I am all for running everywhere, and the 50 state strategy.
But neither we nor the Republicans are running everywhere (at least not yet!) In this series, I will look at where we are not running (I am not going to look at where Republicans are not running, as I have no desire to help Republicans, however modestly)
This diary is partly inspired by the great work done by BENAWU.
crossposted to dailyKos
In previous diaries, I looked at TX, OH, and IL, where filing is already closed. Today I look at Maryland, where the filing date is also past
The numbers after each are a) Cook PVI and b) A rating of the district based on a model I created details here – basically a logistic model based on a lot of demographics; the number is the predicted probability of being Republican, based solely on the demographics. I also have a model that includes Cook PVI, but, well….I give you the Cook number too.
Maryland has 8 congressional districts
6 are held by Democrats, 2 by Republicans.
The 6 held by Democrats are
district Cook Prob Repub Incumbent Challenger? rating
2 D+8 .26 Ruppersbergre Yes Fairly safe
3 D+7 .42 Sarbanes Yes (a bunch) Slight vul
4 D+30 .14 Wynn Yes (and primary!) Safe
5 D+9 .56 Hoyer Yes (and primary!) Safe
7 D+25 .08 Cummings Yes (and primary!) Safe
8 D+20 .38 van Hollen Yes (and primary!) Safe
Some of the primaries might get interesting, but I think we are pretty safe with these 6
Only 2 Republican seats: The first and the sixth.
MD-01 R +10 .74 The 1st is the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, and some Republican areas between Annapolis and Baltimore.
Gilchrest, first elected in 1990, is a very moderate Republican, with a 60 rating from the ACLU and 67 from League of Conservation Voters and a 0 from the Christian Coalition.
He’s facing both primary and GE challenges. I think if he survives the primary, he will probably win the general. He has won easily in the past, without having to raise much money. Still, there are Democrats running: Frank Kravotil (cute pic on the web page; 4 boys) and Christopher Robinson and Steve Harper and Joseph Werner. Back in October, Steve Singiser reported FEC filings :
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest–GOP (91K/414K)
Andy Harris–GOP (352K/402K)
Frank Kratovil–DEM (83K/111K)
(the numbers are amount raised in 3rd quarter, and cash on hand.
MD-06 R +13 .80
The 6th is mostly western MD.
Bartlett, first elected in 1992, got challenged by Andrew Duck in 2006; in one of the cheaper contested races (total spending for both was about $630,000), Bartlett won 59-38.
This year, he faces a primary challenge, and then Duck is running again, as are Robin Deibert and Jennifer Dougherty and Rick Lank
I think all 8 seats look pretty safe, unless one of the Republicans loses a primary battle to a right wing loon.
tips, comments, recommends….
questions, requests….
there is a geek among you. 🙂