PONY PARTY… remembering a Tuesday unlike any other

Six years ago… our world changed. We had no idea how much it would change. We didn’t know then that so many thousands and tens of thousands of lives would be lost and destroyed. We didn’t know about New Orleans. Or polar bears drowning. We didn’t know about sub prime loans or surges. Firefighters, cops, rescue workers, and others sick from ground zero… we did not know.

We just had no idea. That there would be, on a perfectly beautiful Tuesday morning, two tall buildings falling down… ashes ashes we all fall down…

We did not know. That for six years hence, sleep would come without rest.

Here’s a recording of “Fragile” made by Sting on that very day.

there will be many more people remembering and discussing September 11, 2001.

maybe some of that conversation could be dedicated to this simple idea, that of being: excellent to each another


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  1. Perhaps the most disturbing thing for many Americans on that day was to discover that we were fragile and vulnerable.

    I discovered during Katrina that Americans don’t matter to this administration unless they are willing to be tools of national interest. I always suspected it.

    • pfiore8 on September 11, 2007 at 20:54

    would people be more seduced by a flaming mosh pit logo?

    i’m thinking so… anybody????

    let’s get some life in here…

    helloooooooooooooooooooooooo out there……………..

    • pico on September 11, 2007 at 20:56

    If so, I highly recommend checking out the 9/11 Symposium at Progressive Historians.  Nonpartisan brought together about a dozen essays aimed at addressing the following question:

    How has September 11 impacted American or world history?  How should it be viewed historically?  Politically?  What good things came out of its aftermath?  What should have happened that didn’t, either historically or politically?  How should we look to the event in future to inform our historical-political consciousness?  How has 9/11 defined our generation (whatever that may be) or our world?  How has it not defined us at all?

    These are really worth reading, and a particular favorite is eugene’s Cold War Liberalism and September 11, which makes a convincing if unpopular argument that the war in Iraq is actually not a product of post-9/11 paranoia, but of Democratic foreign policy.  Very worth the read, even if you disagree.

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