A Better Way

Our local public libraries in this city are on the verge of hiring armed police officers and its not because they want them to have more reading time. These folks are scared of the young people who recently began spending more time in the libraries, primarily to get access to the internet. Our staff have been talking with folks at the libraries about alternatives to this plan, and I’m happy to tell you that the leadership is interested in hearing more.

We provided a training to some of the staff in the library across the street from us and it was well received. They report to us that after resorting to calling the cops at least once a week due to unruly behavior of kids in their library, since the training this summer, they have not called them once. They also told a wonderful story of just one of the changes they made. After the training they realized that many of the problems with young people began while they were waiting in line to get on a computer. With this information, they decided to place Sudoko puzzle books and a checkers set where kids were waiting in order to give them something to do. And, whala…problem solved.

Now maybe that’s just an interesting story in and of itself, but I think its also a metaphor about how we are making all the wrong choices in our fearful attempts to establish security in this world. Whether its a “lock ’em up” mentality to solve all social ills, a “build a wall” mentality in our immigration policy, or a “shoot ’em up” mentality in response to perceived international threats, we seem to keep playing the same old song, regardless of how ruinous the results.

The heart of the training we provided to library staff was based on research into parenting styles that breaks down approaches based on structure (demands) and responsiveness. Here’s a little summary:

Neglectful parents are neither responsive nor demanding. They do not support or encourage their child’s self-regulation, and they often fail to monitor or supervise the child’s behavior. They are uninvolved.

Permissive parents are responsive, warm, accepting, and child-centered, but non-demanding. They lack parental control.

Authoritarian parents are demanding, but not responsive. They show little trust toward their children, and their way of engagement is strictly adult-centered. These parents often fear losing control, and they discourage open communication.

Authoritative parents are demanding and responsive, controlling but not restrictive. This child-centered pattern includes high parental involvement, interest, and active participation in the child’s life; open communication; trust and acceptance; encouragement of psychological autonomy; and awareness of where children are, with whom, and what they are doing.

The librarians who went to the training realized that they were being permissive in ignoring problem behavior until it got out of control. Then, they brought in the authoritarians, or the cops, to threaten or use physical force to solve the problem. When they adopted the authoritative approach, they began to be responsive to the needs of the young people and looked for ways to solve the problem, all while being clear in their expectations about appropriate behavior.

So lets take a moment and apply these concepts to some of our current political issues. The neglectful people are not really in the game at this point. Perhaps that category can be applied to those in this country that continue to enjoy their lifestyle and keep their heads in the sand about what it is costing us in the world today.

Very often liberals are accused (rightly so in my mind) of being too permissive. There are justifiable criticisms of those who grant unqualified support to folks like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Conservatives and libertarians also engage in a permissive style when they, like the librarians, ignore the roots of problem development and then react too late with an authoritarian show of force.

But perhaps the style that is most overwhelming in our political scene today is authoritarianism. The same type of response that says we need armed cops in libraries is what is driving our “global war on terrorism.” Its the knee-jerk thinking that a show of force will stop any kind of rebellion, no matter what the root causes. The lack of engagement in problem solving makes people think the only option is one of violence to stop the threat. And, as we are seeing in almost every sphere where it is used, ITS NOT WORKING.

The alternative is an authoritative approach – one that establishes expectations, engages in dialogue, and is responsive. So here’s something revolutionary for those folks in DC…we can say that blowing people up, whether its in NYC, Iraq, Israel, the West Bank, or Darfur is wrong. AND we can talk to people, observe the situations, learn from history, etc., and try to find solutions to the problems that are creating the violence. This does not have to be an either/or question.

As a small example, I recently wrote an essay about a man named Greg Mortenson who builds schools for kids in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Imagine the lives and money that could be saved if we truly wanted to join with the people of the Middle East and took the time to engage them over Three Cups of Tea.

And on a more grand scale, JFK expressed it so beautifully in his inaugural address.


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  1. said by a US President:

    Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

    • OPOL on January 20, 2008 at 17:19

    an excellent piece of work.  I would take issue with the overly permissive liberal thing, but well done nonetheless.  

  2. My biggest peeve is this part…

    ignore the roots of problem development and then react too late with an authoritarian show of force.

    Never addressing the causes (of anything, either in parenting or politics!) but always just reacting to the latest incident. Putting out fires again and again but never taking the time to even find out what the root causes are and correcting them.

    Especially in politics we need to ask why much, much more…not just ‘what do we do now.’

  3. …and with an, apparently, happy ending. Wise folks on that library staff, not a little, I would suspect, because you’re on it NLinStPaul.

    Please excuse one teensy nitpick for something that is tangential in your Diary.

    Liberals have been split into two groups regarding Castro/Che, and for that matter, Hugo Chavez. Those who think these guys are beyond substantive criticism, in part because they stand up to Uncle Sam, and those who go the other way and have nothing but criticism. Wise folks do their research and weigh  all leaders on the same scale.  

    • Edger on January 20, 2008 at 18:34

    It’s also the creator of the problems.

    Really well done essay, NL…

    • nocatz on January 20, 2008 at 18:36


  4. I feel stupid that I did not know of this plan. A police officer in my library (St Anthony Park) would ruin it. I have been going to that library since I can first remember. I always remember the sense of community and warmth.

    I have no problem with police. But putting a officer would ruin the sense of loving and community that has always been the library.

    Great post.

  5. I was shocked into the reality when my kids started interacting with the world at large as it was not how I wanted it. I like OPAL had to teach my children how to live in society, it’s really just values, ethics and consideration, being civilized.

    Our society has become however increasingly fixated on ‘Law and Order’ and the phrase zero tolerance, sets my hair on fire. We as a society give such mixed messages, violence is entertainment, winning is all and children are left by the wayside to fend for themselves as are the old. Thanks for your work, our communities need oasis’s where young people can  gather and learn, shared space and respect for others as well as facts


  6. Reminds me of when I taught in a free school that was hypocritically a free school. As the teacher I used to get called to the principal’s office rather frequently, but since they had run two teachers out of their classroom by October, I was asked to rescue the situation. Seems no one else would.

    So in the principal’s office I was told that two of my boys were going into the woods and setting fires. I said I thought that was pretty serious. He asked me what I was going to do about it. I said I didn’t know but I was going to think very seriously about it.

    By the time it was time to go home I had solved my problem. I said,”Let’s have a cookout for lunch tomorrow. Anyone else want to?” Hands went up. So I said, “Don’t forget to bring what you want to cook. Let’s see, who will make the fire?How about you Tole and you David?” Boy they were eager to do that.

    So as lunchtime approached the next day they reminded them to do it. They didn’t need to tho. So all the days into winter and spring after that there would always be a few who would ask them to make a fire as they had brought cookout stuff for lunch.

    Then in the winter I took them to a college production of Lysistrata. This was in 66-67 when they and I were anti-war. They could not believe it when all the men started making fires onstage and the women poured water on them. Sexual symbolism, you know, if you have read the play. The beauty of teaching this way is that it makes you more and more creative to survive. Like writing BM on the bathroom walls. And Greg Irons turned them all into BMW.

    The problem with permissiveness, which I believe in because it works, is that the adults have to be intelligent and creative and most of the time they are not so they resort to being authoritarian. The temptation is great. Whenever I have substituted here in the Ozarks where it’s the stick and punishment, I have found authoritarian responses bubbling up into my mouth. It takes a Summerhill environment to change them when it’s gone that far.

    For anyone here who wants to understand the permissive non-authoritarian approach then John Holt is the royal road to that understanding. But I think classic Montessori is required now for entering children for our culture. Jes’ sayin’.


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