Arno a blue dog?

  1. such a thrill! 100 lb german shepherd who does like his baths, though…

    • drchelo on September 22, 2007 at 18:21

      All I have here are streets and a couple of sidewalks…but I do have a big back yard, complete with squirrels to watch – here are Doodle and Mr. Drum on Squirrel Watch!
      Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    • KrisC on September 22, 2007 at 18:57

    Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!  What a lovely area you live in.  Thank you for sharing them.

    Our front yard:
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    The kids tree-house out back:
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    The tree people:
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    And, well, the pooch just kind of wanders all over making sure all is OK!

    • fatdave on September 22, 2007 at 19:41

    Both your neighbourhoods look pretty good to me.
    What is the horse’s name? I think one of my favourite sounds is that of a horse eating a carrot. It always sounds so much more satisfying than any carrot I can remember eating.
    Lovely doggies too everyone.

  2. but somebody else has got to fry it

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