Every once in a while, you see a news story that makes you feel good about people again.
Paul Sucher was on a waiting list for a new kidney when a Kirby Vacuum Cleaner salesman knocked on his door. When Sucher told Jamie Howard that he couldn’t afford a Kirby because of his disability, Howard was touched.
From the Yahoo!News article:
“I went outside, prayed about it, called my dad and my wife,” Howard remembers. “(Donation) was something I was called to do.”
Two months later, Sucher says he feels so good it’s almost as if he never was ill: “It’s truly a miracle.”
According to Keith Olbermann on last night’s ‘Countdown’, at a gathering of Howard’s and Sucher’s families, Howard’s aunt fell in love with Sucher’s 2nd cousin, and they have since married.
I’m sure by now you know not to recommend the Pony Party.
Without further ado, the floor is yours…
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Mornin! Can someone ‘on high’ please see about putting up a Pony Corral on the FP pleeeeease???
(maybe after recent essay but before recent comments?)
Many, many Pony Party’s have wonderful content/insight or some great comments or both. Many times they have awesome music that as I use as a dharma soundtrack, thus enhancing my blogging experience (ahem) I’m sure I’m NOT the only one who does this. These ponies are treated rudely, one could say much like second class essays (two dharmas?)- not allowed to be rec’d, falling quickly from the page and they’re gone *poof*… never to be seen/heard from again.
I want a Pony Corral dammit! I want to be able to rec these wonderful pony gems and have them go to their own little pony corral…to be admired a just bit longer…garner the recognition they so greatlydeserve…a special arena for the pretty blue ribbon ponies!!
But what I really wanted to know was, did Sucher ever buy a vacuum cleaner from Howard? Would seem a tad rude not to, at the end of the day, wouldn’t you think?
Ah yes, just one more piece of knowledge we will likely never see.
Good morning, 73v and all the other Dharmaniancs (anybody like that one?) out there.
Link to the ABC video
noose left on office door of african/american professor at Teacher’s College/Columbia
(sorry, but the world is a better place if i dont try to embed video that isnt already so coded…)
police are investigating whether this disgusting act was committed by a fellow faculty member
Good day to all.
is always good
thanks 73rd!!!!!!