A Symbol for the Saffron Revolution

A symbol for the Saffron Revolution

heart burma 2500 wc t

This red and yellow glyph, composed of a dot and a heart, is so simple to draw that even toddlers can make it.

Red symbolizes life and love, and is the color of Buddhist monk’s robes.
Yellow represents the Sun and the shaved head of a monk.

What do you create when you put them together? You can see a heart on its side, a letter B for Burma, and the posture of a monk in seated meditation. When you draw many of these symbols together, you create a group in meditation.

Click on the images to get your own fair-use copies and other progressive grahics.
Please draw it and send it everywhere!

This graphic is available on gear at
Profits go to http://www.dvb.no/ – $25 sent already!

Update –  You will love the Burma photos here:


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    • Tigana on October 7, 2007 at 03:46

    Please don’t forget to give to the good organizations supporting democracy in Burma.

    • Alma on October 7, 2007 at 03:58

    So many pictures and symbols in something so simple.  🙂

  1. the simplicity is also very emotive of a monk.  its very effective and also attractive.  i give it an A

    • Tigana on October 7, 2007 at 04:36

    I hope it will be useful. Flickr and Creative Commons are great – making it so easy to pass along graphics.

    I had been thinking about a making a graphic for Burma for a few days. Today I pictured monks in the streets of Rangoon, and in my mind’s eye these gentle men’s robes turned into red hearts. This image arrived soon after that.

    It looks fine in Buhdy’s decor! 🙂

    • srkp23 on October 7, 2007 at 04:42

    Just perfect. Thank you, Tigana.

  2. That’s really good.

    Thanks, Tigrana.  Hope this spreads.

  3. I’m sure one of those organisations would be overjoyed to use that design on a T Shirt or something. I’d buy one anyway. If they had a big one.

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