Top Ten Reasons I Shouldn’t Run A Blog

1) I whine about running a blog too much.

2) I try to see both sides of an issue

3) I am entirely too unwilling to write people off

4) I suck at refereeing blog disputes

5) I get depressed when people I like disagree unamicably

6) I want to fix everything

7) I lose my temper too easily

8) I feel horrible when I lose my temper

9) I try to do too much and get mad at myself when I don’t and end up doing even less

10) I can’t think of a tenth reason why I shouldn’t run a blog.


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  1. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    OK, I am going to get tough….I can do this!

    Since I hardly ever post on Dkos anymore I have lost all my moxie!It is usually so peaceful here, I forget how thick of a skin blogging takes!

  2. Hate to break it to you, but …


  3. and toxic diaries.  

    • Tigana on November 28, 2007 at 03:34

    It’s Iglesia’s home too 🙂

    • on November 28, 2007 at 04:04

  4. Ergo you should.

  5. the inevitability of 73rd virgin’s presence, as she rode my coattails through security and adamantly refuses to cease doing so…  😉

  6. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    This is what you need to be a blog referee.  A yellow card and a red card.  Second yellow card equals one red card.  Red card means your out of the game.  You give a yellow card for fouls; you give a red card for flagrant fouls/misconduct.  If anybody complains about the yellow card, you give them a second yellow card and they’re out of the game.

    You can do it Buhdy!! This guy carded Beckham.  You can do it!

  7. this is the one

  8. I’ll stop causing problems…i guess…if i have to.

  9. You let ME play in your blog—–> <*o^>

    • Armando on November 28, 2007 at 15:03

    you do  not like to disagree with your friends, including me.

    You need to get over that.

  10. I saw this comment on a blog and thought to myself – what a civil way to disagree with someone. I have no idea what a POD is – but I think there is a good seed (yes a pun) of an idea in here;

    Re: Ratings on Individual Material? + BRING BACK BAD SEEDS!

    Patrick said Nov 17, 10:30 AM:

    Hi Arthur,

    I feel a lot of anger towards you, and it dates back to the I-I pod. This just came back now! We’ll have to find a place to resolve this thing and I think this is not the place to do so – maybe a pod should be created that would be called the “resolve your anger with a mediator pod” – why not?

    Anyway, I could not hold back and this is certainly not the place to do so. So excuse me, but this thing will have to be resolved.

    Anyway, I just did not understand your answer to my post. So if you could be clearer, that would help me.

    Be well,


  11. That is truly pitiful.  It suggests to me that reason #10 shoud be: Because you’re a fucking slacker!

    Time to buck up, get a grip and do something constructive around here, Buhdy.

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