We are rapidly closing in on the last days of what has to be considered one of the darkest chapters of American history, The Bush Administration. As we enter the election cycle for Congress and the Presidency, the excesses and crimes of this era will be even further swept under the rug of Move Along, Nothing to See Here by a Media that seems intent on covering up instead of exposing these crimes. And by a Congress that has now proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are completely clueless to the fact that they are dealing with what amounts to a criminal conspiracy.
The idiots in the Village have left no question as to what their priorities are: Preserving the status quo and protecting themselves and their friends….the criminals who are destroying our nation and endangering our world. The Rule Of Law is dead, not from some grand conspiracy, but from the ignorance, inertia and ennui of our erstwhile Rulers.
We need to resist this with all of our might.
Even when the naked truth is admitted openly, that we are staying in Iraq forever to steal its oil at the cost of a million or more lives, even when subpoenas have been served and scoffed at, even when the most basic right of all human beings, Habeas Corpus, is stripped from us….it is now painfully apparent that nothing will be done by the Powers That Be. All that, and so much, much more is, to them, no cause for alarm, no cause for action, nothing to get upset about. It is all just business as usual.
As I and others have said many times, it is now up to We The People to try to save our country, to try to enforce the Rule Of Law and most importantly, to Save Our Constitution. No one in power is going to do it, the “press” isn’t going to do it….and none of the candidates that The Village and the “press” will allow to be elected will do it.
We cannot allow this next transfer of power to take place without mounting some sort of resistance, or ALL of the horrors of the past seven years will simply become an institutionalized fait accompli. Once our new government is installed in a years time, there will be yet another round of “It is time to move on and not divide the country further.” The time is NOW for the people to come together and take America back from the entrenched elites who are willing to let any crime pass as long as they can stay comfortably in power.
In a year, things will get better, under a Democratic Administration. And as things get better, it will just be easier for them to say let’s ‘move along.’
The time is NOW to find a way for those of us who actually care about things like Justice, Human Rights, the Rule of Law, not of men….and the Constitution of the United States Of America to find a way to join together and RESIST what is now happening.
The time is NOW to do all we can to take our country back.
We have been told all of our lives that we are powerless, that we can’t fight City Hall, that we are not capable of ruling ourselves and must surrender our fate to our betters, The Powers That Be….and it has worked incredibly well …….for them. Apathy rules the land, the average citizen has given up on living in the Land of the Free, willing to settle for the illusion of freedom that the Powers That Be tell us we have, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
But …..we are NOT powerless.
We are only as powerless as we allow ourselves to be.
We have the power to be heard.
We have the power to unite.
And we have the power to resist.
And the power to convince others that they can resist too.
The power to let “them” know that we will not go quietly, that we will not give up, that we will not fade away or forget.
And we have a rallying point: Saving Our Constitution.
And we have Demands: Out of Iraq ……..and Full Investigations into the Bush Administrations crimes.
As individuals we are small and helpless in the face of the The Powers That Be…But the more that we speak out, and join together in speaking out, the more “they” will have to listen. And the more we speak out, the more we empower others to speak out as well.
Right NOW…. We need to concentrate our efforts and our will and our on-line presence to emphasize these three points as much as possible, to make loud and clear these three demands, to make sure we are heard. Short simple and in small words that they can understand. To make sure that they are not ignored by the Powers That Be and by those who wish to become the powers that be. This is the time, when they are forced to come to us for our votes and money to continue the status quo. This is the time to organize and come together around these three simple demands.
Save The Constitution, Out Of Iraq, and Full Investigations.
This IS the time to oppose those who would move on and let these crimes become our new reality. This IS the time to Resist.
More tomorrow….and in the days to come.
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I think I am going to publish this series at night here…and in the mornings at Dkos.
“Yell Louder”. We have a media that is, for all intents and purposes, “lost” to progressive voices. So the old adage of the tree falling in the forest seemingly applies.
If we can’t get our media to cover our louder yelling, we’re all preaching to (or yelling at) the choir, aren’t we?
I think our Founding Fathers never dreamed that what’s seemingly happened could have happen at all: That the “press” would willingly neglect their reason for being and sell out for obscene profits. (Of course, back then, there were no obscene profits to be made that way)
We see examples every day from the pathetic “debates” – and the coverage of them – to bozos like Joe Klein spewing blatant lies in major magazines like Time with no repercussion.
I often feel that if we can’t fix our broken media we have little hope of defending the Constitution. It’s a pretty helpless feeling too.
I’m with Emma Goldman: “If I can’t dance, I don’t want your revolution.” Can we remember to resist happily, joyously, ecstatically, orgasmically, creatively, artistically? That’s the kind of resistance we need right about now.
worked with a group in her comm. arts class to compile a video to be included in their yearly ‘showstoppers’ talent extravaganza…
she used the song ‘so cold’ by breaking benjamin….
and the poem ‘alone’ by edgar allan poe:
…and has been roundly abused by 2 or 3 of her classmates for putting a pic of cheney where the line ‘of a demon in my view’ is spoken…but of course she left it in
i wont get to see the video until saturday night….my parents went tonight, and mom promised to boo when cheney’s face comes up on the big screen….
so cold….
You’re always saying “Yell louder!” And we should — the problem is we aren’t. If each of us spent half of the time and energy that is spent here on ACTION equally, maybe, we’d get somewhere. Like right now, it would be good if everyone called Cong. Conyers’ office (202-225-5126) EVERYDAY and demand that he perform his Constitutional duty and start Impeachment hearings on H.R. 333 — he does have the ability, I believe, as Judiciary Chairman to do so, despite Ms. Pelosi*. A steady, on-going demand is what is needed NOW.
*Frankly, no one but no has the right to remove Impeachment from the table. To remove Impeachment from the table is the same as removing the Constitutional provisions for Impeachment from the Constitution, itself.
a new government…but if you look at Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s proposal of constitutional changes in Caracas today…letting him run for re-election indefinitely if the referendum passes.
The White House could…
1) stop elections… (seriously, tho!)
2) rig voting machines…(done that before!)
3) make constitutional changes… (check!)
4) declare unitary executive privilege/dictatorship…(BoyBush’s wet dream…!)
I really wish we could get these numbers…and the media support.
We are not powerless, but there seems to be a lot of people snoozin’ still, here in the US…
How do you wake people who don’t even know they’re asleep?
because if this piece of shit legislation (Sponsor: Sen. Susan Collins [R-ME]) ever passes, you will be yelling from a cell.
S. 1959: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
Gestapo for Homegrown (not that kind) Terrorist.
They’re everywhere ya know.
November 28: Live Music with NCM and Impeachment with National Lawyers Guild President Marjorie Cohn
also, you will recall letters that we wrote and forwarded to Cindy Sheehan by November 26th — well, here’s an Send Cindy Letters to Pelosi
and here’s an excellent article by Ted Lang Impeach Cheney, Bush and Pelosi!
H.R. 1955
I don’t want to make myself horse, but…
coincides with
to move on
Our biggest mission now it to find a way to get this into
the mainstream. I think Buhdy’s excellent plan of posting
here in the pm and Kos in the am is a great way to start
the ‘yell louder’ process. And perhaps by putting our heads
together we can find the right way to get the word out there.