You live in the most powerful terrorist state on Earth. Yes, YOU! You, too, over there, shaking your head in denial. You, as well, holding the sign not in my name.
Your Constitution is not a valid representation of your system of government. You are ruled by two fascist dictators. They are waging was using you as their raw materials.
They are torturing your fellow citizens and anyone they catch in their traps of human misery.
Take a good look at the definitions around state-sponsored terrorism and then read the excerpts from the New York Times story by Scott Shane, David Johnston and James Risen.
One and the same.
State Sponsored Terrorism
Is there a difference between terrorism and the use of specific tactics that exploit fear and terror by authorities normally considered “legitimate”? Nations and states often resort to violence to influence segments of their population, or rely on coercive aspects of state institutions. Just like the idea of equating any act of military force with terrorism described above, there are those who equate any use of government power or authority versus any part of the population as terrorism. This view also blurs the lines of what is and is not terrorism, as it elevates outcomes over intentions. Suppression of a riot by law enforcement personnel may in fact expose some of the population (the rioters) to violence and fear, but with the intent to protect the larger civil order. On the other hand, abuse of the prerogative of legitimized violence by the authorities is a crime.
But there are times when national governments will become involved in terrorism, or utilize terror to accomplish the objectives of governments or individual rulers. Most often, terrorism is equated with “non-state actors”, or groups that are not responsible to a sovereign government. However, internal security forces can use terror to aid in repressing dissent, and intelligence or military organizations perform acts of terror designed to further a state’s policy or diplomatic efforts abroad.
They intentionally, deliberately and willfully lie to you.
They take away your homes, they force to you to buy worthless insurance policies. They deny you life saving health care. They force worthless school curriculae on your children.
They deny children, the elderly, the mentally ill and the vulnerable access to safe shelter, to reliable transportation, to nutritious food and to basic health care.
What are you doing about this?