Peak Republican?

Why, by Hera’s Holy Hotpants, Are Republicans Still Credible?

Or are they?

Think of the words Republican and scandal together and you quickly realize that there really are just too many to remember comprehensively. From the stolen election 0f 2000 to Abramoff to Iraq to Katrina to Schiavo to Plame to Scooter to Foley, Vitter and Craig, to whatever the scandal du jour happens to be….and it is an amazing compilation, the seemingly never ending list of egregious offenses is stunningly large and is still growing. Not just Bush scandals, but the entire Republican party, at every level. And though we all know the Old Media and the Villagers are doing everything they can and have been for years to not cover it, to minimize it, deny it and cover it up….is it possible that the General Populace has finally caught on?

Have we reached Peak Republican?

Heck, they cannot agree on a standard bearer for their nomination!

The once lauded front runner is the poster boy for scandal…and is nearly out of the race. Is he the posterboy for the death of 9/11 based politics, of fear based politics as well?

Ad worst of all, sin of sins….and the possible death knell of the party for the immediate future….the economy is in the process of tanking big time, right before a critical election that WILL decide a new direction for the country….no matter who wins..

They are out of solutions and out of ideas….are they out of time as well?

Now I am not suggesting that they are no longer dangerous, not by a long shot! Even if the Gen Pop IS tired of the lies and the wars and the scandals, the media will still prop them up…as will the corporations and the now even more powerful MIC.  Really this is just a feeling…just the outliers of a feeling really, call it an instinct. What do you think?



Ps…PC problems! If this publshes I will be amazed!


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  1. My connection is more unreliable than Cheneys pacemaker!  I can’t even get into Photobucket, so use your imagination!


  2. Then it pub’d the intro twice!! I am SURE that wasn’t operator error!!! (maybe)

    Please allow me to reiterate….Aaaaargh!

    At least it let me fix it

    • robodd on January 17, 2008 at 20:32

    if democrats are not complicit in their survival.

  3. not only glamorous but very low maintenance to keep expenses down during the coming depression. Peak Republicans — love it!!


    • nocatz on January 17, 2008 at 20:47


    • Edger on January 17, 2008 at 21:06

    • nocatz on January 17, 2008 at 21:13

    conclusively proves buhdy’s thesis


  4. Gen. Tommy Franks Paid $100,000 To Endorse ‘F’ Veterans Charity

    Retired U.S. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, who led the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, was paid $100,000 to endorse a veterans charity that watchdog groups say is ripping off donors and wounded veterans by using only a small portion of the money raised for veterans services, according to testimony in Congress today.

    Now, Why Aren’t Those Fighting The Wars Reaping From These Charities and Society!

    An educated guess would be Franks carries an ‘R’!

    • documel on January 17, 2008 at 21:33

    Had lunch with a moderate Republican yesterday and heard him bash almost all of the Republican wannabes–except McCain.  The straight talking bullshit rides again.  My neighbor couldn’t respond to the McCain hug of Bushie and the likelihood of Iraq being a hundred year war under McCain.

    If he’s representative of many Rs, we should do very well.  McCain is the moderates last gasp, and that film of “the hug” will doom him.  A macaca moment, squared!

  5. if anyone is likely to cling to a failed philosophy and a dying party, despite all evidence of its core rottenness and against all logic, it’s your run-of-the-mill republican bootlick.  

    dont forget, scads of these folks still proudly fly the confederate flag…..sigh….

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