November 2007 archive

Food Fights, How To Enjoy

Food fights happen.

A food fight is a spontaneous form of chaotic collective behavior, in which food is thrown around a room, usually a cafeteria, in the manner of projectiles. It is usually started by one person, sometimes by accident. When it is not started by accident, the starter would normally scream “FOOD FIGHT!”, and throw any food at hand to get things started. Those who participate in food fights in cafeteria settings are usually punished severely. Food fights are a common element in slapstick comedy, with the pie in the face gag being especially prominent. Food fights are frequently featured in children’s television and books, usually as an example of destructive or reckless behaviour. It also seems to show some degree of coolness.

A food fight looks like this:

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A pie fight looks like this:

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We are informed by the all knowing Wiki

One famous food fight scene in a movie took place in National Lampoon’s Animal House, another took place in Hook, however the food fight was named a ‘Bangarang’ in the Lost Boys terminology. Food fights are rare in real life settings, despite being extremely common plot points in media such as cartoons. Though usually associated with juvenile settings such as schools, there are notable incidents that take place in more refined locations, such as the food fight at a lunch meeting of the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan.

Obviously, the all knowing Wiki doesn’t know about blogs.  Oftentimes food fights break out on blogs.  We’ve had an outbreak recently.  But unlike analog food fights, on blogs the food fight does not end in uproarious laughter at the sight of ridiculous and unnecessary waste of food, stained clothing, and floors covered in glop.  And unlike analog food fights, on blogs the food fight isn’t broken up by the principal of the junior high school.  Or the police.  Or the warden.  No, on blogs food fights can become an unpleasant epidemic, because while one is continuing the typing and expanding the food fight, one cannot see the face and the eyes of the person who is getting a pie in the face.  Or a hamburger in the hair.  Or a mustard stain on the shirt.  Or a cream pie.  Anywhere. And, of course, one cannot see the cream cheese in one’s own eyebrows, the pickel in one’s own pocket, and the chocolate cream in one’s ear.  If we could just see that, even for one nanosecond, we’d have to laugh at our spectacle. We’d be human and laugh at our absurdity.  We wouldn’t think it was all deadly serious and in earnest. How could we be doing this? we’d ask.

And we’d also laugh warily at any food that seemed still to be edible, all those claims of aggression and  bullying and victimhood and bad manners. All just typred words. We’d laugh at the epithets and name calling.  More typed words.  We’d laugh at them as being ridiculous because we all know that we’ve been throwing food.  Or watching others throw food.  Or egging them on.  Or decrying the food fight.  Or participating in the food fight.  Or wearing a garbage bag so we don’t get our clothing messed up.

Look.  When a food fight breaks out, there’s no avoiding it.  Everybody is affected.  Everybody gets involved, whether they want to or not.  And we all have our own style of involvement. If we looked, we’d see that we, all of us have food all over us.  We’re, all of us, responsible for the colossal mess.

We might even laugh that in a wonderful blog with a great community devoted to making a better world, the people who are going to make the world better are right now indisposed.   And distracted.  And otherwise occupied.  Some are actually in despair and angry.  They’re not talking about making the world better.  Or making the world better.  No. They’re making a mess. Or reacting to the mess. For reasons they themselves cannot really explain, they cannot stop finding offenses that lead to more throwing of food.

What is wrong with us?  We should laugh.  Our humanness, our distractions, our follies, our beliefs, even those, things we often take so seriously, are so fallible.  They should make us laugh.  We should be howling with laughter.

How can you take seriously anything said to you by somebody wearing lunch?  Even if it seems meanspirited.  How can you throw another creme brulee?  Haven’t we had enough?

Answers Please

If someone would be so kind, I have some questions I would like answered.

I must leave for the evening, so I will check back in the morning to see if anyone responds.

FWIW, the questions are important to me this evening, and relate to larger questions rattling around my noggin’.


Although I had lived, and hiked, and backpacked in the Southwest for twenty or so years, encounters with rattlesnakes were pretty rare. If one sees snakes at all, they’re usually stretched across a trail or road.  I had sure never encountered one where it posed a problem, like crawling into someones sleeping bag. The closest anyone I knew ever came was when I was hiking with my nephew, he once sat on a large large rock that had a rattler underneath.  When it rattled, he moved.  This is generally considered appropriate behavior.  He might have been maybe a little too excited,  and ran much farther than he needed to, but the move-away–leave-it-alone strategy is all one really needs to do in most cases.  The people that do get bitten are usually young, drunk, and male.  

Most people in rural areas with great hideouts like barns and woodpiles, will usually handle rattlesnake encounters with matter-of-fact blowing them away with a shotgun.

I somehow got a job at a nature sanctuary near a small town and moved there from Tucson.  I had been a volunteer for a few years and Jerry, the manager, finally had the funding to hire some help.   Meetings with rattlesnakes increased.


Although I had lived, and hiked, and backpacked in the Southwest for twenty or so years, encounters with rattlesnakes were pretty rare. If one sees snakes at all, they’re usually stretched across a trail or road.  I had sure never encountered one where it posed a problem, like crawling into someones sleeping bag. The closest anyone I knew ever came was when I was hiking with my nephew, he once sat on a large large rock that had a rattler underneath.  When it rattled, he moved.  This is generally considered appropriate behavior.  He might have been maybe a little too excited,  and ran much farther than he needed to, but the move-away–leave-it-alone strategy is all one really needs to do in most cases.  The people that do get bitten are usually young, drunk, and male.  

Most people in rural areas with great hideouts like barns and woodpiles, will usually handle rattlesnake encounters with matter-of-fact blowing them away with a shotgun.

I somehow got a job at a nature sanctuary near a small town and moved there from Tucson.  I had been a volunteer for a few years and Jerry, the manager, finally had the funding to hire some help.   Meetings with rattlesnakes increased.

Iraq Moratorium goes mainstream; well, kind of

Who’s the guy with the big Iraq Moratorium button?

Could it be a presidential candidate?

Indeed, Sen. Mike Gravel joined tens of thousands of others who observed Iraq Moratorium #3 on Nov. 16.

The Alaska Democrat, former Senator and presidential hopeful wore a big, black Iraq Moratorium button all day, the Moratorium website says. It’s in the Moratorium Day #3 reports.

That makes him the first presidential candidate to actually get on board the peace train, although a would-be First Lady beat him to it by two months.  

Philosophy of Race and a side note

I just recently returned from a week long trip to Boston and was planning on posting some amazing pictures I took of the city.  During this process I also came across some papers I had written for a philosophy class.  One about gender and one about race.  I thought about posting them next week, but since the issue of race is being discussed I thought it would be more appropriate to post that one now while the topic had already been breached.

A side note: I hope no one who currently posts or lurks here actually leaves the site.  That was all :p

On fighting

Apparently I missed some fighting

And then there’s buhdy’s Yay we are fighting

Much as I love buhdy, I can’t say Yay and we’re fighting in the same sentence that way.  If there’s one thing that there is too much of, here, there and everywhere, it’s fighting.  Inside families, outside families.  I fought plenty with my mother, now she’s dead.

We don’t need any more fighting.

I didn’t trace this round of fighting back to its source.

We have some of the usual suspects.  The subject this time seems to be racism.  And accusations of racism. And accusations of race-baiting.

I didn’t follow it back to its source, and I have no intention of doing so.  Feh.

Do Black people ever race-bait? Only a racist could say no.  Of course some Black people race bait.  You know why? They’re human.  Like White people.  And, likewise, some gay people are hypersensitive.  I can’t imagine why.  No one’s ever really been anti-gay! Of course not!

And race! Sheesh!  I mean, after a couple thousand years of White people treating Black people with total compassion and respect, the thanks the White people get is that some Black people race bait!  The NERVE!

I mean, white Christian males are, by definition, followers of Christ, right? So, none of them can ever throw that first stone, unless they are without sin.  Right? So, all the Christian people throwing rocks must be pure!  Stands to reason!

Then, a certain well-known front-pager starts calling out the kumbaya brigade.

Jeeze.  Let’s fight more, folks.  That way, we won’t have to concentrate on the real enemy.  Wouldn’t want that.  I mean, if we win….if we really do elect some progressives, if we really do start changing things, then what would we do?

So, fight amongst yourselves.  Go ahead. Meanwhile the real bigots will continue the real oppression. Insult each other.  Insult each other for being racists, for being rude, for objecting to people being rude, and for objecting to people objecting to being rude.

Call each other names while the world burns.

Go ahead.  I won’t stop you.

But if that’s what this site is about, include me out.

I thought this site was about changing the world.  Fighting isn’t a change, fighting is old.  We’ve been fighting for a couple million years, and look at us now.

It’s time to stop.

It’s time to stop fighting amongst ourselves, and start saving the world.

If that’s what this site is about, then cheers to us.

If it isn’t, then I am out of here

That’s what *I* want to do.  What about you?

Free your mind, and the rest will follow.

Memo to all Employees

I am going to quote this verbatum.

“Employees may also be held liable for damages suffered by the company”.

Let’s see if I am really reading this right, yup, that’s what is says.

“Employees may also be held liable for damages suffered by the company”.

Well it’s real, it’s on the company website, all real and official looking.  I have a pdf of it on at least two computers now.  In addition to the obvious Satan inspired policy changes reading between the lines a trained analyst such as myself can easily extrapolate the proximity and severity of the imminent dystopian future.

I still work here though so providing other details over the world wide web might be a bit questionable.  Anyway if the wingers ask you what “rights” you have lost during this war of terra you may cite this example.

Who do you work for?

Are you just a mere “employee”?

You can laugh at me now but I get to publish it after they fire my ass!……

Save Our Constitution: Netroots Resistance

We are rapidly closing in on the last days of what has to be considered one of the darkest chapters of American history, The Bush Administration. As we enter the election cycle for Congress and the Presidency, the excesses and crimes of this era will be even further swept under the rug of Move Along, Nothing to See Here by a Media that seems intent on covering up instead of exposing these crimes. And by a Congress that has now proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are completely clueless to the fact that they are dealing with what amounts to a criminal conspiracy.

The idiots in the Village have left no question as to what their priorities are: Preserving the status quo and protecting themselves and their friends….the criminals who are destroying our nation and endangering our world. The Rule Of Law is dead, not from some grand conspiracy, but from the ignorance, inertia and ennui of our erstwhile Rulers.

We need to resist this with all of our might.

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Why I support Obama: the importance of rational hope

Detractors of Obama often characterize him as all style, no substance. His inspiring rhetoric is portrayed as a cover for political shallowness; his charismatic charm is claimed to hide inexperience and naivety. Such criticism is uninformed. I won’t concern myself here with Obama’s record, except to note that it compares quite well to that of most of the other candidates from both parties and that I agree with most of his platform. Instead, I want to focus on his speeches, which reveal a mature understanding of the importance of rational hope in effecting change. Obama’s style has substance.

Pony Party: Six@6

Do you know the music of Peter Gabriel?

(I never saw any of these videos before today…I usually listen to music…not watch it 😉

Most of you know…Sledgehammer:

On Iraq: Create Contrast By Standing Up To Bush

Matt Yglesias writes:

Dana Goldstein remarks after watching the Republicans debate that they “are terrified of the words ‘George W. Bush.’ A smart Democrat would force her or his Republican opponent to face up, as often as possible, to the legacy of his party’s leader.” . . .  I think Democrats need to worry about a possible Republican blurring strategy on Iraq especially if the Democratic nominee voted for the war. . .

Just so. What always is missing from Yglesias’ analysis on this is what the current Congress can do – stand up to Bush on funding the Iraq Debacle:

President Bush sternly pressed Democrats to approve money to fund the Iraq war “without strings and without delay” before leaving town for the Christmas holidays, something congressional leaders have already indicated they will not do.

I liked Harry Reid’s response:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., responded that Democrats will get troops the money they need as part of a “war strategy worthy of their sacrifices.” “Bush Republicans have indefinitely committed our military to a civil war that has taken a tremendous toll on our troops and our ability to respond to other very real threats around the world,” Reid said.

Now the hard part, just saying no. That is what Democrats need to do. It is good policy. It is good politics.

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