Here we go AGAIN….parts 1 and 2

Part one:

House Democrats will postpone votes on criminal contempt citations against White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers, while congressional leaders work with President Bush on a bipartisan stimulus package to fend off an economic downturn, according to party leaders and leadership aides.

Senior Democrats have decided that holding a controversial vote on the contempt citations, which have already been approved by the House Judiciary Committee as part of its investigation into the firing of nine U.S. attorneys, would “step on their message” of bipartisan unity in the midst of the stimulus package talks.


“When we have the votes, we’ll go ahead with this. Right now, the votes are just not there,” said one top House Democratic insider, speaking on the condition of anonymity.


Part Two:

Gen. David Petraeus, however, appeared on NBC this morning and rebutted the declarations of mission accomplished and said that he’ll need at least another Friedman Unit before he can make a judgment:

   We think we won’t know that we’ve reached a turning point until we’re six months past it. We have repeatedly said that there is no lights at the end of the tunnel that we’re seeing. We’re certainly not dancing in the end zone or anything like that.

Heck, economic stimulus would actually be good news…if it wasn’t based on the same failed economic ‘trickle on the less fortunate’ voodoo. The Petraeus thing would actually be good news….since he is in effect telling those crowing that we have now WON Iraq, to shut up. It would be good if it worked. Which it won’t.

For anyone interested, winning would be bring the troops home and not pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into Iraq….

….those same hundreds of billions of dollars that are causing the economy to tank….

…so that Nancy and the Stenmeister have to drop everything (?) to bail out Bush’s economy…

….so they don’t have time to hold the folks accountable….

….that got us into this mess in the first place.


One might think that helping Bush on the economy could be used as some sort of leverage, some sort of bargaining chip to obtain concessions or cooperation, that being how politics works and all. One would be wrong.


IOW, say StenNancy,we are SO darn busy putting out the fires that these incompetent criminals have lit, that we don’t have time to do anything about the incompetent criminals, so we will just let them keep giving them money to keep lighting fires for another year….

While we put “bi-partisanship” above the Rule of Law, and they sit back and laugh.

That’s a hell of a Catch.


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  1. Photobucket

    • Edger on January 23, 2008 at 18:21

    Orwell… sorry, I mean oh well.

    Party ownership of the print media

    made it easy to manipulate public opinion,

    and the film and radio carried the process further.

    16. Ministry Of Truth

    • Viet71 on January 23, 2008 at 18:28

    on lefty blogs clearly believe that all will be well once shrub is out of office and a Dem is in the WH.

    What you write here suggests that’s just wishful thinking.

  2. I’m Interviewing Rep. Robert Wexler About Impeachment on Wednesday 3:15-3:45 p.m. ET



    And here’s some news: Wexler is now accepting non-Judiciary Committee members signatures on his letter to Conyers urging Cheney impeachment hearings.

    That means that no matter where you live, you can ask your congress member to contact Wexler and sign his letter!



    John Conyers, Jr., Chairman

    House Judiciary Committee

    2138 Rayburn House Office Building

    Washington, DC 20515

    Dear Chairman Conyers:

    You have been a tireless champion of providing oversight to an Administration that has run roughshod over our constitution, that operates with s no limits on executive branch authority and one that has repeatedly flouted the investigations and oversight the 110th Congress has tried to provide over the past year. We have the greatest respect for the work you have done and believe that impeachment hearings pertaining to Vice President Cheney are the best way to move that work forward.

    Impeachment hearings will allow for the exact kind of oversight that you and the Democratic leadership have provided regarding the actions of the Administration but without the opportunity for the Bush Administration to ignore lawful requests for information, refuse subpoenas and effectively limit its own oversight.

    Impeachment hearings can provide the opportunity to cut through the executive privilege defenses and force this Administration to answer a Congress it has clearly chosen to ignore. We know you would agree that as Members of Congress, we can not allow legitimate oversight to be thwarted or such a dangerous precedent to stand.

    The charges against the Vice President relate to the core actions of this Administration, its unlawful behavior and its abuse of power. We are concerned with alleged crimes that are central to his duties of Vice-President, including credible allegations of abuse of power that if proven may well constitute high crimes and misdemeanors under our constitution. As you know, the charges against Vice President Cheney include providing Congress and the American people false intelligence leading up to the Iraq war, the revelation of the identity of a covert agent for political retaliation, and the illegal wiretapping of American citizens.

    We trust that you will hold a sober investigation and let the facts determine the outcome as you have as Chairman this past year. We sincerely believe that impeachment hearings are the appropriate and necessary next step given what we have seen of this Administration. Chairman Conyers, we are respectfully asking you join us and concerned citizens around the country in supporting impeachment hearings.


    Robert Wexler


  3. with bushco repugs.

    We’re all going down the drain.

    • Zwoof on January 23, 2008 at 19:08

    just thought I’d get a head start.

    • robodd on January 23, 2008 at 19:54

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