Well this poem actually has a title.
It is inspired by the candidate diaries over at Daily Kos — no, not the diaries themselves or Daily Kos as a political weblog. Just the people themselves, many of whom I do not know at all.
Anyway, here it is.
by Nightprowlkittyyou tell me
with great passion
your blazing
visionswith sincerity
you tell me this
and it cannot
be deniedI believe you!
Your heart beats
no different
than my own.you tell me
and so do
a million more
in rages
of enlightenmentworldwide
treasure hunt,
digging deep
to find
the common
The End.
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… just saw buhdy’s essay on the same subject, but with a different angle.
we’re so versatile here at docudharma …
Loved Caneel’s post as well.
Here’s one of mine…
Ancient musty secrets
The forbidden knowledge of kings
Jewels of insight–precious pearls of understanding
Wisdom in its many paradoxical guises
It is and
It isn’t
And it shall always be so
Behold all you pilgrims
The mystery and the magic
Of the Tangerine Moon
at least there’s a pootie party on the rec list over there right now!
I guess everyone is feeling just about the same…candidate wars can only last so long (gawd I hope)!
kewl poem npk.
just to get you in the mood: Here’s Io!

when are you gonna recite these babies into your mic?

now that i know what your voice sounds like, i want to hear you speak these last two poems.