
All of the circumstances and conditions listed in my essay below are caused by one overarching problem.

As Truong Son Traveler called it The Military Industrial Complex and the Power Elite.

Not because they are some vast evil conspiracy bent on some nefarious plan to subjugate all humans, (necessarially, lol) but because of the plain fact that they and others in the ‘elite’ are an incredibly small minority in which nearly all the wealth and power in the world resides. In the big picture, their aims and motives and consciences don’t even really matter. What matters is that they hold the power and that they are not going to give it up.

Oligarchy is ALWAY a problem….conspiracy or not….because of that fact. Because they simply have NO interest in doing what is best for the majority of the people on the planet.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially in a group that represents the interests and intrigues of far less than 1% of the people on the planet.


If we step back out of the viewpoint of……this is just how things are….then we can see the possibilities of another way. That things DO NOT have to be this way, that there is not an inevitability to events that makes us powerless. Instead there is a cause of our current powerlessness, too much power in the hands of too few people.

And if we take that step back, we can also see that it is not even ‘their’ fault!

What alternative has there historically been to oligarchy? The Founders were right ….to a certain extent…. that true democracy is an untenable proposition. They feared “mob rule” because they had seen how easily the emotions of ordinary people can be manipulated, how “mobs” behave. And we can see some evidence of their correctness in the level and the pursuits of popular culture and the level of willing informational ignorance that many, if not a majority of people in this world pursue. A political system based on the sort of democracy practiced on American Idol is not the answer either.

There has to be a better way, a new way. I seriously believe that the internet holds the answer, though I have certainly not been able to come up with it yet! But the ability for The People to communicate with each other…all around the world is certainly a start. Together we CAN take the power out of the hands of the ‘elite; and find a new way. Some form of the representative democracy that the Founders envisioned….but with MUCH stricter controls against the depredations of the power elite and corruption of the system. In my previous piece I spoke of the spiral, and a spiral is indeed what has occurred. The People ced power to the leaders and the oligarchy, who pursue their own interests and purposefully shut out and oppress the People, who respond by throwing up their hands and quitting the system, giving the oligarchy more and more power to shut the People out of the process.

And here we are, with our planet poised on the brink of more catastrophes than you can shake a stick at. Will it take some catastrophe to change the system, to shake the People out of their somnolence and spur them to lead what can only be describe as a revolution? It looks more and more like it everyday.

So what can WE do, those who choose to be informed and involved do?

For a few moments there it looked as if perhaps we could work through a new Democratic Congress to at least start the process of change. But that was not to be. Right now we are looking at an election where every candidate…including Giuliani now, lol, is promising mightily and loudly to be an agent of change. PERHAPS if we invest ourselves and our energies in that change it WILL work. Seeing as we have no other options directly in front of us, it can certainly be said that it is worth a shot….things can’t get much worse! So select the candidate you think and feel will do the best job and go ahead and invest.

But at the same time, I encourage everyone to look and think deeper. Look for ways to change the entire system, the entire paradigm. Join together with others who are seeking the same change. Find ways to cooperate and communicate and to come together to make that change.

The ‘elite’ won’t do it for us, the politicians won’t do it for us….it is up to us to invent the new world that we so desperately need. And perhaps those of us who are involved and informed can at least have some groundwork laid, some frameworks erected….so that when the rest of the world is ready to move forward, we have already scouted the terrain and marked a path for them to follow.

Let us do OUR best to come together and form the NEW sort of union that will be necessary to build a new world out of the ashes of the old one, that seems to be crumbling before our eyes.

I don’t have THE answer….but I think I know in which direction that answer lies….and I think you do too! It lies in forming cooperative communities of people of good will. And then in aligning those communities together in cooperation and communication and then in aligning again and again in an ever larger network of People willing to put their thought and effort into creating  new paradigms and new systems and entirely new ways of not just problem solving and governing….but of living as well. Of living in harmony…with the planet and with each other.

We have seen the alternative, indeed we are living it right now…and we can see just how badly it works. It will NOT be easy or pretty or painless, overcoming the hatred and cynicism and distrust….but there is really not any other answer!

The bad news is that it is up to us….the good news is that we are doing it….the very start of it at least….right here and right now.



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  2. I think a good start is right in one’s own community.  We all need to learn to be more kindly, friendly and helpful to each other, as we once were in the past — less the age of technology.

    The god-almighty “I” has become the all important in this country.  “Hurray for me — and the f..k you” attitude has helped to bring us where we are today, IMHO!  


    “Hurray for me — and f..k you”

    • odillon on January 15, 2008 at 20:42

    There must be lots of us on the same page here, if I am the second one to commment and I am so utterly of the same mind.

    Very well written, and this is hard to do because the problem is so daunting, the task so huge. It’s so easy to stay overwhelmed and throw up your hands, but as I’m in my 6th decade now I want to see some real progress during my lifetime and have often despaired of that.

    But two things have changed: (1) the rise in John Edwards candidacy and his, I believe, pushing the progressive agenda to good effect, and (2) Democrats and others being disappointed in the Democratic Congress’s ineffectiveness which opened a lot of eyes about the entrenchment of corporate interests in our government.

    I believe you have laid out the scenario very well, buhdy, and that it is just as you say. This is what I’ve been thinking for a couple of years–but I thought no one else, until very recently, thought the same way.

    We do need to support whomever we believe will bring the most desired change. In my case, as much as I long for a woman or a black president (and love Obama) –that’s Edwards.

    Then we need to create that new paradigm, to find a way to move forward. We need a peaceful revolution in America. What more can I say than I agree on every point you made! One thing: I applaud the way you wrote this with a positive tone.

    • Metta on January 15, 2008 at 20:59

    program on the JFK murder and conspiracy last night.  It’s becoming clear how historically imbedded conspiracy thinking is, especially in the united states. It seems like the mysteries that envelope events that come to be known as conspiracies are convenient to the powers that be whether or not the premise is true.  Doubt and suspicion almost never seems to expose and bring charges to dismantle any power structure. Various groups who may benefit from secret actions get all sorts of attention by even being considered extraordinarily powerful. One interesting aspect of conspiracy theory is how many different groups are often blamed for one event even if these groups, (CIA, communists, neo-cons, new world order, etc, etc) have conflicting agendas!

    Distrust seems to be built into our system.  Like the documentary last night stated, when JFK was shot, everyone had a sense that things were massivly changing and that nothing was as it seemed before.  It was presented as probably one the most profound turning points in our history. A harbinger of change or view of what really is? I’m not sure if I’m doing any more than just disjointed thinking and rehashing what I and most people here already know. I’m feeling such a conflict of fear and hope right now that I need to bounce some thoughts through the tubes to clarify.

    Dang, still at work, still trying to blog. : (

    Must stay on task….

  4. …hope stuff.  I am having trouble finding it domestically, the local version is extremely watery, and the world supply is low, making overseas versions quite expensive on my budget.  I keep trying these “grow your own” recipies but for some reason my farming techinque sucks…

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