Subversive Video! And open thread

Hello again! Weren’t I just here?

Again, this is not a big converstaion starter in real time….after all, to comment  on the videos, you have to watch the videos first and they are loooooong! But in poking around the innertoobz, I stumbled on to a vid of Naomi Wolf on Colbert

Treat this as an open wound thread.


….which led me to the longer talk she gave on her book, “The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot.”


Which led me to this….


Which led me to the full length version of his movie…


Which led me to this on Burma form 1996…


Which led me to the title subversive videos, which led me to search for the word subversive, which led me to Banksy!

( this one only nine minutes)


If you want more, just click on the video , tht will take you to the page of the vid. At the top of the page you can play follow the vids too!

Disclaimer: Do I believe in everything on all these videos? No, but it IS nice to get the alternative views and make your own decisions!


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    • snud on October 23, 2007 at 02:58

    And while both have a “wolf” in them, Tex Avery’s was much funnier. Good stuff! “Rally” it is!

    • Edger on October 23, 2007 at 03:00

    Subversion always wakes me up.

    Subversion is motivating.

    Subversion is good. Subversion is right!

    Well… not really “right”. It’s all that’s “Left” actually. 😉

    An’ we’d goddamn well better start subvertinatin’ pretty damn fast or there won’t BE much “Left”.

    Of anything.

  2. I only watched the Wolf vids.  ugh.  I think the fact that Clinton and Obama had to be dragged on to sign onto her proposition (or at least “make a statement” if not “sign on”) about restoring the Constitution really cements their caginess.  ugh.  ugh.  I couldn’t be more distrustful of them.

  3. an AUTHOR OF THE PATRIOT ACT I caught over the weekend has to rank as a crime against humanity in journalism if the Goddess of Liberty allows such a thing.

    If a rational dimension is ever discovered, I’m sure C-SPAN is convicted in its Hague an executed for this.

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