Please conduct any financial wagers offsite…just to be sure!!
But for fun…why not record our picks here, if only for bragging rights??
The Giants are 12 point dogs going in, and the over/under is at 54.5, according to
I’m taking the under (risky, i know), and the G-men…i’m picking them straight up, in fact, but the spread can only help me…
My parents also like to have a pool where everyone submits a number which they are guessing will be the total combined score. closest without going over wins. Im guessing 39.
any takers?
ok, so i want the pats to lose and all…but tom brady suuuuure is purty…
We’re leaving shortly to take in some sights and nourishment before attending the flyers/ducks game tonight…so feel free to leave your picks if you choose, but i wont be here to rag on you about them. poor you
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ill take the giants, the under, and combined score of 39. you?
I am thinking a slightly higher score with an extra FAG or so..
We need to think about a pool for the tournament, do yahoo do one?
Total points: 76. Final score: 39-37.
How so? The Pats score a lot of points. They can score 37 easily. The Jints need to win by 2. There you have it. Can I have that beer now?
have to believe Patriots by a lot. A lot.