Send Hagee To Hell: Don’t Let Bush Bomb Iran!

( – promoted by winter rabbit)

My old friend, who is an ex-southern Baptist preacher and also who introduced me to Plato’s “Cave Allegory” as an undergraduate, told me of his new found philosophy of hell one day by relating a conversation he had with a woman. She was very upset after he asked her a question and answered it for her. His question to her was “Since Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within, where is hell?” “The Bible doesn’t say that,” she objected. He then told her the verse it came from  and answered his own question, “Since the Kingdom of Heaven is within, then hell is within.” She became angry at him in his story, and we both had a good laugh. He relished in telling the story, while I enjoyed it immensely. It speaks of how fundamentalist Christians ignore or care not to discover the very words their Master spoke when and if those liberating words do not suit them – fundamentalist Christians like John Hagee and his blind flock.


Talk2Action states that Pastor Hagee, one of the most powerful leaders of the Christian Zionist movement “blames the Holocaust on Jews themselves and states that Nazi persecution of Jews was God’s way of driving Jews to Israel, seems to blame Jews for the death of Jesus Christ, holds that Jews cannot get into heaven, calls liberal Jews ‘poisoned’ and ‘spiritually blind,’ believes that the preemptive nuclear attack on Iran that he advocates will lead to a Mideast conflict that will kill most Jews in Israel and perhaps also lead to the Nuclear destruction of the East and West coasts of the United States of America, and meets frequently with top leaders of the GOP and with contenders for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination.”. . .

John Hagee wants Iran taken out one way or the other.
I can’t help but remember the words, “He who lives by the sword…” you know the rest. It seems that he should be preaching against
bombing Iran, not for it.

So why is Hagee preaching that Iran be bombed (remember that he lobbied congress)? Besides capitalistic greed, the best word I can come up with is “Holy Manifest Destiny” with psychopathic elements  “within” Hagee’s “hell.”

Hagee believes that all Christians must be connected to Israel as a primary condition for them, Hagee and his blind flock, to attain their salvation and “Enjoy the Second Coming” as Tom Delay said.

I’m summarizing, but the rationalization seems to be that since Jesus will destroy all evil and “restore the Jews,” then the government of Israel can do anything now. Where does some of their ideological false justification come from? Demonizing human beings is where part of it originates as far as I can determine.

Hagee and his blind flock literally believe that Satan is motivating the Muslim people.

I cannot even begin to try to cite how many times in history where one people have demonized another and what happens. When will people like Hagee ever learn?

Back to a military strike against Iran, a mean for Hagee’s and his blind flock’s eternal salvation, since they must “embrace Israel” and be connected to Israel in order to piggyback their way into heaven.

US preparing ‘massive’ military attack against Iran

The study concludes that the US has made military preparations to destroy Iran’s WMD, nuclear energy, regime, armed forces, state apparatus and economic infrastructure within days if not hours of President George W. Bush giving the order. The US is not publicising the scale of these preparations to deter Iran, tending to make confrontation more likely. The US retains the option of avoiding war, but using its forces as part of an overall strategy of shaping Iran’s actions.

– snip –

“My opinion is that [nuclear weapons] wouldn’t be used unless there was definite evidence that Iran has them too or is about to acquire them in a matter of days/weeks,” notes Butcher. “However, the Natanz facility has been so hardened that to destroy it MAY require nuclear weapons, and once an attack had started it may simply be a matter of following military logic and doctrine to full extent, which would call for the use of nukes if all other means failed.”

To conclude this, I have stated my position on bombing Iran and it hasn’t changed.

Custer “Stayed The Course” & The Kansas Raids

But, what should be learned from it all at this point?

Nations previously unaffiliated or previously in conflict join forces in the aftermath of the threat of eternal physical extinction, and will fight the enemy to the death to avoid that extinction at all costs when peace and war mean nothing to them anymore except revenge or survival, and there’s nothing left to lose. Currently, one nuclear attack on Iran might do just that.

Possible future Aras River Nuclear Massacre of ??-??-200?

Nuclear detonations are the most devastating of the weapons of mass destruction. To make this point one need only recall the pictures from Hiroshima or the international furor over the accidental but enormous radiation release from the Chernobyl power plant. The contamination from Chernobyl was significantly larger than would have been expected from a nuclear detonation of about 20 kT at ground level, but was comparable in extent to what might result from a “small” nuclear war in which a dozen or so weapons of nominal yield were exploded at altitudes intended to maximize blast damage.

As the mushroom cloud towered over the city, the smoky sky churned with lightning and thunder. Within a few hours, a sticky black rain began to fall which blackened everything it touched. Makeshift hospitals treated overwhelming numbers of injured as thousands of wounded left the city and hundreds of people attempted to enter the affected area to find their loved ones.

So as eloquently as I can state, if not letting Bush bomb Iran means that Hagee and his blind flock will all go to hell, that’s a price I’m willing to have them pay.


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  1. WTF!

    • pico on September 26, 2007 at 23:59

    and some of the phrases that the fundies particularly like are hard to get around.  Your comment above about “who lives by the sword” is a great one, but Jesus has another sword comment that they love to whip out:  Matthew 10:34

    Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    Ouch.  Comments like that make it hard to defend Christianity as a religion of peace, but the peaceful Christians do their best to work with it (just as warmonger Christians gloat in it). 

    Then again, the greatest crime of revisionist Christianity is that their Savior laid out pretty specific criteria for getting to heaven, and it’s never the criteria you hear quoted.  Fundies throw all their hopes on  John 14:6, interpreting it to mean “believe in Jesus or you’re fucked”, but Matthew 25 lays out it in detail: take care of the people who can’t care for themselves. 

    That’s it.  It’s simple and elegant and unambiguous, and it’s been ditched in favor of a nebulous theological doctrine based on a line you can interpret in a number of ways.  There’s the tragedy of Christianity in a nutshell.

    • snud on September 27, 2007 at 00:19

    Larry Craig (aka Mr. Widestance”) is staying in the senate!

    This is gonna piss off some ‘Pugs!

    Now back to your regularly scheduled program of nuclear armageddon brought to you by Coppertone!

    • Caneel on September 27, 2007 at 00:22

    What are the various ways we can rise up and say:


    • xenic on September 27, 2007 at 00:22

    True Christians focus on the spoken words of Christ Himself, the most central being from the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers..”

    • snud on September 27, 2007 at 00:33

    Nobody else (except DK, where Buhdy’s rousing the rabble!) is making a real big deal out of this.

    It’s barely mentioned on Huffpo. (Although Dan Rather may be calling Dubya as a witness in his lawsuit against CBS – not that Dubya will show up)

    Barely a mention at TPM and it’s way down the page at Firedoglake too. I’m not sure why that is…

    • tjb22 on September 27, 2007 at 02:13

    the neo-conservatives have changed their goals one iota?  They’re getting everything they wanted…and I happen to believe that chaos in Iraq was part of their plan all along.  Gotta have that justification for staying there, after all…

  2. is but a starting point.  Our modern day cave is constructed of electronic propaganda media.
    Daniel Quinn’s “Ishmael” is another one I thought relevant.
    I might suggest the Biblical “Whore of Babylon” is in reality Ishmael’s “mother culture”.  People raised in America just can’t believe or even see how trashed it has become.  Mother culture prevents them from approaching reality.  It’s why they won’t come out of Plato’s cave.

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