Have we met?

Did you ever meet someone you’d swear you’d never met before? Converse with them? Touch them? Know them? All in the first glancing contact of eyes, the first shake of hands the first exchange of words?

I ask this partly to answer a question for somebody else and partly for me. To see whether anybody else has ever experienced the strangest thing that ever happened to me.

It happened some years ago. I’m an Engineer by profession and a company buy out and asset strip had left those of us unprepared to uproot with time on our hands. I put my CV around various companies and agencies and took a job with the phone company as an operator to keep the wolf from the door. I did my 3 weeks training to learn how to drive their computers and how to handle emergency calls for the Fire,Police and Ambulance – we covered the Central,North and West London areas so I expected it to be interesting as I was to work on a permanent night shift.

After passing the set tests I went with my headset and books of destructions to the Switchroom, feeling like a new kid that joins a class halfway through term. I sat by myself the first couple of nights, then noticed that some half noticed glances in the corner of my eye were becoming more frequent. I caught one and it hit me like a 155mm artillery shell. And another….and more …and more over the next couple of days, each accompanied by a smile so warm, so utterly beautiful that of course I smiled back- how couldn’t I?

Then came the source to me, unbidden and of her own free will. We would talk there in the dimlit gloom of that nine-tenths empty switchroom, talk of the deep and the dark, shock ourselves with what each knew without learning of the other’s dreams and desires, fancies and failures. We agreed that we had undoubtedly known each other before. It was too complex for coincidence. My heart was played and played right back as we flew through the clear lights of time, space and history, embracing without touching, caressing without contact, understanding without the sweet joy of expression. We knew that we had been before, we recognised each other immediately, we told each other.

We knew of course that we had other commitments and duties. We knew that if we continued to fly together that we would inevitably want more – and that for always. That what seemed inevitable must be made impossible as maybe it always was. So a line was drawn by the hands of two and never was it to be crossed, lest others, innocent and trusting, be hurt. An unforgettable parting took place and it was the nearest thing I’ve known to a bereavement. But it will happen again, as it has happened before and so many times across these centuries – you’ll know it if you see it. No one got hurt but me and the Witch of Time and I hope that this cold unfeasibly weighty stone that I carry in my heart is penance enough for being in a circumstance against which I was essentially powerless.

It is why I always doubletake when I catch a waft of Paris from a woman.

It is why I can’t hear the word “Seattle” without a groan escaping my soul and,

It is why I wonder if anybody else has known someone at another time. Before.



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    • RiaD on November 3, 2007 at 10:30

    to form some sort of reply to you… the large expanse of white seems ver unfriendly this AM, or maybe my head is cotton from cold medicine…
    my husband calls that immediate knowing a duprass…

    I googled & its a term made up by Vonnegut in Cat’s Cradle- A duprass is a karass composed of only two persons. The members of a duprass die within a week of each other. A team of two which can’t be invaded, not even by children born of such a union. A duprass is a valuable instrument for gaining and developing, in the privacy of an interminable love affair, insights that are queer but true.

    We both think we have that…are a duprass, and yes I think we’ve done this before, many times before actually, in many lives.

    I feel that it took many lives until we could be together..I don’t know why I feel that… I believe that you will, one day, one lifetime, be together…maybe later in this lifetime or in another…but it will happen, it can’t not.


  1. and imagine my guilt, because i have a much deeper ‘bond’ with one of my children than i do with the other.

    one of my children is my ‘spit-n-image’, as we say in the ‘states, and one is the picture of her father.  and they each seem to ‘belong’ to one of us.  i parent them the same, and until the eldest’s (the one who’s ‘mine’) accident, i treated them the ‘same’, though age appropriately….

    but the oldest and i just had a much easier relationship…and we were almost always together.  the younger would choose to stay with her dad or her grammy, but ‘mine’ would always want to be with me when she could.  in high school, she would get up insanely early on her days off school to come to work with me!!  she would lie to her friends some weekends and tell them she couldnt go out, or had other plans, and stay home and watch tv with me instead of going out with them.  it was weird.  i even sometimes worried.

    and, even as a toddler, she just ‘got’ me. i thought she was weirdly wise…an ‘old soul’…and she might be…but it was mostly just me she connected with….or chose to.  one of the reasons our relationship was so effortless was that we never had to explain ourselves to the other…we just understood.  i always respected her choices…..mostly because she always seemed to make the choice that i would have. 

    ria’s ‘die within a week of each other’ theory has me a little creeped that it isnt part of the reason she survived an accident she had little chance of surviving…and ‘hangs around’ on this planet in a brain state that could hardly be called totally ‘present’…

    i had another similar experience with a man who walked into the bank i worked in one day.  it was a lot like you describe, only more immediate.  from the moment i ‘felt’ him walk in the door, i couldnt look away from him.  and we only had a few chances to chat, cut short by the fact that i was working…and then he moved on to another city with the work he was doing (some sort of consulting…??) 

    and then ive had many many experiences of ‘knowing things’, both me about others, and vice versa, that have been less intense but weirdly coincidental just the same…

    • pfiore8 on November 3, 2007 at 13:51

    that story…

    secret dave? sometimes what you’ve found gets crushed in the aftershocks of destruction

    and then there’s nothing…  but you… you still have your mrs. fd

    take another look…

    • pfiore8 on November 3, 2007 at 13:53

    for the story…

    “dimlit gloom of that nine-tenths empty switchroom”

    fucking great…

    • KrisC on November 3, 2007 at 16:05

    Mr. C and I have exactly that. 
    The VERY second we made eye contact we both instantaneously fell in love again.  I felt like crying because I had found something that I had treasured and recaptured, tears came streaming down my cheeks as I walked away from him, shaking.  I was in shock, the adrenaline high was that as I’ve never known before or since…I was standing right next to a very good friend of mine, and I mumbled something incoherent to her, but she understood…she saw it happen.  She and I both think I said “That man is going to be my life.” (or husband, not exactly sure what the last word was) and we have been in love, through thick and thin, for more than 12 years.

    And as 73rd was saying about her girls, one dad’s and the other one mom’s, I think our children feel our connection and share in it with us.  We all have a hard time being away from each other, and when dad is fishing in the summers, it’s almost intolerable for us.  When it’s time to go to school, neither of them really want to go, even though they know they will have fun, they would rather stay home with mommy.
    I feel like we were all meant to be together, the roads that lead my husband and I to meet in the first place were twisty, curvy and rather hilly-it’s a wonder we ever met at all.  That is a story all on its’ own and maybe one day I’ll put it in writing…

    Thank you Dave for sharing such an intimate portrait of yourself, romantically sad yet undeniably real.


    • fatdave on November 3, 2007 at 17:05

    I don’t sleep regular times so I’m often in my  little alcove here through the night and, having opened the box last week, tried to explain my melancholy and the comfort I derive from those shadows.

  2. It is an amazing experience (deja vu?) of this life to somehow feel an instantaneous connectiveness to another being, all too often ending “unlived.”

    But, despite the occasional melancholia and ache from it, I believe you were wise in your disposition toward it.

    • srkp23 on November 3, 2007 at 18:37

    I know of what you’ve written so beautifully. Thank you. I’m in it now. I can’t turn away. I don’t want to.

  3. Here’s a song about what you wrote:

    Of course you had met before, you don’t need me or anyone else to tell you that, your heart told you and that’s all you need.

    Yearning is a fine thing.  It keeps your heart open and vulnerable, as it should be.

    The story is never over.  Thanks for sharing this with us.

    • nocatz on November 4, 2007 at 05:01

    nocatz is here…….

    snap out of it O-larger- than -average one.

    just , y’know..B. Goode

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