Republicans Need Do-Over Debates.

So I’ve been suffering through the Paul-less Thug “Forum” of the Thug Network, Faux Noise, so heinous their open and obvious advocacy of 9iu11ani that even Thugs shun them as biased Beltway bootlickers.

And I’m about to take it apart bit by bit but I suddenly flash on the fact that the fantasy fest is finally exposed anyway, that last night’s juxtaposition of their back to back bizarro and reality world visions seal the deal.

This in studio puff piece of makeuped and lighted comedy cuts to the chase that is the manicured mannequin idiot mouthpieces of the plutocrat class and their Villager serfs.  I hope they broadcast it forever- corrupt to the core corporatist cronies of our totalitarian takeover and the surveillance society.

TV watch you.

The reasons they need Do-Overs is they are ashamed and embarrassed by the very nature of the shameless sycophants, racists and greedos that ditto their dubious declarations.  A bunch of Bible brandishing brainless twits they seek nothing so much as to openly display their basest biased prejudices to cheers of forced approval.

Clap.  Clap.  Clap.  Clap.  All hail the Hypnotoad.

I hope the hypocrisy of anyone who takes this travesty of what used to be a political party and is now nothing more than a cadre of criminals seriously self identifies as Villagers so we can shun them.

Even Hollywood can’t put lipstick on this pig.


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  1. If you feel the need to.

    • robodd on January 7, 2008 at 05:12

    but I was thinking I could have learned more if they had just had a contest:  who among them could stand up the longest.

  2. Here I am!

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    • TMC on January 7, 2008 at 05:34

    that I have kept with tradition. Since the debates are no longer moderated by the League of Women Voters, I have not watch one of them, Democratic or Republican. These are not debates, they are bashing sessions. There is no substance and there are no answers to questions, even when the question has substance. These people couldn’t debate their way out of a wet paper bag.

    • Pluto on January 7, 2008 at 05:40

    …I actually logged on.

    Dood! I love it when you talk like that.

  3. they’re wishing they’d kept Tommy around.

  4. hypnotoad

    Note that the other M$M corpo-media is dutifully omitting Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinch from their “poll results”.

    The selection process is complete, pick your favorite Manchurian.

  5. It might be a total throw-away, but who knows? You sorta have to suspend your reality-based thinking to get it.

    What if these Repug frontrunners blow it so badly that Guliani starts looking good to them again by Feb. 5th?

    • TheRef on January 7, 2008 at 15:18

    how did you like the play?

    Personally, I liked the after match ‘focus’ group. Ask by the propagandist, Mr. Luntz, if they were for Mr. Romney when entering the room, four or five raised their hands. Asked who was for Mr. Romney now, an overwhelming number raised their hands…. Strange way to interact with a Focus Group …didn’t think you were supposed to lead them to a conclusion.

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