Which presidents and political parties were responsible for America’s deadliest wars? To what extent can you blame a president or a political party for choosing to go to war? This map may hold some answers. It illustrates the history of American war from 1775 to 2006. War is a necessary evil. Politics, however, shouldn’t be.
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Which presidents and political parties were responsible for America’s deadliest wars? is not remotely answered by showing who was president during the different wars.
To their credit, they ask this question, too….but they didn’t answer it
that in general, American opportunism and imperialism, vis a vis war illustrates our history. It doesn’t really matter which party took us to war most often.
at the very inception of the GOP as Ron Paul wisely notes.
We could have been weaned off slavery gradually just as with so much slavery this very day.
No need to come to blows over such a silly matter.
Right on, Edger. Always a cogent and perceptive posting.
Best, Terry
…except that by focusing on U.S. military casualties, the map fails to deal with the true horror of the wars that were engaged in.
Moreover, it is deeply flawed in that it misses most of the multiple U.S. interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
And the four instances of “Indian wars” don’t even come close to covering that territory. There wasn’t one Seminole War, there were three. And the Indian Wars in the West appear to be confined to the Sioux-Cheyenne-Arapahoe wars. In fact, there were dozens of mini-wars, beginning in the 1850s and ending on December 30, 1890, with Wounded Knee. But no mention on the map of the Apache was, the Modoc War, the Comanche wars, the Ute wars, the Nez Perce war, et cetera, et cetera. And, of course, as in other cases, the only fatalities from those wars that the map takes note of are soldiers. Even Indian warriors don’t get counted in the losses.
The map is, at best, a work in progress.