Our local zoo has an annual Christmas light display, so I decided to check it out.
I am in truth, not a super duper Christmas person. I haven’t started my own personal war on Christmas, I am just a bit ambivalent. The other night a work colleague was stressing out about whether she had gotten enough presents for her kids. Some of them will be from Mommy and Daddy, some from Santa. Another work colleague has an adult niece and nephew who are pretty irresponsible, through out the year she is always loaning them money and if it weren’t for her, the kids wouldn’t have a Christmas. She rarely gets a thank you. I wonder if the kids will ever realize when they are older just who bought them most of their gifts.
The zoo was mainly full of families with young kids and some teenagers looking for something to do. It was nice to see that in a world of hyper fast imagery and video games that kids still like lights.
The entrance was graced with fake snow. If it really snowed in Memphis, even an inch or two, Memphians would be galloping through the grocery stores acting as if it was Armageddon, not appreciating lights.
Thanks for looking and please show me some of your festive holiday type pictures.
Don’t rec pony party, chit chat, hang out, and then go read some of the excellent offerings on our recent and red’d list.
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Hope you are all having a stress free Saturday.
Our tree last year

My favorite ornament
Some more ornaments (can you see the Rastafarian angel?)
Silly Santa
Dead Santa!
Hope y’all are having a nice weekend. It is pouring here and I’m thrilled!
(someone suggested Santa Clausen):
but I do have all the boxes out of the crawl space!
this is the house Last year
and we live on a corner so I have to do the side door too…
’bout 4 years ago I got really tired of the regular christmas red & decided to do a tropical/undersea tree…
and the recently added harbour (to go with the tropical tree)
Hannah with SC…

Zion with SC…
All three…
Santa came to our local post office to pick up “Santa Letters” from the kids, we all wrote one and I asked Santa for the war to end and the obvious…World Peace! I also asked him if he had any pull with Mother Nature, I’d really like a White Christmas this year! He agreed! Heh!
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