And I Say To Myself….

It is a bright and beautiful day. The sun shines down and its life giving light feeds the grasses and plants and makes them grow. It rained a bit recently and the ground is still moist. The bougainvillea is flowering ad the mango and avocado trees are taking a winter holiday before pushing forth new life, new seeds, new fruit. Light miraculously transforms into green life every second of every day and the animals and fish and humans eat that life, that light and are sustained.

There are children playing and laughing, there is bright musica playing across the street, the bass line held by a thumping good tuba.

There is food in the cupboard and the roof barely leaks.

Around the world on this bright and beautiful day, kittens are being born, and puppies and baby giraffes and lemurs and tigers and ponies. Right now…at this very second, two young people have just found their first love together and are looking into each others eyes and can see nothing else.

The sun is shining as it moves through its paces dictated by the the course of the universe, our pretty little planet rotates around it, and our beautiful moon rotates around us. And we rotate through our little but vastly important lives. Going about our daily business and smiling at each other when we can, and as Louis says…

“I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do, they’re really saying…I love you.”

The vast majority of humans are good and decent (if not too bright, lol) people who merely wish to be left alone to try to be as happy as possible. They wouldn’t consciously hurt anyone else if left to their own devices and we have invented a society where they can mostly do that. Where they can grow up and fall in love and work hard and build a life that is safe and satisfying and make some children and grow old. They can have triumphs and see and even create beauty and celebrate milestones and achievements, and watch their children grow and share in their triumphs and achievements. It’s a wonderful world.

We can smell a Spring day and taste marvelous food and hear glorious music and see astounding landscape and moonrises and sunsets…and feel the people we care about touch us with loving kindness.

And this is true for all of us here on this planet, even those who are cursed. Cursed by either the circumstances we were born into or circumstances that happen in our lives. Whether we were born into crushing poverty or have lost a loved one or had all of our material goods taken away or stolen or been injured or are ill. Even in those lives there are moments of beauty and grace and peace….if moments only. And since humans are mostly good, sometimes, if we ask for help, it comes. What is more beautiful than that, when you are as down as you can be and someone comes along to help. Or when you are doing ok and you have the opportunity to truly help someone, to change their lives in a good or meaningful way. We may not be able to solve their problem, but we can almost always help….even if it is just with a smile.

What a wonderful world….where you can help someone even if just for a moment by simply contorting your face in a pleasing way.

There is another curse in this world as well, though not on the magnitude of the curses above…and with some very good side effects….sometimes.

The curse we all share here…the curse of compassion, the curse of wanting to help, the curse of trying to make the world a better place, the curse of being compelled to reach out and to…..try.

Robert Anton Wilson said that to be TRULY happy in this world there are vast parts of your self that you must kill off. He was talking in part about compassion. We could all ….individually….be much happier people if we didn’t feel that curse, that need to try, that need to help. Ignoring the many and varied and neverending woes of the world and the plights of our fellow humans and finding and creating and living out our little lives in the bliss that we see all around us, the bliss that ignorance brings.

But we are not built like that, we are cursed, cursed to care, and care deeply, and to turn that caring into action, to try to help.

As curses go, on this world, it is not a bad one to have. We may not ‘win’ very often….there may be times like the one we are in now, where everything pretty much sucks and it looks like all of our caring and trying and helping…doesn’t help. Like there is just nothing we can do to make things better.

But look back, with your non-blissful, non-ignorant little tiny human brains. Look back into the history of the humans on this planet. See where we have come from see what we have achieved, even with these tiny brains and all the nasty impulses and instincts that go along with them and go along with having our (wannabe) noble spirits encased in big sacks of meat that we have no choice (due the above mentioned instincts) but to try to keep alive. To keep alive, and after that, to reproduce and to try out of our good instincts to create havens and civilizations where we all work together (when we are not killing each other) where we and others can do the same.

Just as the scientifically accidental existence of life itself is a miraculous thing, given the odds… and the fact that 99.9999999% of the universe is made up of killing cold and lifeless vacuum, the fact that we mentally thick and and at times emotional brutal animals have even gotten this far is a bloody miracle.

It is a miracle produced by one thing above all others, compassion. If we were only our instincts, if we only listened to the animal side of ourselves, this world would be quite different. So though it may suck sometimes to be one of the humans cursed with compassion, cursed to care and to try…against all the odds…to move humanity forward, we can take heart that there has been any progress at all. And we can take credit as well!

For without the caring and trying and helping people of the world, there would be no hope, no chance, no future for the smiling laughing playing children and for the artist trying to hew beauty out of brutality and…for things like justice and truth and fairness and caring and compassion.

WE did this, we cursed little humans have created a world that is FAR from perfect, but that really does get better every day. Moves forward everyday. As we learn to talk to each other, and learn that we are all the same, and learn that we all want the same basic things, the People of the world create …in spite of all the obstacles thrown up by those who would drag us all down into the mud as long as they are on top of the pile…a new world. A world that slowly and painfully progresses. As the People of the world slowly and painfully come together and realize that despite what we have been told by those “in power,” that we are separate, that we must fear each other, that all men and women are not brothers and sisters, but are instead enemies…As we grow and learn and talk to each other…the People reject the the vision of those in power. And we learn that cooperation and compassion ARE the keys, ARE the way to live. We learn, slowly and painfully that we can live together and create a NEW world, a new society.

And this occurs for one reason. As some people hide and huddle in fear…there are the others, the ones like us, who reach out to them, against all the odds and instincts and fear…and hold out our hands to them and say, my brother… there is another way. We that have this curse have always been here, we have always tried….and though our victories are not as flashy (WE never get to stand on aircraft carriers in cool flight suits with banners behind us announcing victory!) we DO constantly win the battle, we progressives ARE making progress.

And we will not stop, and we will not give up and we will not stop caring. We will continue our little individual fights for a better more loving and compassionate world.

A wonderful world.

So, no matter how bad it looks, no matter how hard it is, it is because WE…the cursed, lol….never give up, always keep fighting…REFUSE TO LAY DOWN that we have gotten this far….

In other words…

and keep on Yelling!



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  1. Photobucket

    • kj on December 22, 2007 at 18:37

    for this, from the bottom of my human heart.

    “Let compassion be the center of my being.”  namaste

    • pfiore8 on December 22, 2007 at 18:43

    then a sigh of relief………. to hear something good. to imagine it, smell it, and hear it (cause i love tubas)

  2. The basic needs and wants of each of us are the same the world over.  Learning to respect that understanding would, I think, help a lot.

    And, yes, it truly is a beautiful world!

    Thank you — lovely!

    • pfiore8 on December 22, 2007 at 18:52

    not just its soft and sentimental side, but to its fucking fun and  boisterous sides… and it’s so about the music

  3. it is a glorious bright blue sky day where I dwell, last night those same cloudy skies sprinkled another foot of white powdery snow and covered the already slushy melted brown eath. I wash my clothes in my fifteen year old washing machine, a bit rattly but still rotating like my planet and thank the gods that I don’t have to kneel by a frozen stream to break the ice to wash my knickers.

    My two golden retreiver mixed breed mutts play like children scratching for brown apples left on the trees for the birds in winter. I sprinkle thistle seeds for the tiny birds who need to be plumped up on days like this.

    I read the blogs and try not to feel complete outrage that I cannot wave my magic wand and create a better world for the homeless in Calcutta, the starving in the Sudan, the beggar children of India deliberately maimed and crippled so they can earn more money for their parents.  The child prostitutes of Thailand sold into pslavery to support their families.  The glue sniffing children on Aboriginal reservations living in burned out hulks of minivans. The original inhabitants of this plentiful land trying to live with dignity on the soil they thought was theirs forever.

    I pray, even though i do not do so to any one god but to a universe that is merciless and brutal that I shall never become so inured to outrage that i lose my compassion and communion with my brothers and sisters of the planet.  I am not the best of people, I am not the worst of people, I just do the best I can and try not to judge others.

    May peace and love dwell in your hearts and on your hearths however poor, however opulent, on this day when some celebrate the birth of a child who tried his best to change the world for the better.


  4. I could be as elloquent as budhy and soccergandmom on this snowy cold day up here in the northland. Thanks to both of you.

    I don’t know if you will all understand why my favorite youtube came to mind as I read all of this, but it will be my contribution to this lovely December conversation.

  5. We got Banda el Recodo:

    What great, great tuba baselines!!  

    • psyched on December 22, 2007 at 20:10

    This is so wonderful and unexpected, spontaneous!

    What a neat idea that compassion is a curse.

    There is so much to complain about that it is unusual to see you writing in this vein.

  6. Beautiful Essay!

    It’s a sparkly day on the Bay!

    Jose C Silva – creative commons

    Hitch up a ride and come Play!

  7. to wake up to one of my favorite songs on my absolutely favorite site on the innertubas! And a brilliant essay!! A great way to start the day, thank you, buhdy!!!  

  8. that you know you are going in the correct direction when you are going up hill…..

    • robodd on December 22, 2007 at 21:58

    Campaign finance reform. Lobbying reform.  Take the money and the class identification away and we get our country back.

  9. Day late and a dollar short.  Guess this means no ponies

    for me 🙁

    Well, no matter… “What a Wonderful World” could not have

    been a better choice!  Thank you for reminding us just why

    it is we bang our collective heads against the wall.  Not

    only does it feel good when we stop, but sometimes we can

    actually make a difference.

    • RiaD on December 23, 2007 at 04:04

    i needed this… bright shiny daydreamey rays of light sparklin thru dancing with laughter joy & Hope

    you’re exactly correct… it’s many of us doing the little things- smiles, thank yous, your welcomes, hugs, well dones, mmm delicious’s… and eyes wide open to appreciate these little things… that will give us hope, change the world

  10. We learn, slowly and painfully that we can live together and create a NEW world, a new society.

    And this occurs for one reason. As some people hide and huddle in fear…there are the others, the ones like us, who reach out to them, against all the odds and instincts and fear…and hold out our hands to them and say, my brother… there is another way. We that have this curse have always been here, we have always tried….and though our victories are not as flashy (WE never get to stand on aircraft carriers in cool flight suits with banners behind us announcing victory!) we DO constantly win the battle, we progressives ARE making progress.

                                      DD’s buhdydharma

    “But the other half of mankind, startled by the look-out’s cry, has left the huddle where the rest of the crew sit with their heads together telling time-honored tales.  Gazing out over the dark sea they study for themselves the lapping of the waters along the hull of the craft that bears them, breathe the scents borne to them on the breeze, gaze at the shadows cast from pole to pole by a changeless eternity.  And for these all things, while remaining separately the same–the ripple of the water, the scent of the air, the lights in the sky–become linked together and aquire a new sense: the fixed and random universe is seen to move.

    No one who has seen this vision can be restrained from guarding and protecting it.  To testify to my faith in it, and to show reasons, is my purpose here.

                                     de Chardin

       …and buhdy continues…

    And we will not stop, and we will not give up and we will not stop caring. We will continue our little individual fights for a better more loving and compassionate world.

    A wonderful world.

    So, no matter how bad it looks, no matter how hard it is, it is because WE…the cursed, lol….never give up, always keep fighting…REFUSE TO LAY DOWN that we have gotten this far….

        …and Chardin continues…

    We are moving.  We are going forward!

    “We are moving.  We are going forward!”

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