Pat Buchanan Is An Effing Moron

I can say nothing else about the man.  He’s deficient in every mental faculty save the ability to write apparently “dog-whistle” columns celebrating the “good old days” when people were “free” to hang blacks from trees, beat gays to death and ensconce themselves in “Whites Only” clubs…


Read some of his latest lunatic ramblings decrying the protection of gay’s jobs and employment;

What would the new law do? Make it a federal crime for an employer “to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to the compensation terms, conditions or privileges of employment of the individual, because of such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation.”

Hey, sounds like something any decent American would get behind, no pun intended, right?

Perish the thought, quoth Mr. Spew-Cannon;

The bill will also do something else – further restrict individual freedom and further criminalize personal conduct. It would tell an employer: You may not want to hire homosexuals, but you are no longer free not to. For if you fail or refuse to hire or promote a homosexual, we will punish you, fine you, shut you down, break you.

Get that?  In Pat Buchanan’s America, the idea of freedom means the freedom to fire an employee for being a bloody queer, or to refuse to promote an obviously deserving one because he wears mascara…or any other delicious discrimination of fags that Pat can bring to mind…oh, the injustice of this all…

Aside: Sometimes I can’t wait for America to slide right off the face of North America, when I listen to Sean Hannity or Pat Buchanan or Rush Limbaugh for even ten seconds…

Continuing down the path of conservative enslavement, Pat whines that;

In this bill, we see the triumph of the counterculture of the 1960s in making its moral values the basis of law, even as Christians once shaped society when America was a Christian country. In pre-secular America, homosexual sodomy was a crime, not a “lifestyle.” The “lifestyle” view is now being enshrined in federal law.

Isn’t it funny how, even though the Founding Fathers explicitly drew a line between Church and State, that some Christians think the Constitution ranks just below the Bible as a religious document?  It gave man the freedom to enslave, kill fags, deny civil rights, as long as the States wrote the laws permitting it, apparently…I don’t know, I’ve given up trying to understand America’s schizophrenia when it comes to homosexuals and non-whites even being recognized as human beings…I’d expect this mentality in a 3rd World village, but in a modern, industrialized country whose very entertainment industry is rife with the same people “Decent Americans” claim to hate?

As I said, I give up…

But Pat has some golden nuggets left, still…

In the 1950s, there were men’s clubs and women’s clubs, WASP country clubs and law firms and Jewish country clubs and law firms. Black folks had their own restaurants, barber shops, movie theaters and churches.

We were a free country then. Did people use their freedom to discriminate? Undeniably. Did race discrimination need correcting? Undeniably. But in enlisting state power to end discrimination, we harnessed Leviathan.

Oh.My.Freaking.God…is the man serious?  “We were a free country then?”  Uh, to whom are you referring, Pat?  The 75% of people you wouldn’t allow to vote, if given the chance to write the laws, or the small group of monied WASPS you feel was given America as the “Promised Land” of discrimination, KKK rallies and witch-burnings?

Yes, Pat, I’m sure all Black Americans are just yearning to return to the days of the ’50’s…

You know, I promised I wouldn’t used bad language as TheManWithAPointthis man strains my honour to the breaking point…

If anyone wonders why I’m not blogging much, it’s because there really is no hope for America if trash like this is regarded as journalism.  If a man like this gets regular appearances on all the major “news” networks, I can only say that the “Camelot America” of JFK’s dreams isn’t just dead, its putrid corpse is rotting in the alley dumpster and the stench is making me sick…


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  1. hasn’t just gone insane…they never had any sanity to begin with…

  2. I would ask one thing of you, though.  And I mean ask, not demand.

    To use the word “retard” as an insult is hurtful to me.  My newphew is retarded, and his mother (my oldest sister), a very strong and unsentimental woman has more than once broken down and cried when seeing the word “retard” used as an insult.

    This is a personal request, not just to you but to anyone reading this comment.

    • Turkana on November 23, 2007 at 23:14

    back in the 90s, when quebec was once again voting on independence, buchanan proposed that if it passed, we should annex western canada, for its natural resources!

    as for buchanan’s statement, it reminds me of reagan’s claim that he could remember a time when we had no race problem in this country…

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