“Free Hugs” signs went up this morning in Madison, Wisconsin at the Capital building downtown during the busy farmers’ market.
The weather was a beautiful 70 degrees without a cloud in the sky.
My step-son Eddie and I spent about two hours walking the perimeter of the market while Firecrow played photographer.
Jump for more hugs:
When I first came across the You Tube video:
I cried at the beauty of the idea. Why not? Free hugs. What a great idea to boost everyone’s seratonin level.
Firecrow & I discussed organizing an outing and, like with many things, life takes over, responsibilities, etc…..
I needed to conduct an Experience project for college. I thought about the Free Hugs Campaign immediately. I had always wondered what would happen if we did this. This morning I found out.
We started receiving “customers” right away; our first was this older gay couple who were sitting by a light post resting when we pulled out our signs to begin. Their faces lit up and we got our first hugs.
Eddie & I spent about five minutes talking to them; one of the gentleman has cuts and bruises on his face and explained to us how he had been beaten up the night before. He certainly had needed a hug and he thanked us for sharing ours with him.
As we continued on, we experienced an array of responses, ranging from smiles to laughter to amazement to razed eyebrows.
Interestingly enough, the three of us all had different perceptions of our adventure.
Eddie walked about twenty feet ahead of me and found the students, teenagers and college students, along with the elderly flocked to him the most.
My experience walking just a bit behind Eddie yielded 30, 40 and 50 somethings and people wanting me to hug their babies.
We both found that people seemed very fascinated with the project and wanted their picture taken with us.
Some people wanted group hugs:
Firecrow had a revealing take on the whole process as he played observer the entire time while snapping pics. He saw how many people, intrigued by what we were doing, hesitating….then asking for a hug, while others talked with their companions about us, each prompting the other to “just go ahead”.
He also witnessed people who were reluctant while we walked past, suddenly turn around and head towards us. One college student even came full charge across the Capital lawn just to “attack” Eddie. It was great to watch!
There were only a couple incidents that you could catagorize as negative, if not, bizarre.
One man, around 60 years old, while openly wanting and receiving two hugs from me at separate times was pleasant, put up his arm when Eddie came near, not wanting to be touched, doing the same to Firecrow, although he did shake his hand.
One woman exclaimed that she gets “plenty of hugs and doesn’t need any more” while another woman demanded to know what “organization” we were with before she would receive a hug. I asked, “What do you mean “organization”?” She demanded, “Why are you doing this?” I retorted, “Why not? She hugged me then.
Some people even asked us if it was a gimmick of some kind or wondering if the free hugs were really free.
All in all it was an awesome experience; my face hurts from smiling, Firecrow is taking a nap and Eddie thanked us for inviting him to come along……he wants to go back and do it again.
Its important to note that doing something like this does raise the other person’s seratonin level in the brain, doing it does the same for you and people witnessing the act of kindness and a hug does the same also for someone even if they are mearly observing the act.
Hugging-it makes you feel better.
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this way. Peace.
this is just magnificent, and well recounted.
i love that. why not, indeed!
recommended, with a smile on my face.
how quick people are to go to their “who are you with? who sent you?” place, but to see how some can, quickly, recall their core decency and sense of trust.
ah. it really is simply a hug. no strings attached. exhale. ok, then!
is that it encourages some spontaneity and gives people a moment to be themselves for no particular reason at all.
Due to technical difficulties she is unable to at this time.
I’m looking into it!
Sorry Deanna!
down the wire. Let me give the three of you a big hug back now. I’m a big lad so my arms are long….if I pull in my tum there’ll just be room.
Marvellous stuff! This could well catch on you know.
I saw that title “Free Hugs Report” and I thought “I’m gone for just a little while and Hugs is in what … jail?! He’s one of the nicest critters I know. What the hell’s going on?”
And then I read about the hug-a-thon. Good show. Hug On!
that is so cool– and how great that you took pictures. Wonderful! Hope it catches on.
for this blog. This diary is just the best. You’ve made my night. And I never would have seen it if it weren’t for docudh
posting pics: check out the guy in the green jacket-he’s wearing a peace necklace!
I love liberal Madison!
Hugging is hard work. I had to come home and take a nap, it doesn’t help that we stayed up doing blogging and other intertoob nonsense until 2:30 am, then got up at 7 to go to Madison. I had a great time photographing the event and found ample opportunity to give out hugs of my own, I estimate that between the two of them they gave out somewhere around 300 hugs in two hours. Most of the time it would happen so fast that I barely had time to raise the camera. I missed sooo many great pictures. The tiny little old lady in the perfectly matched pink outfit, who I did get a picture of hugging Eddie, but the look pure happiness and joy as she walked away will have to remain just in my mind. I almost cried right there. I could tell it really affected her. Beautiful. The young man who was about the same age as Eddie, who came running and literally jumped into his arms almost knocking him over.
He had the greatest smile. The woman who came up and after reading the sign said “For real, no gimmicks?”
When assured it was just as it said, she just “had to have one!”
So many people who as they walked by, smiled, hesitated, and decided not to get a hug then immediately started telling their friend or partner, “we should have got a hug” after Deanna and Eddie had passed by.
It was a great experience.
I just love it! I was in tears by the time the video finished. THIS is how you change the world, remind people of their better nature. By giving…freely…even something so small as a hug.
for giving me a reason to step out from the haze of cynicism I’ve found myself in recently, and reaffirm my faith in the better side of my human family.
You have inspired me to change my signature line.
This may sound sappy, but thank you for helping me remember who I am.
One spends too long here, or DKos, and can get whipped into a frenzy about how to take our country back from the bastards who are destroying it. But, while that’s terrifically important, that’s not who I am, first and foremost. Primarily, I want my entire human family to be and do better.
I’ve often referred to myself as a neo-hippy. I missed the first go-round, but adopted what I preceive were the guiding principles of the movement. I truly want peace, I want love, and I want understanding. And, I wouldn’t mind a free hug.
Thank you, again, DeannaHawk.
Here’s one right back {{{{{BIG HUG!!!}}}}}
for all of you!
Great pics too, but mostly, what a great experience! for hugger AND huggees!
on the Free Hugs project and reflecting on my experience, it is my hope that we created some postive, if not, interesting dialogue amongst the people we encountered yesterday. My intention was to leave a smile; I think we did that.