Road to DC Progress Report

Just a quick update on how the trip is going

Skippythebox just called to let the Mom unit know all was OK. jlynne and Joe left Grand Junction about midnight yesterday, picked up Matt and headed to Omaha where we threw Skippy on the bus. They left Omaha about 4:30 yesterday on their way to Chicago, they have picked up pico and are now in the home stretch to DC. The silver juggernaut Hyundai seems to be surprisingly comfortable since it is at its maximum for passengers. At least so far no one has had to run along side. I am hoping they will finally get a good WIFI connection and be able to update you all themselves. In the meantime here is some raw video of the gang picking up skippy in Omaha.


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  1. that I was offline and couldn’t do more to support Road2DC!!!!!!!!!!

    Go guys go!

  2. Have a great time.

    • sharon on September 15, 2007 at 01:37

    i have friends going from another blog (also meeting for the first time) and wish i could make it, but can’t.  thanks for posting this.

    it still amazes that people are coming together like this!

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