what threads hold your life together?
what threads hold your life together?
what threads hold your life together?
what threads hold your life together?
And because it’s an open thread, I don’t actually need to be here with you. |
i was 16
he wanted to have “the we need to talk about sex” conversation
i said dad, i know about sex… haven’t had it yet, but like i know
he said i just want to tell you this:
don’t ever let anybody fuck you. if you want to fuck them, that’s okay. but don’t EVER let anybody fuck you.
you own yourself and you give yourself… don’t let anybody take anything from you or leave you as a barren shell…
sex is a playground, an archeological dig, it’s absurd, a comedy, loving somebody, a vacation, making poetry in grunts and groans…
it’s about that slow reveal… the getting there… and if it’s love that you want, then make it all about loving somebody
n, because this is how we enhance the ability of the rural poor to have options and provide for them ways of getting out of the poverty trap. |

But here’s the part I really don’t get. They have their own holy river, the Jordan. And while Christianity isn’t the majority’s religion in that neck of the woods any more, they still have considerable sway. You’d think they could throw a little weight around in the neighborhood, what with God IM-ing George Bush and all.
So why do they sit by in silence as the Jordan River dies? This is the sacred stream in which Jesus was baptized, according to Matthew and Mark and all Christian tradition. It has featured in Christian art since there has been any.
n, because this is how we enhance the ability of the rural poor to have options and provide for them ways of getting out of the poverty trap. |