National Review: Help Wanted.

K-Lo says:

It’s not every day that National Review has editorial openings. At the moment, however, we have a few – for both NR and NRO. (They have come up because of natural transition and expansion afoot.)

It’s not every day that the conservative movement implodes, and the rats naturally transit away from the gurgling sounds of a sinking ship of state.  The major expansion afoot currently at NRO is Jonah Goldberg’s Doughy Pantload.


National Review and National Review Online are in the market for an NRO managing editor, an NR deputy managing editor, and an NR associate editor – all to be based out of our New York office.

Them’s some big rats.

Requirements: a real talent for editing, and experience with editing; a broad political and cultural knowledge; and knowledge of and enthusiasm for National Review and National Review Online.

I recommend Tbogg for talent and experience.…

And who has broader political and cultural (not to mention historical!) knowledge that The Editorz!  Duh!


Finally, is there anyone more knowledgeable about and enthusiastic for The National Review than Instaputz?  I think not.


If I’ve described you and your talents and interests, send a résumé and – of at least equal importance – a letter of interest making the case for yourself to Erica Stalnecker, at

I made my picks, but I urge you ALL to apply.  I’ll supply letters of recommendation.


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  1. You might find yourself drinking martinis with William Buckley.  Just a whisper of vermouth, please!

  2. While conservative ideals have languished due to their poor implementation of late, the ideals themselves retain the explosiveness of a spastic colon.

    • pfiore8 on November 9, 2007 at 04:04

    us against them

    i think there are so few of us actually in this fight on either side

    most everybody else is a spectator is seems

    the rich and poweful against the intelligencia i guess

    but middle america? protecting their bubbles from being bursted

    polls are one thing, but these guys will end up winning, not because they’re better at the game but because most people are like the frogs in water slowly brought to a boil

    they just can’t really believe it

    and what does this have to do with your essay? i haven’t a clue

    i’m just back from a terrible argument with my sister and it’s all about her house inward…

    none of what i perceive to be happening is happening in her world

    so they win… these guys with or without editors or writers… they win

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