Impeaching Republicanism

On the day after MLK’s day of celebration, I wish to emphasize that the party that is running all white male candidates is…..

The Republicans.

As we enter the next Great Depression…or a recession….or whatever this latest nightmare of Republicans manipulating our economy to the detriment of all but the 1%ers will be called, I wish to emphasize where and from who the pain is going to come from.

The Republicans.

As we start another year of Imperial Adventures in the Middle East, merrily killing brown people and sending our sons and daughters of to die to enrich the oil companies and Halliburton, I wish to emphasize who started this shit, who is continuing this shit, and who has run this shitty and unnecessary war as if they were running some podunk circus where the clowns are all too old and fat from greed to get out of the tiny little …unarmored…clown car.

The Republicans.

As we and our loved ones suffer from bad health care with no insurance…while the insurance companies post record profits, I want to emphasize who it is that defeats every attempt at reforming the Health Care industry.

The Republicans.

As we watch our neighbors evicted from their home and thrown out on the street, as we watch them and ourselves struggle under crippling credit card debt, I wish to emphasize who rammed through the Bankruptcy Bill …letting yet another industry write its own regulations.

The Republicans.

As we communicate electronically with each other trying desperately to do something…anything to make things better and to wrest control away from the people who are screwing things up so badly, let me emphasize who is spying on us  right here right now…and reading your e-mails and opening your mail and listening to your phone calls, and if they wish…searching your house without you knowing it.

The Republicans.

As we watch our educational system….our future…wither away and our educatinal standards plummet through lack of vision and support, I wish to emphasize who is responsible for the horrific NCLB, AND for underfunding it.

The Republicans.

As we watch our brave troops who have been asked to sacrifice their lives and health to serve us and our nation return home with PTSD, return home to no or bad medical and psychological care….and to sleep under bridges, I offer a reminder of whose policy it is to underfund VA services to a shocking and shameful degree.

The Republicans.

On the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, let us remember who it is that thinks the state should have control over a womans body and a womans right to choose for herself how to run her sex life and her family life.

The Republicans.

As we hit $100 a barrel oil and the rising gas costs that will further cripple our economy and our family budgets, I wish to emphasize which party put pawns of the Oil Companies in the White House to facilitate THEIR record profits…at our expense.

The Republicans.

As the planet warms and species disappear and weather patterns change….thus causing food production and economic hardships and who knows what disastrous consequences for the entire planet, I wish to emphasize who is blocking progress on addressing Climate Crisis.

The Republicans.

In conclusion….though I could go on….I leave you with two words.

Hurricane Katrina.


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  1. Photobucket

    • OPOL on January 22, 2008 at 18:29

    The Republicans.

  2. There was a video taken by a gal walking around in an old, abandoned railroad repair facility in Indiana in the comments of a diary sometime in the last 2 months (Unfortunately, I lost the URL) showing how it had been remodeled by the U.S. Army to be a detention center. Complete with observation towers, bricked in windows, signs, like parking space signs, on fences next to rail lines, but the spaces were only wide enough for humans to line up on, and the parking lot where these signs were had security fencing surrounding it, with the barb wire on top of the fence pointing in at the parking lot. The only access to any of the various parts of the facility was through electronically controlled, barred turnstiles. Towards the end of the video, the camera panned upwards and she remarked on the black helicopter above, which showed up every time she visited the site.

    It makes my gut wrench, and chills run up and down my spine just to think about it, but………… just saying.  

    • jim p on January 23, 2008 at 03:20

    with this as the text! If only buhdydharma had some skill in using images, and had lots and lots of free time, he could do it. But someone must.

    Seriously. If this isn’t the best political ad ever written–it tells the truth plainly–I can’t remember the other.

    Truly outstanding, and it must be replicated and widely read.

    Heck, I even see this essay has a URL

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