American Twilight – the Ascendancy of Monsters

It’s enough to make the mountains cry, what’s been done to this beautiful land…and its (mostly) beautiful people.  Most of us after all are pretty decent folks, even many of those whom I am prone to rail against – the mistaken ones or the sleeping ones.  The monsters among us finally are few…they just have a disproportionate affect on the rest.


It’s distressing that so many of our smartest people still haven’t fully realized how dire our circumstances are.  I still hear people whose intelligence I respect speak in (what seem to me) wholly unrealistic terms of ‘the future’ or of saving our system of governance from within the narrow confines of its own paradigm.  These both seem hopelessly naïve to me given that we have precious little ‘future’ to speak of and the simple and obvious fact that our ‘system’ is corrupted to the point of total dysfunction.

Maybe if more people awaken I keep thinking…

But to wake up is to swim against the tide.  It’s just so easy not to in post-modern America.  We’ve been numbed from birth by propaganda and mythology, distracted by trivial matters sanctified, and blinded by the Madison Avenue bullshit that is pumped constantly in prodigious proportions into the airways and tee-vees, movie houses and radios, newspapers, schoolbooks, magazines and billboards and even into the magic tubes of the Internet.  And it’s all lies, distractions and half-truths – a perfect storm of obfuscation.  They want us to believe anything and everything – only NOT the truth.  The actual truth is the LAST thing they want us to know anything about.

Some people distrust truth, but we should seek it out instead, and honor it.


This ancient but evolving assault on truth by the powerful against the rest of us has reached new heights in recent decades.  The illusion that has been carefully crafted and aggressively fostered in America is starting to break down though, thanks in large part to the calamitous Bush administration, that and the fact that most any house of cards will collapse eventually.

But people want desperately to cling to the old familiar ‘truths’, and are reluctant to give them up.  Too many people really don’t want to know the actual truth…the more unpleasant the truth in question the more people don’t want to know it.  ‘Don’t confuse me with reality if it means giving up what I’ve always believed’ seems to be the thinking.  This unwillingness or inability to face the truth is what made the ascendancy of monsters in America possible.  A lot of people had to swallow an awful lot of crap for that to have ever come to pass, of course it all goes way back, it’s just never been this naked before.

Those of us who love America most, and I include myself in this, love the myth of America, not the actual America.  We love the America of the Declaration of Independence, the America of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights – the America that was the grand and inspired vision of some very bright folks back in the late eighteenth century, and which has been cynically used to manipulate generations of gullible and good-hearted Americans into sacrificing themselves or their progeny for the greater glory of the republic.  What a bunch of sickening garbage!  …once you know the bitter truth that is.

The actual America was stolen from the Indians, settled at least in part by slaves and indentured servants, and was raped and pillaged by monsters with cruel, greedy hearts and no conscience who murdered and stole their way to great fortunes only to assume false mantels of nobility to mask their ruthless domination, oppression, and exploitation of those they viewed as the lesser humans.

As I say, this is an ancient (though evolving) assault.  General Smedley Darlington Butler, a true American hero, spoke eloquently and bravely of the true nature of our nation – its government and ruling class anyway.  He wrote this before I was born.  It was true then, it’s even truer now.

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

Read General Smedley Darlington Butler’s War Is a Racket.


Sadly, Smedley was largely ignored and the evil just kept creeping on America.  It didn’t miss a beat.

One of the saddest facts about the reality of post-modern America from my personal point of view is that Ft. Benning, Georgia, the place of my birth, is home to the School of the Americas.  This school of horror and dishonor is a national disgrace and a shameful blight on all things American.  It is there that our government has for decades trained foreign armies in the techniques of torture, murder, and the ruthless oppression of those who would dare stand up for the rights of poor people – that being their only crime.  We, meaning our government, are on the wrong side of struggles for justice in virtually every case going back 100 years and more.  It has been our official though unstated policy to help rich criminals oppress their innocent poor.  It is an abomination and could not possibly be less in keeping with all that we (ordinary) Americans hold dear.  Our sorry excuse for a government is eminently undeserving of us.  It has knowingly and willfully betrayed every American value.


Our forefathers not only had the vision of what America could be, they saw the threats that would naturally arise.  They gave us tools to prevent it but we have not used them.  This entire administration should have been impeached and criminally charged by now.  Our government is egregiously out of order for not having done so.  They have abandoned the people.  And all of those who have argued against impeachment for whatever foolish or selfish reasons are culpable in the crimes against our nation that continue to unfold daily.  That includes you Pelosi and Reid, and even some frontpagers at daily kos who you’d think would know better.  You know who you are.  Shame on you all!



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    • OPOL on October 31, 2007 at 00:23

    is justice.

  1. Great diary.

    Time for the monsters to descend now.

  2. don’t it, knowing the truth.  You may count yourself among the few, the proud, the modern day Knights if you will.
    Question is does the society have to fall to get rid of those on top. 

    • srkp23 on October 31, 2007 at 00:43

    One of your best, OPOL, out of a great body of work.

    I really don’t see the way forward now. What will it take?

    • Diane G on October 31, 2007 at 01:26

    and now Chicago want the military to run High Schools.

    Whats on my mind?  You probably don’t want to know!

    I am sickened, just sickened by discussions yesterday when so-called liberals defend the Military taking over Public Schools, deny that there is a Christo-fascist takeover of said military and call global warming “natural and not a problem”.

    What the fucking fuck?

    Praise the Lord and Pass the ammunition, and walk in the tropics with dinosaurs?

  3. and every time I read that war is a racket quote my skin crawls.  This is an amazing piece.  Unfortunate, but amazing. 

  4. Is that as the elections near and the Gen Pop gets into its once every 4 year love affair with politics, blog readership will go up and folks will be exposed to more of the truth.

    We need, as you say….numbers.

    • pfiore8 on October 31, 2007 at 01:37

    they just exist, OPOL.

    my mind has been changed. in this way:

    i now see it as a battle of who we were against who we will become.

    i left breathingstill a comment, telling her it is the 21st Century version of Clan of the Cave Bear.

    we are the new evolutionary beings fighting the old. don’t get stuck in what you think people should think or see or be. it never was about right or wrong. it’s about what side we’re on.

    here it is…

    • pfiore8 on October 31, 2007 at 01:45

    i knew what it was
    to be pf8

    i thought it was wrapped up
    in white picket fences
    white wedding dresses
    and cradles with white bunting

    i thought it was as reproduceable
    as the summer, fall, winter, and spring
    i thought life would be broad as
    as a river, as deep as the sea, as
    lovely as a summer’s day

    with red-cheeked children
    and snow

    i thought there would be everydays
    and holidays and family

    i thought this was always

    life is combustion
    and explosions
    and only moments

    this is one of those moments

  5. which cuts to the heart of our situation. To become aware is painful because it removes that place of comfort; the myth that America is great because we’ve been brainwashed to believe that we are a beacon of truth and justice. I am willing to continue the struggle for the promise that is America and your work give me courage.

    I just wish these essays/photo journals could get out to a greater audience. Each one is a wake up call.

    Thank you!

  6. I worry that or capacity for the truth, our quest, and respect for it has been diminished by 24 hour cable news spewing out nonsense, democracy that has been replaced by consumerism as a lifestyle, and a realization that change if we ever get it real and fundamental change is going to be very difficult for all of us, and will require a complete rejection of the myths we all love and cherish.

    I know ordinary Americans have proven themselves up to the task in other trying times. It is not frankly the ordinary working Americans I worry about in the end, it is the folks who have a vested interest in preventing that change and what they are willing to do to maintain the status quo that make me leery.

    • Twank on October 31, 2007 at 02:54

    That’s all.

    • Bikemom on October 31, 2007 at 03:14

    I am so grateful to you for expressing these important ideas. 

    This country badly needs a recalibration – a clean slate where all assumptions – such as that our government implicitly protects us, that pure capitalism is the most virtuous economic system, and that war is the way we must resolve disputes – as well as all sentimental notions about our country, are reexamined.

    OMG I’m so beat! Today was my first day at a new job and I was determined to take the train/cycle to but the round trip was almost  5 friggin hours!!  (in theory it should have been three).  Not too pleased with MBTA today. Gonna have to buy a car to use until we move closer! Please don’t call me “carmom”

    • Drewsky on October 31, 2007 at 03:43

    Thanks for some truth.  Justice would be nice.

    • jim p on October 31, 2007 at 04:37

    Can’t see how we can afford the time to be demoralized. Been trying to reinject some energy into my perspective on the “big picture.” Thanks for the help.

    You said:

    But people want desperately to cling to the old familiar ‘truths’, and are reluctant to give them up.  Too many people really don’t want to know the actual truth…the more unpleasant the truth in question the more people don’t want to know it.  ‘

    And that ain’t going to change until there’s a quantum leap in the dead-level quality of humanity, or until circumstances force a radical change in their priorities. So, in the meantime…

    There’s preaching to the choir, and there’s rousing the base, but what we are needing most of all is to break out of our Netroots ghetto out into the mainstream.

    IMO, where the Netroots stands is like this:
    A beachhead has been made, liberating some of the populace, allowing a Democracy-like interaction to occur. But the mainland still remains enslaved. We have not pressed the advantage of our earlier success.

    My supports for that assessment are these: 52% just polled we should attack Iran because of its threat; more people think Saddam helped make 9/11, and more that Saddam did have WMD than did so two years ago.

    And the entire time, the Internet has been fully functioning. QED (always wanted to use that)

    Given the severe time constraints so many of us sense, would it not profit us to note and ponder the monster’s two weakest points?
    1) The claim that we are a Democracy
    2) America’s entire political spectrum reviles and despises the Elites’ Media.

    [I’ve settled on Elites’ Media instead of the usual terms like, Traditional Media, Mainstream Media, mass media, etc. It is the elites–political, financial, governmental–who are served by programming-as-is. It’s the Elites’ Media]

    Pondering is a privately done thing, so I’ll not draw out the implications of 1) & 2) above. But invite anyone to develop that.

    But we need to reach 280 million Americans, and real soon.

    Can the best and brightest and grooviest of our blogworld make up a website, a solid-sourced, informative location.

    And then take out TV spots, riffing something like this:

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  7. Beautiful Opol.  Thank you.

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