Republicans: The War and Torture Party

Small Government?

Fiscally Conservative?


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No, the Republicans are none of these things…not anymore.

With 189 Republicans yesterday voting in the House in FAVOR OF TORTURE, the Republicans have now crossed the line. They can only be known as the War and Torture Party now. The party that kills and tortures innocent people as part of its policy.

The bill to ban waterboarding by the CIA passed in the House….even with 10 Democrats crossing the aisle, crossing the line…and voting to allow torture, it passed.

….even though waterboarding is already illegal, I guess we need to keep passing laws against it….and keep not enforcing them.  

Now it goes to Harry Reid’s Senate. If it doesn’t die there because McConnell snaps his fingers in Harry’s face and says the magic word, filibuster, which apparently puts Harry in some sort of trance where he comes under the thrall of the minority party and does their bidding…..

George “the Torturer” Bush….says he will veto it.

So there you have it….waterboarding is now a Republican cause celebre. They will fight to be able to torture, they will bring all of their power to bear to make sure that the CIA can continue to torture.

A million lives, a trillion dollars….and now, legal torture. All to keep the fiction of a Global War On Terror going strong. All to keep their fear driven ideology going and to try to turn the horrific acts they have committed from War Crimes into US Foreign Policy. Do they have any idea what they are making America into? The American People don’t want an endless War on Terror, they don’t want to keep killing Iraqis, they don’t want to torture people, but the Republicans and their Democratic enablers …just …don’t …care.

They don’t care about decency and the sanctity of human life anymore, what DO they care about? So much for all of their talk of Family Values and being a Christian nation. They don’t seem to realize that what they are doing….killing innocents and torturing their fellow man is about as anti-Christ as you can get. And they certainly don’t seem to realize what they are doing to every US soldier that will ever be captured again. They are about to turn one of the biggest taboos of warfare and humanity….into official policy. They have taken another giant step down the road to barbarism, a giant step AWAY from all that Christ…and every decent caring human being in history has held sacred.

Love your enemy? No, Torture him.

Merry Christmas, War and Torture Party….Merry Christmas.


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  1. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    • kj on December 14, 2007 at 18:12

    WATERBOARDING IS TORTURE Say it loud, say it often, say it instead of “Good morning.”  

    • kj on December 14, 2007 at 18:13

    Budhy?  I need to make some phone calls.  >:-|

    • kj on December 14, 2007 at 18:15

    “institutionalize” torture!  Fuck this!  This goes right to the root of who we are as human beings!

  2. you would realize that torture is a family value they hold dear.

    • OPOL on December 14, 2007 at 20:25



    yes folks, a VETO threat

    • TheRef on December 15, 2007 at 01:14

    Criminal Resource Manual: 20 Torture (18 U.S.C. § 2340A)

       Section 2340A of Title 18, United States Code, prohibits torture committed by public officials under color of law against persons within the public official’s custody or control. Torture is defined to include acts specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering. (It does not include such pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions.) The statute applies only to acts of torture committed outside the United States. There is Federal extraterritorial jurisdiction over such acts whenever the perpetrator is a national of the United States or the alleged offender is found within the United States, irrespective of the nationality of the victim or the alleged offender.

       October 1997 Criminal Resource Manual 20

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