Go to SC w/me to work for John?

I’d filled out the little form online to say I could go to South Carolina and work for the primary on behalf of Edwards, my choice for president, but I didn’t expect they’d need me.

After all…I can’t pay for my accommodations, and can’t do a lot of walking or standing. But today someone from Edward’s campaign staff in SC called, asking me to come to volunteer –asap.

Turns out they still need people to work the phones in SC from now until the election.

Gas prices what they are I could use some help on fuel costs if you’d care to drive with me (or drive in your car and split gas costs) from Gainesville, FL environs to Charleston and work there this weekend. Yes, I said I’d go on Friday night or Saturday morning, and was given the name of a woman who will try to find me a place to stay.

I’m so committed to working for John Edwards because I truely believe that he is the one who is calling for the drastic, systemic changes we need in America and I’d love to see that happen in my lifetime. Edwards is the one who gets it. He gets it that we need to stop the war, to stop poverty, to have universal health care, to stop the lobbyists from running the country, to stop excessive corporate greed which dampens wages and keeps workers in poverty. He gets all these things and is willing to tell the truth and change things fundamentally.

If it were not for Senator Edwards, the other candidates, Obama and Clinton, would not have moved to more progressive positions. He has moved the debate in the progressive direction! Single-handedly he has done that and I am very grateful.

Despite wanting a black president or a woman president, I decided that the best president is the one who will call for the most systemic, real change in America, the one who will help Americans who need the help, the poor and the uninsured, who will work to give workers better opportunities, get us out of adventurism abroad and bring our troops home. Edwards will change the priorities in our government and help change the whole mentality in Washington, DC and make the US a better world citizen.

Let’s help get him elected.

If you wish to join me in a journey to SC this weekend to make calls for Edwards in Charleston, send me an email! I plan to return to Gainesville, FL on Sunday aft/eve.

Exact times are flexible for me. Also, may go back later next week.

Cross-posted on JohnEdwards.com blog


  1. According to Mapquest, it’s a grand total of 307.38 miles from Gainesville to Charleston.  615 miles round trip.  At 20 mpg, that’s about 31 gallons of gas at say $3.15/gallon, so the total cost is $97.65 for gas.  Figure, $100.00.

    I’ve got $20 for you if you want it.  Just tell me how to get it to you.  I’m asking other folks here to come up with the other $80.

    I’d like to see us support you in this.

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